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Feb 2016 · 489
James Gomez Feb 2016
It was getting late in the year,
the sky had been low and overcast for days,
and I was drinking tea in a glassy room
with a woman without children,
a gate through which no one had entered the world.

She was turning the pages of an expensive book
on a coffee table, even though we were drinking tea,
a book of colorful paintings—
a landscape, a portrait, a still life,
a field, a face, a pear and a knife, all turning on the table.

Men had entered there but no girl or boy
had come out, I was thinking oddly
as she stopped at a page of clouds
aloft in a pale sky, tinged with red and gold.
This one is my favorite, she said,

even though it was only a detail, a corner
of a larger painting which she had never seen.
Nor did she want to see the countryside below
or the portrayal of some myth
in order for the billowing clouds to seem complete.

This was enough, this fraction of the whole,
just as the leafy scene in the windows was enough
now that the light was growing dim,
as was she enough, perfectly by herself
in her place in the enormous mural of the world.
Copyright © 2008 Billy Collins
Feb 2016 · 384
du jour
James Gomez Feb 2016
defined by physics
described by poets
twirling daughter, centered son
waltzing through created space

small step
     giant leap                
illuminated darkness

lifelines measured
lifetimes managed
birthing mother, waiting father
each day its intended place
James Gomez Aug 2015
His golden locks Time hath to silver turn'd;  
  O Time too swift, O swiftness never ceasing!  
His youth 'gainst time and age hath ever spurn'd,  
  But spurn'd in vain; youth waneth by increasing:  
Beauty, strength, youth, are flowers but fading seen;
Duty, faith, love, are roots, and ever green.

His helmet now shall make a hive for bees;  
  And, lovers' sonnets turn'd to holy psalms,  
A man-at-arms must now serve on his knees,  
  And feed on prayers, which are Age his alms:
But though from court to cottage he depart,  
His Saint is sure of his unspotted heart.

And when he saddest sits in homely cell,
  He'll teach his swains this carol for a song,—  
'Blest be the hearts that wish my sovereign well,
  Curst be the souls that think her any wrong.'  
Goddess, allow this agèd man his right  
To be your beadsman now that was your knight.
1....Age his alms: Alms for his old age.
2....Saint: Queen Elizabeth I.
3....cell: A room in his cottage.
4....swains: Country fellows.
5....Goddess: Queen Elizabeth I.
6....Beadsman: One who prays; one who uses rosary beads to pray.
Jun 2015 · 344
not yourself
James Gomez Jun 2015
i'm not myself
i'm somebody else
or living out a life that isn't or wasn't mine
i don't know

i readily take on forms
and my lips frame words
that are not my shape or thoughts

i'm a product of environment
of culture, of class
i'm chameleonic

don't judge me
i am you
Jun 2015 · 799
vehicular poeticide
James Gomez Jun 2015
automobile assault again
churchlot crasher.
departed, damage done
forgoing forgiveness.
grumbling gomez glowers,
impossible immunity.
jeez! just...****!
lot leaver!
mangled mobility machine
overnight observation.
poignant payment, pending
recompensing ravager.
supposing satisfactory salvage.
May 2015 · 438
show me the memory
James Gomez May 2015
Uncovered hist'ry
Knives, loathing, misfortune's sting
All scars tell stories
May 2015 · 883
James Gomez May 2015
throat punch want
hallway haunt
sternum crush
swirly flush
bigot smack
sneak attack
grapple hold
ankle rolled
****** nose
shredded clothes
bruised and worn
ego torn

love withheld...
screws up the poem of your life
May 2015 · 741
love languages - words
James Gomez May 2015
Some boy wrote a note to my daughter:
"Your voice, a thing divine."
He quoth the bard of yesteryear
Love shared, by design

"Dad! My ovaries just exploded!"
What every father wants to hear
Well done, young lad. Well said
Love spoken, crushes fear

My care for her, unmatched
No mimic is available
So, I will speak with words attached
To love that is invisible
Love language challenge. The focus here is "words of affirmation."
May 2015 · 353
soon (10w)
James Gomez May 2015
One of us is leaving...

...both of us are gone.
Woke up with this
May 2015 · 403
midnight snark
James Gomez May 2015
late at night
bowl of white
fill it right
take a bite

tummy polled
bread to hold
jelly cold
spread and fold

hunger or habit
simply grab it
whole or halve it

bunny rabbit
As a general rule, don't let Cap'n Crunch inspire a poem...he'll leave you hangin'...
May 2015 · 487
poetic intent (10 w)
James Gomez May 2015
Thoughts transcribed, easy essay
Poetry profound, feelings found,
Emotions unbound
May 2015 · 978
fortune teller's booth
James Gomez May 2015
Consult kiosk, medium or sayer of sooth
For answers to riddles seek out earthly sleuth
They lie, can't you tell?
The wise know the quelle
the Word, the bearer of truth
Limerick challenge. Not obscene.
Apr 2015 · 2.8k
nerd fest
James Gomez Apr 2015
Star Wars, X-Men
CoD, Pacific Rim
Lego brick, Ranger Rick
Graphic novel, the Tick

World War history
Model cars, chemistry
Nerf gun, Comicon
Myth Buster Byron

Extra credit, Cosplay
Risk, Chess, Anime
Billy Nye, ask why
You're the one, don't deny
Ode to my son
Apr 2015 · 463
the final countdown (10w)
James Gomez Apr 2015
sitting duck
fish out of water
dog tired
pastoral fodder
Life in the last weeks and days of current ministry
Apr 2015 · 825
shingle insight
James Gomez Apr 2015
nothing prepares a man for the moment he becomes
less than who he used to be
not broken, not perfect
useful, but not skilled
alive, but not invincible

I am tired
roofing with Darin (Leaky), Duane and Aaron
Apr 2015 · 1.0k
radio voice
James Gomez Apr 2015
quiet, deep, raspy
clearing your throat after sleep
**** phlegm lingers
morning disc jockey passion
broken stigma, silence gone
a tanka
Apr 2015 · 1.3k
life's theatre
James Gomez Apr 2015
the roles people play
cosmetic tunic, armor and robe
in cerebral dungeons delay
and physical dragons slay

pursuing love's elusive Yahtzee
flowers, candy and ethereal prince
show the smile, hide the ****
intensely adore, joie de vivre

blessed are those whose heart and eyes
see us for who we are
the stage, the act be circumsized
undressed relationships the prize
Apr 2015 · 571
James Gomez Apr 2015
Flavorful combo
Word sauce and meaty nuance
Poem burrito
Hungry for delicious expression
Apr 2015 · 1.6k
nothing spectacular
James Gomez Apr 2015
Arguably benign
Collecting dust, eventually
Graciously heroic
Intrepid justification, knowing
Mistakenly nerdy
Or perhaps quite
Reasonably serendipitous...
Triumphantly understood
Validating wisdom
Yellow zealot
Could be anybody. Could be everybody.
Apr 2015 · 341
late arrival
James Gomez Apr 2015
I'm never on time
I show up, it's not too late
The clock keeps ticking
I want to blame somebody or something else
Apr 2015 · 361
James Gomez Apr 2015
Part of a whole, but the rest is missing

Nice, but not kind
Polite, but not caring
Proper, but not loving
Obedient, but without passion

A body, without a soul
Economy of words
Apr 2015 · 371
James Gomez Apr 2015
Consciously aware
Foolish, sleepy, battle worn
I stay up all night
Dabbling here, with no expectation of anything amazing.

— The End —