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 Mar 2013 Jamie Dee Hart
 Mar 2013 Jamie Dee Hart
We run blind,
Hair blowing, arms flailing as
Blithe heart’s make a blind start
Into the sweet unknown.
Taste the tangy so-its-sore,
Such as licorice sherbet straws.

Poor blind hearts.
Caught in the net of Time,
Sickly sweet now obsolete,
My heart starts to beat
Away from my running feet.
I don't like those straws no more.
 Mar 2013 Jamie Dee Hart
Don’t over ponder the things you don’t have power
Sometimes you just have to let time slide by
For the chances to pass by
Making a road of much better opportunity along the way…

In life some chances are not meant to be understood
But intended to be learned as you had experienced those times

*© Pax
 Mar 2013 Jamie Dee Hart
Katie J
What if people lie,  
in order to protect others.
Although, to be protected,
I would rather know the truth.
Wouldn't you?
Why then do they lie,
choose to hurt us?
Can they not see the pain we breath? Or,
maybe the pain is natural? So, it is thought as nothing.
Either way they continue to lie,
yet protect others all the same.
The door that someone opened
The door that someone closed
The chair on which someone sat down
The cat that someone petted
The fruit that someone bit into
The letter that someone read
The chair that someone tipped over
The door that someone opened
The road where someone is still running
The woods that someone crossed running
The river in which someone jumped
The hospital where someone died.
Our fathers have returned to the earth, &
our mothers sob by their headstones, wailing,
"So you couldn't stand me any longer?"

            .... ....

The red lamps glow
in warm weather;
it is festival season.

Beneath the cedar
you and I talk of
friends who've
left for the academy.
you remind me of the first time i saw fireworks

you remind me of things i thought i loved
a purple bunny called Hoppy
a heater on a cold morning
every Alleluia chorus
every Sunday morning.

you remind me of the sun, the moon, the stars,
how i thought i loved them all
and how i thought
they were
so beautiful

you remind me
of songs i used to sing
when i was very young
all those fleeting feelings of
what i thought was
untethered joy

oh my love, oh my world,
i never loved till you.
I can not keep it bottled in side me.
Leaking drops lead to spilt words on open ears.
I empty my soul and filled your glass.
Leaving me with doubts and fears of if you will share it's taste.

Paranoid by piercing eyes and broken whispers.
My palms begin to cry, my mind races.
I am silent but my thoughts scream.
In your ears i gave my trust and only asked .....can you keep a secret?
Awakened at midnight
by the sound of the water jar
cracking from the ice
I felt the mind melting…
I found the eyes bleeding…
I saw the blood drawing a heart on floor…
The symbol of Love…
Lost Love…
Still to reflect your face in it …
I Miss you…

— The End —