I sit in my rocking chair and look out the window, I see the Seasons changing around me. My world has gotten smaller, now that age has taken hold. Once I could go where I would, now I am restricted. If it's too hot or if it's too cold, my joints seem to bother me and my energy quickly flows away. My grandchildren used to visit often, but now they seldom come. When they were younger I could see the world through their eyes as I would sit and listen to the stories for hours, but those happenings were in days gone by. So now I wait on people to come, strangers that I do not know. They talk to me kindly, but they are only paid to be here. Those whom I cherished, have lives of their own to live. I hold no animosity toward them, for I know that this is just how it is. I look out the window frequently, wondering when I will see death coming to call. So far he hasn't paid me a visit, but perhaps it won't be that long. As the world around me closes in, it becomes harder for me to get around. I'm left only to look at the things around my room and to listen for Quiet Sounds. It won't be long now I think, when that which I once feared will come and set me free. It is my belief and Hope that when the veil is pulled back, that there will be a new door for me to walk through. For the world is getting even tighter around me and it can't push me much further in. I long to see a quiet end, and for a brand new journey to begin.
Dedicated to my mother god be with you on your new journey