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Apr 2015 · 237
One life, now enjoy.
Jaee Derbéssy Apr 2015
I crave enlightenment,
spiritually, mentally,
and emotionally.
I desire to grow
go on more adventures
as possible,
meet unforgettable
and simply live.
Apr 2015 · 192
Jaee Derbéssy Apr 2015
I want a woman
can get on her knees,
close her eyes,
with I by her side,
and pray to the Almighty
in the sky.
Not any woman
do that with you.
Apr 2015 · 6.6k
Feel Good Inc.
Jaee Derbéssy Apr 2015
We're all prisoners
of our own
only we are
the ones to blame
our own demise.
We choose
to see the good in the bad
or the
in the bad.
Apr 2015 · 705
Classroom Crush.
Jaee Derbéssy Apr 2015
Every week I go to this class,
and it's not to learn anything,
but just to see this girl.
I always try to go up to her
and finally talk to her,
but something is just holding
me back. I don't know what it is,
but I just can't.
But let me tell you,
this girl is absolutely beautiful.
She has such an angelic tone and
a smile that always melts my heart.
She always sits next to the window
and the sun just bathing her with
its radiance and glow,
which makes her even more beautiful.

Yeah, I have a crush.
Mar 2015 · 300
Woman, oh woman.
Jaee Derbéssy Mar 2015
She was intimidating.
She didn't take no for an answer.
Anything she was passionate
she executed and conquered.
She didn't waste
any time,
she made every moment
It never mattered
people thought of her;
she had better things to do,
like becoming
a greater woman than she
already is.
Mar 2015 · 404
Ruby Passion.
Jaee Derbéssy Mar 2015
As she was picking herself apart
while looking in the mirror,
I said:
"My love, you have to
the fact that you are an incredible
with such a
sweet and tender heart.
A very bright, intelligent
and independent
with such an alluring
both inside-out."
And as she blushed
glanced at me
with such warmth,
I stood up and hugged her
from behind;
grabbing her closer
and kissing
on the side of her neck
and whispered
into her ear,
"I love you, my love."
Mar 2015 · 677
Jaee Derbéssy Mar 2015
Her red lipstick smeared on
his lips,
forever stained his soul
with her
unconditional and endless
Mar 2015 · 527
She was 'Fine Wine'
Jaee Derbéssy Mar 2015
As she and I walked
closely holding hands,
many glared at us.
In their eyes,
all they saw was a
beautiful matured woman
with a boy.
But what they didn't know
was that I made her
absolutely happy.
I saw many beauties in her
that others before me
were blinded to.
That I was madly
irrevocably in love
with her,
and she with I.
It did not matter what
anyone thought about us.
What only mattered was
that she was mine
and I was hers.
Feb 2015 · 175
Felt over Heard.
Jaee Derbéssy Feb 2015
What she loved most about him
was that instead of only
calling her beautiful,
he actually made her feel beautiful,
rather than just calling
her a name to make her feel better.
Feb 2015 · 345
Sight of the All Mighty
Jaee Derbéssy Feb 2015
She is worth
far more
rubies and pearls.

Proverbs 31:10
Jan 2015 · 438
Echoes of the Moon.
Jaee Derbéssy Jan 2015
Because of your infidelities,
she is long gone.
And now she lightens up
the night sky of her new love,
because unlike you,
he recognized
beauties that you
were blinded to-
he recognized she was the moon.
And now, you curse him,
knowing that could have been you.
That she could have been
your moon,
but while she wanted
to be serenaded by you
and light
every dark corner of your existence,
you were too busy chasing
dimly lit stars.
2021 edit.
Jan 2015 · 300
Cynthia Rodriguez.
Jaee Derbéssy Jan 2015
Every mistake
I once committed
in the past,
now that I am here
deeply and beautifully
in your eyes,
made me realize
even the tragedies,
led me here to you.
Jan 2015 · 322
Solamente en ella.
Jaee Derbéssy Jan 2015
What I look forward
to the most
when I'm with her
is that moment
when this
unique and genuine
of acceptance,
love, and assureness
just occurs
when our flesh make
A link that ignites from
within each other for
one another.
How in her eyes,
in her smile,
in her hands,
in her vast existence
my home could be found.
Jaee Derbéssy Jan 2015
And she found true happiness
after she decided she had enough,
that she deserved much more,
that her dignity was worth far more
than his lies and infidelities.
And only then,
did she find true happiness.
Her grace,
her dignity,
her self-worth guided her to,
who we all know as, "the One",
and found the perfect happiness
she always knew she deserved.
Jan 2015 · 168
Simple Thoughts.
Jaee Derbéssy Jan 2015
She's more myself than I am.
Whatever are souls made of,
hers and mine are the same.
Jan 2015 · 426
Jaee Derbéssy Jan 2015
As she sat next to me,
a stranger,
my heart with no reason
started to race fast.
And not because of fear,
but of something that
I have never felt.
A connection.
A very strong one too.
A stranger.
Jan 2015 · 297
Bitterness or Sympathy
Jaee Derbéssy Jan 2015
As a strong as she was,
she had such delicate hands.
I loved that much about her.
Such a tender heart
and was kind to everything
and everyone.
That attracted me most about her.
Jan 2015 · 403
Freedom from All.
Jaee Derbéssy Jan 2015
As she rode off
to freedom
in her ******* yellow Mustang,
the sun bathed her skin,
giving her this distinctive glow,
the wind playing innocently
with her hair as she followed
the road to her
Jan 2015 · 231
Her, and I.
Jaee Derbéssy Jan 2015
As she lied on his chest,
time stopped as he hummed
Spanish lullabies to ease her.
Caressed her flesh with the warmth
that only his body could provide
her with,
and in that moment their love
was lived and relived
over again till the end of existence.
Jan 2015 · 597
Longed for Freedom.
Jaee Derbéssy Jan 2015
She felt
the undying absence
of freedom
that she longed for.
She missed
when the wind
innocently and carelessly
played with her hair.
She missed
when the sun
gently bathed her
with its rays.
She missed it all.
Jan 2015 · 261
Other Side of the Coin.
Jaee Derbéssy Jan 2015
When I had nothing
and was completely broke,
she was the only one
who was there.
But when I finally had everything
that I had ever wanted-
The money, the cars, the houses,
but not her,
I realized that when I didn't
have any material object,
not a **** dime with my name on it,
I was the wealthiest man alive
because I had her by my side.
Jan 2015 · 537
Jaee Derbéssy Jan 2015
As though
her insecurities
her entirely,
he understood
that a woman
like her
were those rare
whom men
only came across
once in a lifetime.
He understood
the way
a woman like her
should be
and touched.
She being his weakness
and he her strength-
they could understand
one another
without having to say
to each other.
A simple glare
from either one
spoke a million truths.
How, when they held
one another,
became two souls
as one.
Enamored in their
towards each other
and how mutual
their simplicity
drawn them together.
Jaee Derbéssy Dec 2014
I honestly dislike when people
say "Oh no, here comes all the 'New Year, New Me' crap.
I mean, wow. Really?
It's all good, you have all the right
to say anything that you would like to say,
but why rain down on someone else
who has the vision that they want to change their life.
That they want to better themselves.
Life isn't easy, and I do hope that all of you do know that,
but why rain down on someone
who is trying to want to change their life?
I'm pretty sure that there was once upon a time
in your life,
that you said
"New Year, New Me! This year
I want to do this and this, and that,"
and maybe you did start with the attitude
in wanting to better your life
in whatever form that you wanted,
but somewhere around the road
life kept building itself in frustration,
because that's what life does.
Build you up, and randomly takes you down,
but life is waiting for you to build yourself up
all over again
to make you stronger,
and it kept smacking you in the face
over and over again
and you kept smiling because
you were afraid
that you could have snapped real quick
and just quit and getting back
to your old-not so good-ways,
and I know that your intentions were good,
but you eventually gave up
and, if I may say, quit.
When you say
"Oh no, her comes the 'New Year, New Me' crap,"
you're in a way saying
that it never gets better.
That your life never changes.
Reflect and list your mistakes.
All of them that you committed this year.
And when you're done listing them,
read them over and ask yourself
what did you learn because of that situation?
We should all be learning something
everyday and when the year is about to end
and you're getting ready to flip over to a new chapter
in your life,
you know that you learned many things
that you didn't know when the year
was barely starting.
So maybe next time you say that,
how about just setting realistic goals for you
that would improve you to be a better version of yourself.
Dec 2014 · 424
Personal Growth.
Jaee Derbéssy Dec 2014
The only person
you should try to
be better than,
is the person you were
You have to
at your dreams
as if
someone else
out there working
to take it away
from you.
Dec 2014 · 228
She then, and after.
Jaee Derbéssy Dec 2014
As we both were
seemingly lost
in each other's gaze,
I asked,
"Describe the love
of your life,"
and with a simple grin,
she then responded with:
"Someone who makes me laugh,
first and foremost.
Someone who is honest
and real with me.
Someone who challenges me
and helps me grow
as a person.
Someone who treats me
the way I treat them.
Someone who sees me
as their equal
and nothing less.
Someone who treats me
like a Queen because
I would treat them
as a King.
Someone who is supportive
and always has my back
no matter what.
Just someone who loves me
unconditionally.. for me"
and as she finished,
my heart had melted
onto my organs
which gave me this
indescribably warm feeling
that I had never felt
and in that precise moment
I knew she was
the reason why I was made
and put on this Earth.
To love this woman
with all my might.
To love this woman
like no human
had ever loved another
human being.
Old conversation.
Dec 2014 · 661
Jaee Derbéssy Dec 2014
Before the paradigm
of my thinking
I use to believe
that the Universe
didn't like me
at all.
That I was cursed
with horrible luck
and when I use to think that,
everyday to me
was a bad day.
But now I don't believe
in bad days anymore.
And I've been asked
of why is it that I don't
believe in bad days
and I always respond
with the same thing,
"The reason why I don't believe
in bad days is because
I don't see it as bad days.
I see them as
character building days".
When everything seems
not going your way
and you feel like today
is going to be a bad day,
you start appreciating
even the simplest things
about other days
and how good you have it.
The moral of this
is that one should always
learn things everyday,
even in those 'bad days'.
Become at peace with yourself,
and the Universe
will become at peace with you.
Dec 2014 · 184
Jaee Derbéssy Dec 2014
is gone,
is not
today I'm okay.
Dec 2014 · 209
Upliftin' Ray.
Jaee Derbéssy Dec 2014
You don't have to be
great to start,
but you have to start
to be great.
And I understand
that there will be days
that all you want to do
is give up,
all you want to do
is give in;
that success is nowhere
to be seen,
but don't give up.
See, when you're
in the verge of giving up,
there's that little
in-between space
that determines
how strong your will is
what kind of person
you are.

Dec 2014 · 1.8k
Enamored in Seduction.
Jaee Derbéssy Dec 2014
The illusion of
Beauty and the Beast
was much alive
in them
when the moon
was high and full.
She led with
the way her
aroused the inner
that was kept away
within himself,
but only she
could ever control.
How he knew
and how to touch her.
With such grace,
with such delicacy,
for she
was his entire
Dec 2014 · 193
You're all over. All.
Jaee Derbéssy Dec 2014
And as we were sitting
beside each other,
she leaned
a bit
and whispered,
"I love you.
Flaws and all.
But what captivates me
are your
true emotions
your beautiful
with that
eternal love
and had
finally found
Dec 2014 · 398
Breeze of Freedom.
Jaee Derbéssy Dec 2014
How she could
glance onto
the beach
for hours and hours
at a time;
her thoughts
lost beautifully
deeply at sea.
Escaping her reality.
The clashing sound
of the waves
soothed her
to the very core
of her
while the breeze
of the ocean
innocently with her hair
as if they were
two small children
running together
whilst holding hands
with no worries
How her face
that you could tell
when she missed
the ocean
and its mysteries.
Dec 2014 · 423
Flyin' Squirrel.
Jaee Derbéssy Dec 2014
Why cage
a soul
so wild,
so free,
when a soul
like hers
meant to be
Dec 2014 · 635
Jaee Derbéssy Dec 2014
Cursed to only
of a love
he could never
and could only
from afar
at night.
The stars
reminding him
of his
aching pain,
mocking him
not being
good enough
for her.
Only looking up
he could only
love her
Dec 2014 · 272
Everlasting Love.
Jaee Derbéssy Dec 2014
Even if my stars refuse to shine
I will find ways to make
my beloved ones to genuinely smile.
Even if my skies are dark
I will find a source
of light
and relinquish
Dec 2014 · 205
In Him I trust.
Jaee Derbéssy Dec 2014
Gave my heart and soul to Christ.
Never have I ever realized
that He
was there for me
all the time.
Listened stories about Him
over a million times
and all my life
I believed that
every story and Him
were nothing but lies
until there was this emptiness
in my heart
that couldn't be filled
till in Him
I found a luminous
Nov 2014 · 299
Maria Se Fue.
Jaee Derbéssy Nov 2014
How freedom beautifully
portrayed itself
by the way
her arms were
spread open,
her eyes
closed tightly
while inhaling all the
that life offered
Nov 2014 · 2.2k
50 Shades of Grey and more.
Jaee Derbéssy Nov 2014
With each touch
he led,
as his submissive
with obedience
Nov 2014 · 269
Night Thoughts
Jaee Derbéssy Nov 2014
I am too
my own grass
if yours is
Nov 2014 · 242
Ses Yeux.
Jaee Derbéssy Nov 2014
What I loved most
about her
was that
she lived by the sun;
but loved by the moon;
so deep,
so real,
Nov 2014 · 675
Jaee Derbéssy Nov 2014
What infatuated
about him
was the ability
he was blessed with
of touching her
in such a
unique and genuine
that no other living creature
had ever done.
How he could
touch her
and nothing else
ever mattered anymore;
a connection
so beautiful that neither both
could ever explain
in mere words.
How he could touch
without him ever
her at all.
That's what
the most about him.
Nov 2014 · 213
Seconds in the Making.
Jaee Derbéssy Nov 2014
Family is the embodiment
of love;
which therefore,
fills me with the sufficient
strength and courage
to conquer
everything in life,
life itself.
Nov 2014 · 312
Muelle de San Blas.
Jaee Derbéssy Nov 2014
Her tears yelled
"Please don't go! Stay with me! Please!"
As tough as it was to let him go,
she somehow found
the strength and did.
Although his heart was full of pain,
he just had to leave.
Their last goodbye was at the pier.
She promised him
that no matter what she would wait for him
to come back.
It didn't matter how long.
Days, months, years.
And she did.
Many full moons had pass
and she still waited and waited
in the same pier where her love
once said goodbye.
Many would move on,
but in her heart,
she promised she'd stand by.
Hoping that her love will come back
and start the family
they once dreamed of starting together
until rumors spread that the ship
that her love aboard had sunk,
that her love died tragically.
But she didn't accept that,
she couldn't accept that.
Years and years passed by,
and yet every Sunday at 3 pm
she would go to the same pier
and waited for him.
She would wear
the same heels,
the same dress,
the same hope
that the ship would return.
But it never did.
The locals knew her as
'Crazy Peggy',
nobody knew her story.
All they knew was that she would
wait and wait at the pier
ever since the 40's.
No one knew exactly for who,
but that was all they truly knew.
The shore became her home,
the ocean was filled with her tears.
All she would do was mourn.
Mourn for a love she couldn't finish.
Just waiting for the love
of her life to return.
The locals thought she was crazy,
so they all grew concerned.
They tried sending her to a crazy home,
but she refused to go.
Her body grew weaker and weaker
by the years,
yet her hope was still strong
as if the love of her life
had just left an hour ago.
But then she died.
Her body could be
eaten by worms
and rot in the ground,
but her spirit couldn't.
Her spirit wouldn't decay.
She stood by throughout
all the years and waited for him-
The love of her life.
Although they weren't married,
in her heart,
she was always his wife.
True love exists.
Nov 2014 · 380
Educational Value
Jaee Derbéssy Nov 2014
At first,
I felt that being
in this class was
a waste of time,
but as I kept attending,
I realized that
education is education.
That knowledge
is knowledge.
And who knows,
maybe this knowledge
could save my life
one day.
Nov 2014 · 191
The Gift.
Jaee Derbéssy Nov 2014
As children,
we are told
that the world
is one particular way.
And as we're
we, ourselves,
believe that it is
because we've been
believing it so
our entire life.
But then,
if we're bright enough,
just bright enough,
something stumbles
upon our ways,
and that's where our
comes in play;
if we're bright enough
to see what stumbles
upon us,
we grab it and see
what value can bring to us.
An idea,
a concept-
a vision that will forever
change of how
we view the world
we were taught to view
in another different angle.
And if we're bright enough,
something that not all are,
we will become
and have something
that not many have
and that is vision.
Vision to see something,
and be able to see more
than it really is.
To see ahead of what
it could be.
Nov 2014 · 277
Condemned in the Dark.
Jaee Derbéssy Nov 2014
It is only at night
that all in me
that I despise
come alive.
Nov 2014 · 180
Written in the Stars.
Jaee Derbéssy Nov 2014
As the stars
our love,
she asked,
"What does your soul look like,"
I gently kissed
her lips
and softly
"Your existence, my love".
Nov 2014 · 404
Into the Wild.
Jaee Derbéssy Nov 2014
Live* before you die.
Oct 2014 · 500
Jaee Derbéssy Oct 2014
Time passin' by
as a wind
on a cool evening day
in Fall.
And besides me,
an empty,
untouched notepad
waitin' for it to be
touched with its love,
the pen.
Infatuated still
with a thought-
a dream,
that rests in a hopeless
Miles and miles away,
still occupying
my heart and soul
each and every single day.
Oct 2014 · 415
Craving of this Life
Jaee Derbéssy Oct 2014
I crave for a romance
so enriching
filled with passion,
and understanding.
that I can grow with
and most importantly
A partnership where
two souls become as one.
Ying and Yang.
Two people who are
yet so alike in many ways.
Something most people
search for,
for an entire life.
In previous lives,
and more lives after
this life.
Oct 2014 · 728
Aussie Beauty.
Jaee Derbéssy Oct 2014
As I'm awoken
to the sweet melodic
of the waves,
I turn around
to the most
angelic sight:
Caressing her cheek
with the back
of my hand,
every single bit
of her
And as her eyes
open with such ease,
I fall deeply more
for those
blue eyes of hers.
Our white covers
her perfect
porcelain skin,
keepin' her warm
while I fill her entire body
with burning,
yet sincere kisses.
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