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only time will tell
the sick from the well
so come out of your shell
and give them hell
I am a hollow tree
A dark, empty glass
I can't even tell how much time has passed
But I've been stuck here for years
I'm a prisoner within my fears
Structured just like you,
bones and blood and being
going our separate ways when you ask me
'What's wrong?'
to explain will take too long
My branches are still growing
to keep them all from knowing
to keep myself from showing

I Am Hollow.
I'm hard to get ahold of but don't know the reason
I thought it would disappear like the summer
I wish I'd change with the season
Keep telling myself I'll get better in time
But with this much faith in the future
nothing will ever be fine
I find comfort in the emptiness of the night
The hum of vacant streets and useful sheets
I relate to the eeriness of crickets and wonder if the bear is outside my door
looking for a midnight snack of scraps
(or looking for a friend, perhaps?)
You deserved this
Did we make you nervous?
Pacing in my bedroom as the truth unravels
Lie after lie but still convinced you're not the *******.
How many girls will you hurt before your time is up?
How many hearts have to break before you've had enough?
Losing you was the biggest gain of all.
But you still think that without you we'll fall.
Humble words tell the truth, but what do you plan to do?
Dance around reality, your logic is unclear to me.
I just hope one day a girl comes along
helps you realize you've been in the wrong.
But your God complex, it's a ******* hex!
Eventually it will be the iceberg that sinks you.
So hold on for the ride, because when it starts to die..
When it starts to die, that's when it'll hit you.
From December
She rests her head on the belly of his guitar while he strums and plucks,
feeling the vibrations and thinking how the moment might last longer if she resists the urge to let her heavy eyelids fall..
but since the soothing sounds are so sweet she slowly but surely succumbs to sleep
and dreams
while he keeps strumming along, playing his favorite songs
You could slam the door in my face and I would feel guilty for standing so close to it
Cravings take me over and I'm right back where I started
All progress lost for a temporary lust
"I wanna give up giving in"
But I'll always let you win
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