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i see the grass covered in dead leaves
it looks sad
tainted in a way
the grass seems to be dying
the scene holds such a still silence

the trees hang over with thousands of naked arms curving down
its almost as if they're pouring all of their sadness,
all their sorrows,
and all their tragedy into the ground
and seeping into the entirety of the earth
straight to its very heart
and gently slicing into its soul

making the ground weak
and all are fearful of a dark cloudy day
because what is left to trust
if the ground falls apart and the sun and the sky are no longer here for us?
and family and friends are no use because they're afraid as well

so what will the world come to when sadness, fear, and sorrow come to seize us all?
what will the passing days and years go by as?
will all the world sink into the cracks in the ground,
and crumble into an eternal oblivion?
that we may finally meet that which we are all destined to face
something so unavoidable,
so inevitable,
so undeniable,
the most expected moment of our lives.

the end of all things.

must be beautiful.
today was just such a dark inspiration
Antelopes can gallop,
they'll only pass me by,
I stood still on the zebra crossing,
yet failed to catch your eye

Take one step back,
deep into the blue,
a thousand wishes which we dared,
in thawed hearts may be true

Tree's bend and break,
by a force we struggle to see,
fitting a camel through the eye of a needle,
we're all consumed by our own greed

Yesterday's paper is never yesterday's news,
because what once was steers my current,
it's all within my reach and grasp,
but I'll keep shaking hands to myself for fear of losing courage
© Katrina Smith, 2o1o
My father is a man of no houses
He tells life by the sunlight
Rises only when it's set.
He told me once my name would be Ocean
The eyes I recieved from him.
Our skin is of the moon
We live for the stars.

Etched in my memory are waters
His freckled hands pulling me through the current.
Hiding from the sun under pools
River protecting us from earth.
Sun would show me
It was no friend.

My father left in my third autumn
The sun had dried the river bed.
His farewell kiss lingers
Still on my brow.
In dreams I trace it
Like the final plunge to the river
I will swim again.
Pour me a drink
Bourbon on the rocks.

Why is this music so loud?
so flashy and colorful.
Lovers dancing,
Trumpets blaring
The bass bumpin’…

people are having fun,
enjoying themselves.

I dare to let a smile creep across my face
as the ashes fall from my cigarette
My eyes close as the music
grows softer but the people still dance…
smoke clouds the air as the colors dull into the night…

on the beach
with a drink and a smoke,
the reggae band pumpin’ it out,
the guitar wailing,
keyboard buzzing

people are laughing
enjoying themselves
and living life –
no regrets

funny –
I remember life having responsibilities  and being stressful.

A long drag from my cigarette
and I close my eyes as the tropical breeze
turns back into a cloud of smoke

my eyes open –
the band still jammin’
the bar jammed just as much

the smile’s gone as I sigh
oh look – Billie Holiday’s up next
pour me another drink Bartender.
the night is young
and I don’t wanna go home.
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

— The End —