An old man still on the street corner with a tin Cup in his hand. He would sing and dance a little bit for people that would walk by and if you like what he did he would ask can you spare a few dimes. His clothes showed sign of age and his hair was white and gray but he did not seem to have want or need, he just came out everyday. Some people wondered if he was crazy, other thought he was just a ***, but if you saw what he would do each night, then you would understand why he would do his little song and dance and Shake That Old tin can. When the sun were begin to sit low, the old man would take a walk down the street. They'd walk inside a little chapel and before an altar he would kneel. He would parties cup into the collection plate, and say Lord I did the best I could I hope that this little bit helps and there with it you can do some good. He would then get up and move on and go about his way, until the Sun would rise up and he started again the next day. One day you're the old man came up missing, where did he go you suppose? Nobody seemed to really miss him they just walk by and didn't notice at all. He finished up his work one day and did as he had done many nights before, but this time when he went to the alter he was met there by the Lord! He was pulled up from bending knees and Jesus Took the cup from his hand. The Lord then placed the crown upon his head, and the heavens began to expand. The old man turned around and he look back upon his life. He heard every prayer he prayed install every time you brought in his little can. What he saw now that he didn't see then, was that God had a master plan. Every few dollars the one in that plate, went into Masters hands! They're Jesus spoke over it and supplied it with blessings they could not be given by man. The old man self children being fed and people being taught the word. Then the Lord said to him the half that you have done is not even been known, but for your faithful service I now welcome you home. So when you think the smallest thing that you do is not enough, just remember that great things come on the smallest deed when it's touched by God's love.