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Jai Rho Sep 2014
Mine was carbon fiber
with Campagnolo gears
it had ramhorn handlebars
and I rode beyond all fear

Until I hit loose gravel
just around a bend
downhill at full travel
and I went end over end

Now I ride a cruiser
with a basket and a bell
it's got a loose cupholder
and riding uphill is hell

But it gets me where I'm going
and it's healthy for my scars
it makes me feel like I am soaring
when she is on the handlebars
Jai Rho Sep 2014
spin states you and i
like waves across the sky
forever held in time

Jai Rho Sep 2014
A tiny oasis
on the road to somewhere else
weary travelers passing


for a moment
for respite
for fuel
for refreshment

before moving on

to places dreamed of
and dreamed about
sometimes in posters
on the walls

new york london paris
saint louis too
and new orleans

a lithe slip of a girl

out of nowhere

with ponytail bobbing
and smiling eyes

announcing specials
from yesterday's fare

requests and selections

looks around and

recalls her own

as she pirouettes
before disappearing

behind curtain doors
Jai Rho Sep 2014
The worst
that money
can buy
Jai Rho Aug 2014
Good moon rising
from the fiery molten marle
that once we saw as sun

the radiant night
like the blackened sea
drinks in the falling sky

A candle in the darkness

for the gentle
chorus of the stars
Jai Rho Jul 2014
Self-evident, but unrecognized
inalienable, but usurped
equal, but oppressed

The rights of every individual
to live in freedom and equality,
unchained by tyranny, to be
master of his or her own destiny

And when our forefathers yielded,
in the name of loyalty and governance,
blind at first to common interest,
they found their rights, their beliefs,
their liberty, eroding from the
land where they stood, from
the cherished ground they
made their home

Though separated by community,
culture, trade, religion and
political views, they became united,
to reclaim their rights, and to
secure and protect their future,
for themselves and for
generations to come

They became one people,
who set aside their differences
to march together toward freedom,
and with one voice they
proclaimed their independence

Announced not with the thunderous
echo of gunfire, but with a declaration,
an appeal to justice, and most
importantly, a pledge

A pledge to each other, to
dedicate their lives, their fortunes
and their sacred honor to their
common purpose, to a nation
where all men and women
are created equal, and life,
liberty and the pursuit of
happiness may flourish

It is this declaration
that we celebrate today,
not our victory in war
or the battles we fought,
but the pledge of our
forefathers, to each
other, to the nation that
we inherit, and to the
march to freedom that
we now must honor
Jai Rho Jun 2014
Every day
is Father's Day
when his child
makes him more
than just a man
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