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50+ likes.
Thats what its all about.
its like I got a new rake.
because Im just raking in the likes.
sorta like "likes" are leaves
and im...
raking them
likes on facebook = meaning of life
Strap those puppies on,
no wait their rubber.
Its only two bucks
man thats cheaper than supper.
We walked all those trails,
with snowshoes tightly bound,
because just above those lone snowshoes,
your sole can be found.
 Feb 2014 Jake Jackson
Five steps or five thousand                                        
Her gait is just the same

Poets, painters
Can be tortured souls

But gardeners
Are at one with the world

No screens flash
No keyboard clicks

A woman she must prove her worth
Hood up, body bent
Her conversation polite

But minimal
Her gaze steadfast
Down to earth

Her gloved hands
Coaxing life from the bedraggled
Winter flower bed
They rescheduled the tater tot party for Saturday
I was tired on Saturday
And I had already eaten hash browns
And they had no ketchup
So I had to decline

You have to pick and choose these days
You can't overcommit
Or you'll burn yourself out
 Feb 2014 Jake Jackson
For many years we have stood side by side
Unthinkable to contemplate your loss
If you should leave, bereft we would abide
And both of us must count the heavy cost
We have not always been the best of friends
I know you feel our union was forced
But all those ****** battles had to end
Since then do our achievements count for nought?
The whole is better than the sum of parts
Oh Caledonia, it's up to you
Is our historic partnership to last
Or do we have to bid a friend adieu
  By voting, not by battle you decide
  Remain, or by the claymore sever ties
Later this year the people of Scotland will vote in a referendum to decide whether or not they wish to remain part of the United Kingdom.
The claymore is a traditional Scottish sword.
My first attempt at a sonnet.
the other day
seated in his office
I asked my stubborn, mean-looking
bushy-eyebrows editor
if he’d consider two books:
“Short Stories for Real Short People”
and “Truly Tall Tales for Tall People”

and he sat back with that air
(actually, made you think he wanted to release air)
and he said:
“You’ll get shot for titles like that…
'Short Stories for Real Short People'
will directly offend people
who are vertically challenged
And the same people would shoot you
for excluding them by implication
in the epithet 'Tall' –
They’ll sure shoot you for that…
They’re both just politically incorrect”

And I leaned forward
(releasing air myself –
anything he can do, I can do better!)
and I said:
“Sure, it’s not politically correct – but it sure
ain’t psychologically correct, given our times,
to speak of shooting while we are in an office”

I hear the Editor no longer works there
and is now in some publishing house
who are specialists  in books on Accounting
and Engineering
where he knows, for sure, I’m never likely to go

— The End —