Oh the sun never sets on the British empire. While it's elite get rich off of the backs of it's subjects. The bureaucrats craft their ideologies and implement their plans. All boxes are checked and everything is grand. Wait a moment a hick cup as occurred, a baby name Charlie Gard a name you might not have heard. The bureaucracy says that we shall just let him die, while mum and dad sit by and can only cry. The horror of the bureaucrats to take our child from us. The stress has become awful, it is just too much. Despite the attention that has come from abroad. The American President, even the Pope has gotten involved, but no there can be no help, no where or why. The socialist wankers of the European state say the baby has to die.
This is written in protest of the way the Oligarchs of the EU and the UK are treating the family of Charlie Gard, even though there is a possible cure for his condition in the U.S., but they just want to one off him like the ****'s used to. No offense is intended to the average men and women of Europe or the UK.