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Jami Morton Sep 2010
Of the darkness that takes my breath
It is only yours I seek
Falling heavily on our hearts
It's destiny
Two souls connecting in a flurry of mind and body
Detached from reality
A resounding whisper
Tangible, but almost unperceived
A delicate balance of fallen heroes and starving hope
I seek the future
And yet, have found an abyss
A pull so strong that my world seems to lay baited
On the possibilities that could be
Deftly defying all odds
I'm swept up
Impervious to ailment and frailty
Only set up for one purpose
To seek that which you hold
To be that which you are
And become that which we were made to be
As one.
Jami Morton Sep 2010
Smooth -
Slowly running down your skin
Dangerous -
For you cannot control what's next
A devious grin
Combined with a solid hold
Trapped -
By an overwhelming desire
For one more touch
One more moment
Of complete abandonment
Silenced by the heat in your gaze
Breathless -
Trembling -
Jami Morton Sep 2010
The heat of your gaze is piercing my skin
Is penetrating the wall I had erected around me
It's testing every limit
And finding every crack in my, otherwise, immaculate facade
Even the tiniest flaw has grown giant
And the slightest push
Brings it all crashing down
Defying even the strongest of barriers
The force being pressed against me in undeniable
I'll have to submit
I lose ground every second
To your perfection
The glint in your eye
Speaks of a delicious evil
That I can't help but yearn for
And the more I hold myself down
The more I find myself reaching out
Just to have another taste
Of the treasures you bring me
My resistance amuses you
And you encourage my refusals
Just so you can feel yourself break me again and again
Every time you take me
The battle is yours
Jami Morton Sep 2010
Deliver me
From the pit I stand at
Teetering at the precipice
Flirting with disaster
Just hoping for a little strength to take the step back
Or the push that sends me over the edge
Flying off
And plummeting below
Watch me
As I dance at the surface
And tease the demons lurking beneath me
And as I cross the point of no return
Pray for me
That I find the chance to turn around
From the path that leads me astray
Test me
As I keep up my games
And distract myself from my responsibilities
Give me hope
And hold your breath
As I choose to bathe myself in darkness
And tumble with the secrets and desires of evils far beyond me
Just keep holding on
As I careen around in the shadows
As I try to disappear
Jami Morton Sep 2010
Don't you want to feel it?
All that sensation
Falling across your body
That tingling feeling that just caress's you from head to toe
Don't you want to know what it's like?
And as each fingertip touches feather-light across you
Do you feel your toes curl?
Your back arch?
And your mind explode?
Do you feel yourself crashing?
Falling into an oblivion
Feel yourself becoming weightless and delirious
The hair falling across your face
The hands sliding over your skin
Just sending you spinning and spinning
Dipping below the edge of no return
Daring you to just try and catch your breath
Whispering promises and secrets that only your skin can feel
The touch of such promiscuity
Of such emotion
The touch of pure passion and aggression
And nothing holding you down
Gravity dissolving
And you're airborne
Higher than ever before
Holding on with both hands
Gripping for your life
To the only thing that matters
This moment
This place and time
And these waves plunging in and out of your mind, body and spirit
Dependent on nothing
Waiting for no one
No hope
No fear
Just this perfection surrounding you
And this moment of completion
Your current bliss
Jami Morton Sep 2010
This is just the moment where I give up
I stop dreaming of a change
I just move on
And leave all my hopes on the ground
Shed a tear for each one that falls
But continue on
And as they fall away
Become more numb with each step
And they continue to rain down
I held on to all I could
And just watched as they all became meaningless
Watched as I became meaningless
And now I let my dreams pour out
I let them go
With no more reason to fight
And no more hope left
For they will never come to pass
As it is not in my future
Step again
Wishing to find a piece to hold
But still it all slips away
Reaching out to nothing
Because I no longer have a path
And those hopes keep dropping around me
As one by one I let them go
Jami Morton Sep 2010
I don't understand
how one things turns into another
how you turn around
and it's gone
the time
the place
the memory
swept right away
it's confusing
this disappearance
and you cry out
hoping against hope
that it's hiding
right in front of you
but the more you go on
the more you lose
and most of the time you don't even realize it
you just discover it one day
that everything isn't as it once was
and you're floating along a different path
it's better than it just being ripped away
it's better than that free fall feeling
the one where it seems like you'll never reach land
and when you do
you are crushed
into a million tiny pieces
and you pick each one up
and try to fit yourself back together
only to realize
that you'll never be able to find all the pieces
you'll forever be only a part of what you once where
and all those bits you lose
those are what you long for most
you can't miss what you still have
so you dwell on that that got away
that which abandoned you
or that got lost
I'm just trying to understand it all
that silly game of life we play
we never get what we set out for
no matter what you might think
we're all just pawns for others
just pieces
of one giant puzzle
that we will never see completed
because it's not ours
it never was ours
and it never will be
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