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Oct 2014 · 272
Gata en la Noche.
Jaee Derbéssy Oct 2014
Danger excited her,
gave her the fix
that she craved
during the day
that only night
could provide.
She embodied
that she controlled
her destiny
and nobody else did.
Oct 2014 · 343
Jaee Derbéssy Oct 2014
Her presence
was fierce and strong,
but you could
truly see kindness
in her smile.
She was an Alpha female-
She knew exactly
what she wanted,
she knew exactly
what to do to obtain
her desires.
Her eyes were filled
with mystery,
the chase thrilled her,
and at night,
and only at night,
did she feel so alive.
And in Full moons,
instead of the moon
controlling her,
she controlled the moon
with her howl.
Oct 2014 · 190
Jaee Derbéssy Oct 2014
A true relationship
isn't just about spoiling
each other
with lavishing gifts
or going out
to fancy restaurants,
but helping
one another grow
each and every passing day
as a person
physically, emotionally, spiritually,
and most importantly
A true relationship
consist of two souls
who sees one another
in each other's eyes;
where if one moves,
the other moves as well.
A bond so unbreakable
that it could be bent,
twisted, and twirled
but never break.
A relationship where
the two of you
can see genuine beauty
where others failed to,
and simply loving
one another unconditionally.
Oct 2014 · 1.1k
Jaee Derbéssy Oct 2014
Your soulmate
isn't someone who comes
into your life
in a peaceful manner,
nor are they expected,
but is sure is someone
who makes you
question life-
your life.
Your soulmate
is someone who changes
your reality.
Somebody that marks a
"before and after"
in your life.
It is not the human being
that everyone has
but an ordinary person,
who manages to revolutionize
your entire world
in mere seconds.
Oct 2014 · 258
Jaee Derbéssy Oct 2014
So as I was at work today,
this old man
asked for my assistance
and as I got closer
he squinted his eyes
and asked me,
"Are you someone important,"
and as soon as he asked that
I was more than puzzled
by his question.
Then he said something
"One day you'll be a Billionaire".
As soon as he said that,
I blushed like I have never blushed
ever in my life.
I asked him why?
He responded,
"Your name. You have an stupendous name.
Make sure you make the world remember it"!

Now that made my night and life!
Oct 2014 · 179
Jaee Derbéssy Oct 2014
She embodied
by the way she
still believed in love
after she has been hurt
too many times
in the past by men
who couldn't see the true beauty
that she was blessed
Her soul was a rose:
beautiful, delicate,
and symbolic.
Oct 2014 · 252
Jaee Derbéssy Oct 2014
One night
I told her
we'd never die,
in that moment
we lived
Oct 2014 · 193
Jaee Derbéssy Oct 2014
Even when I have
absolutely nothing to lose,
I still pretend
that I have a billion things
to lose.
I don't know why,
but I do.

Even when I'm happy,
I get in too deep
in a zone that can trigger
all my bad experiences
and just bad things
that has, or had,
ever happened to me
in the past.
Sep 2014 · 459
Diamonds, gold, and her.
Sep 2014 · 311
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
As a child,
livin' struggle after struggle,
barely eating every night,
seeing different avenues every other night,
many parking lots,
and different hot dogs from different
gas stations,
I learned something so profoundly:

Life is crazy.
Sep 2014 · 187
Midnight Confession.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
As the night sky
our continent,
and everyone
slept soundly,
her arms
embracing my naked body
and whispered
onto my ear
and confessed,
"I fell in love with you
because of the little things
you never knew
you were doing".
And from that moment,
I just knew that
I was hers.
Hers, and nobody else's.
And my dear friends,
that was all
I ever wanted in this life..
Sep 2014 · 293
Sea of Sorrow.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
I feel like
and simply

Create a sea
of tears
and simply
myself in all my sorrow.

Your memory
a vicious
starving shark,
roaming around me,
and I,
just floating
in my own sorrow
not caring
if you devour
my empty
human body.
Sep 2014 · 266
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
Many folk tales
of beings
being able to
into magnificant beasts:

the best of men,
the best of beasts.
Sep 2014 · 356
Clair de Lune
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
I am a beast
to her light;
but I-
I love being chained
her discrete love.
How when she's asleep,
I am in control,
but when she's at her mightiest,
she's in control.
How each
and every night
I howl my love
and she,
so beautiful,
lights my path every dark night.

She is the love
that a beast
like me
could ever have.
Sep 2014 · 244
Lost Profoundly in Fear.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
Although she has
broken my heart
in the past,
this woman
is the only woman
that ever knew,
and to this day
knows all of my Demons,
and how horrifying
the bloodbath looks
every night
of the previous battle
that my Demons and I
She is the only woman
that ever witnessed it all;
and honestly,
that terrifies me to Death..
Sep 2014 · 452
Educational Value.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
So as I was sitting down
in class,
a very old man came in
and sat down next to me.
And as I was doing my work,
from the corner of my eye,
I could feel him staring at me.
And with discretion,
I tilted my head
to see what was he looking at.
But yes,
he was indeed staring at me.
And so I asked,
"Do you need something, sir?"
and he replied,
"Sonny, I just look at you
and I think to myself,
'****. How I wish when
I was his age, I took my education
as serious as this young man is..'".
And as he said that,
a rush of warmth rushed through
my entire heart.
I smiled and said,
"Sir, it's never to late to educate

Education is knowledge,
and knowledge is survival, folks.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
Even when I'm walking
next to her,
I am not whole
if I'm not holding her hand.
How beautifully
and perfectly molded
for my hand
to feel at home.
Sep 2014 · 252
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
As Autumn's wind
erase all the leaves
from that
Oak tree outside,
all those memories
that Summer
brought with her.
All those laughters,
all those tears,
all those whispers,
Not forever,
but gone.
Now every morning
that I awake,
Autumn will embrace
my tender skin
and cover it with its kiss
to the point that
my entire body will be covered
Yeah, Autumn
is now my present..
Sep 2014 · 248
Lover's Angle.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
When she stares
at herself
in the mirror,
she swears up to the heavens
that she was
cursed with all those
but when I look at her,
I swear up to the heavens
that she-
that she is the most
perfect human being
I've ever met
in my ******' life!

In my eyes,
she's flawless.
Sep 2014 · 192
One of the Rare ones.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
And even
when I have absolutey
to offer her,
she still stays with me..
Sep 2014 · 357
Express to Depress.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
They say that
I need to
work on expression,
but what they do not know
is that they're
with a man that
writes all of his demons
in a journal;
into solitude.
And yet,
they say that I need to work

Those Demons
are there for a reason,
so I cannot
any emotions whatsoever.
Sep 2014 · 257
I am that, I am.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
is your capacity
to be of
Service to love,
to peace,
to the beauty of simplicity,
but most
service to
Sep 2014 · 331
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
She's one of those
rare women
instead of only
about vanities,
she cares
about how you make her feel;
when the stars are
the world,
your eyes
are the only light
she gazes to.
I mean,
yeah, sure,
nice things
always be nice things,
but she
cares for things
materialistic things.
Sep 2014 · 230
Trapped in Books.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
Being in this class
reminds me
of how unhappy
I am.
It reminds me
of all the dreams
and goals that
I want to accomplish.
The freedom
that I linger for
in my life.
The people that
I want to meet
and all the knowledge
that I want to
acquire before
I reach weakening
bones and white hair.

I want to live.
I dread being here.
Sep 2014 · 371
La unica Esperanza.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
She was a lost soul,
but wherever
she walked,
without a single doubt,
Leaving a trail
of demons,
her heart endarkened
by her past,
but her hope-
her hope
guarded that last
glimming little dot
of happiness.
That was her defense.
Sep 2014 · 375
Don Juan's Gift.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
As each of his fingers
caresses a different
paints a story,
it's a joyish story,
a love story
even a sad story,
all hearts
feel everything
Today my younger brother
had an audition
for a play,
and it was uptown,
the heart of my city.
So he asked if I could give him
a ride-
I didn't want to,
but I did.
So while I was waiting for him to finish,
I got hungry
and wandered off
looking for a place
to have lunch,
but as I was looking,
I heard this wonderful
Instantly, I was attracted,
as if a mystical force
got me walking closer and closer
to where that
enriching melody
was coming from.
And there he was.
An elderly man
playing his acoustic guitar
in a manner
in which I've never seen one
play before.
After he was done,
the entire crowd
applaud him,
leaving him tips
onto his
guitar case.
I got closer,
and I smiled
handing him
a $5 bill
and I asked his name.
Smiling, he replied,
"Don Juan".
Sep 2014 · 187
the Struggle of Power.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
The power of poetry
is powerful as much
as any gun.
It could fill you with
much rage
or happiness,
but is powerful.
They say that the pen
is more powerful
than the sword,
and I believe
that because words
can really make
an impact in your life
whether you'd
like to admit it or not.
Sep 2014 · 367
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
Her first mistake
asking someone
A promise
no human could
ever grant.
Sep 2014 · 214
being High in class.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
If in Heaven
all the good souls
and in Hell
all malicious souls
are we all trapped
in the middle?
As if when we're alive,
this is our test
and if we pass,
we go to Heaven,
but if we fail,
we go to Hell.

But what does it mean
being able to
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
As I am trapped here
in this class,
I see birds making
their free-will
a reality.
Only following
its instinct,
of where the wind
could push him
higher and higher.
Not ever looking back,
not once,
but only living his
Only wanting to feel
the wind
caress his wings,
but also
hoping to find love.

Freedom and love.
I'm really sitting down in class and seeing birds fly.
Sep 2014 · 418
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
Your toxic
is my
Sep 2014 · 1.4k
Revelation of an Angel
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
the Universe
capable of moving
with simply
one look;
seducing the winds
the four corners
of the
from side to side
with her hips.
Sep 2014 · 200
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
Don't let
small minds
tell you
your dreams
too big.
Sep 2014 · 193
My Life.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
And with each breath
I think to myself,
"Is this my Heaven or is this my Hell"?
Traveling in a long road:
no directions,
no speed limits.
And though being cautious
isn't in my nature,
I'm traveling at a slow pace.
Although I'm traveling
at a slow pace,
I still fear that I may
into a horrible fate.
A never-ending
drive to nowhere,
or it sure as Hell
feels like it.
Feeling like a brand new ride,
but with 300 thousand miles.
Sep 2014 · 255
Un Deseo.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
I just want
to be
so I could buy everything
my mother
Sep 2014 · 556
Classroom Crush
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
we're in the same class,
I still
do not know your name
it drives me insane.
My dear friends,
she's the
of what every poet
have written
for centuries;
beautiful goddesses
among mortals.

This crush has
taken me
and I've
indulged in it
if she were
the love of my life.
Sep 2014 · 319
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
The anatomy
of a
Sep 2014 · 235
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
When the heart
makes up
one has the risk
of seeing
that aren't so.
of a huge let down
So please,
do not
let your heart
make up
Sep 2014 · 327
Blissful Insanity.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
she is insane:
and that's
the only quality
I love about her.
Sep 2014 · 527
Breakthrough of the Day.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
when we feel
we have
absolutely nothing,
need to stop
we don't have
start appreciating
and what
we still have.
Sep 2014 · 577
Under the Needle.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
Women's insecurities
can lead women
to do many
dramatic changes,
wether being good
bad changes,
but it always lead
to dramatic

it's always the feeling
of depression,
of wanting
self-body modifications
that lead women
to go
under the needle.

And sure,
there's absolutely nothing
wrong with doing
in one-self,
but that could also lead
an addiction;
no different than
smoking or drinking.

But there's always that void
that women
just want to fix
in order for them
to finally be pleased
a man is not
beautiful imperfections.
Sep 2014 · 295
Unforgivable Memory.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
3,000 years may pass,
you could kiss other lips,
but I will never forget you..

I could die tomorrow,
my soul could dry up,
but I will never forget you..
I will never forget you..

They could erase my memory,
they could take away our story,
but I will never forget you..
I will never forget you.
Sep 2014 · 458
Accents of the Heart.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
Some are good
and some are bad.


There's no such thing
as good or bad poetry.

Poetry is the heart's
only voice.
Are you going to tell me
that the heart
doesn't have the right
to speak freely
without being judged?

If you don't understand
than you, sir,
have not lived life.
Sep 2014 · 262
Dreamin' from Solitude.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
I am a man.
I lust for many women,
my heart
craves for just one.
I don't know
what she looks like,
what her name is,
where she's from?
All I know
is that
my heart craves for her.
My words
dreams of her body,
my lips
lusts for her presence,
but my body
yearns for her voice.
Sep 2014 · 182
Movin' On.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
I think of myself
as a selfish person
at this moment.

I wish I still had
what I had,
but then I know for a fact
that it would not be
what I would want to keep.

You can say that
I'm still stuck
in the past,
but at the same time
I want to be
living in the future.

Living in the present
is something
I just find
so difficult.
Seeing an ex being happy with someone else.
Sep 2014 · 201
End of All.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
I guess that in the end
you start thinking about the beginning.
Of everything
that you took for granted,
of all the people you once hurt
or non-intentionally.
Of how good
you had things,
but were too blind to notice.
In the end,
you reflect every action
you acted upon
that every night
your mind-
your conscious,
tried to make you see
but you refused
to drown it
with chemicals.
I guess that in the end,
you constructed
your own demise.
Sep 2014 · 565
Mathematical Solver
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
Only here
in this world of numbers
can I squeeze out
to write,
not just my fantasies,
but the sorrows
of my pathetic life.

Only here
in this world of numbers
can I
write and write
It is only in my math classes
that I come up with some of my best work.
Sep 2014 · 369
I, the fool.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
A love I once invisoned,
now gone
with the Autumn wind.
A love I only hoped
now written
as another
luckless romance.
But I,
the fool who in the beginning
knew this was
only going to be a
for the moment,
but still believed
this time everything
could have
been different,
but once again
wrong I was..

It is I
who is to blame
for ever believing
that a woman
in your caliber
could ever
grow feelings
for a man
that his only words
are enscripted
in a peace of paper.
Sep 2014 · 170
Keys to Love.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
She asked,
"Share with me-
Share with me something
so personal
without a single word".

I thought about it.
How could I share
something so personal
of me without
a word
when I'm a poet?

But then,
I saw the most beautiful
piano in the room,
and as I saw it,
my fingers
felt so attracted to the keys.

It played and it played,
not knowing
that with each key
her heart grew warmer
and warmer.

Something so personal
to me became hers,
and from then on
she became what is now
something personal
of I.
Sep 2014 · 252
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
kiss me,
not because you have to,
your heart asks
you to.
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