How long can I keep smiling,
Before somebody sees the cracks
And how long can I keep hoping,
Until my life slips off the tracks?
They say that I’ll be fine,
That I will get through this.
That I need to focus,
On all that I would miss.
If I so chose to take away my pain,
To forever escape this world,
Leave those who love me behind,
And the mystery of my sorrows unfurled.
But when nothing right,
Ever seems to come my way,
It makes wanting to stay here,
Harder every single day.
Confused by the thoughts in my head,
I am not sure what I should do.
Misery has taken over,
No one can help, not even you.
You say you are here for me,
And yet you’re never there.
Why should I breathe any more,
When you don’t really care?
You’ll argue and say you do,
But I know how you really feel.
You regret ever knowing me,
And believe my pain is unreal.
No one knows the real me,
Not even I really know,
Who I truly am,
I’ve sunk too far below.
This self inflicted misery,
Has taken its final toll.
It’s left me bruised and broken,
Trapped without a soul