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Jami Morton Sep 2010
It's a distance
A darkness
A feeling
That just consumes you
Breaks you
And tears you apart
You fight it
But still fall
Because you're weaker
And it's smarter
It knows how to prey on all your weaknesses
All your moments
And as you stand back trying to hold on
You realize that there is nothing you can do
Because it doesn't creep
It attacks
It's not slow
It's a tornado
One second you're whole
The next you're scattered into a thousand pieces
And you're just fighting to survive
It destroys you
And laughs at the destruction
Jami Morton Sep 2010
Become someone incredible
That way,
When you finally find the strength to look yourself in the eye,
You don't flinch
You don't hide
You stand tall
And you find a reason to smile
To be proud
To feel like you've accomplished something
Become amazing
The person you always said you were
The person you always claimed to be
The person that they think you are
Because you should be that person
That belief in you that those people hold
That should be your goal
Your dream
And ultimately,
That should be your destination
Because once you decide
You'll be there
You'll be the person you were scared to hope for
You never thought you would end up there
And you're so relieved that you did
Become the unthinkable
The undeniable
The undefinable
Become yourself
Minus the fears
Jami Morton Sep 2010
Tempt me
Oh push me just a little further
Let me feel it
Let me taste it
Give me something I can't handle
Just drop me off the edge
So I can blame you
And just give in
Fall down
And catch myself in your arms
Give me my excuse
And wrap me up
Just don't stop what you're doing
Don't think
Don't let me go
Because the more I wait
The worse it becomes
I just want a moment with you
I just want to know
If it's as amazing as it seems
Or if I'm creating a fantasy
Don't drag me any more
Take me
Use me
Destroy me
Jami Morton Sep 2010
It only seems like we have seconds -
Only seconds of clarity
Only those blink of an eye moments
When it's all clear
And we understand so perfectly
Why is has all happened
Why it all unraveled
And why we held on for so long
And as soon as we finally see,
It's gone.
The fog rolls back in
And all that understanding
Turns into the gray it previously was
Jami Morton Sep 2010
You broke me
One piece at a time
Tore me down
All that I had fought for
All that I had hoped for
It all fell in piles around me
And as I reached out to try and catch it,
I find myself a second too slow
And I lifetime behind
And I see the failures growing in size around me
And here I am
Watching it
With no control
Because of you
You came into my life and took over
You came in and destroyed it all
So what do you expect me to do?
After all that happened,
What did you leave me with?
Besides all that I need to pick up.
And there you are
And it's too far away
Jami Morton Sep 2010
How do you do it?
Just put yourself in that position?
Over and over again?
And still come up with excuse after excuse to justify your actions
Or should I say, his actions?
It amazes me how many footprints you have across your face.
And yet you lay down, and just let him keep walking.
And you tell me how things are different,
Every other week or so...
It's not good enough.
And you know it.
I just wish there was something more I could do.
Something more I could say.
I just wish I could help.
Because I sit here and it eats at me.
I can never say enough.
And I know it's not my place.
I know it's your life.
But at the same time, you come to me for a reason.
I will support you through everything.
You know that.
I've proven that.
But I really need a guide book now
Because there is nothing I can say that will make this right.
You're falling apart.
And as I try to help you pick yourself back up,
You turn around and go back to the same old pattern.
And I just bow my head and follow you
Hoping that one day, you'll keep walking.
I'll never give up.
I don't want you to worry about that.
I'll always be here.
But don't get mad at me for being honest.
This isn't right.
And you tell me that it's not every time we talk.
And yet, you're stuck.
Lost in love?
I guess I can try to understand that,
But then again, I'm cynical
And hardly the person to give advice on that subject.
I just wish that,
For once,
You words and your actions matched.
And if it was really meant to be,
That boy would fall in step
And be the person you know he can be
Instead of being the person he is getting away with being.
He knows that he has you trapped.
Wrapped around his pinkie.
(And honey, that should be the other way around.)
He's just basking in it,
He has won.
And with all your sacrifices
And all you've done
It will never be enough.
Because tomorrow will come,
And you'll see again
That you have more groveling to do.
And more **** to take.
And lose more and more of your pride,
And independence
As each second passes.
But I'm here for you.
And I'll tell you everyday,
You are amazing.
And beautiful.
And one day,
You'll have everything you deserve.
Jami Morton Sep 2010
Void of all chains and rules
Independent yet flighty
A dangerous combination
Shadows lurk and dissipate
Rendering the subject senseless
Descent into Hell.
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