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Jaee Derbéssy Jan 2015
Because of your infidelities,
she is long gone.
And now she lightens up
the night sky of her new love,
because unlike you,
he recognized
beauties that you
were blinded to-
he recognized she was the moon.
And now, you curse him,
knowing that could have been you.
That she could have been
your moon,
but while she wanted
to be serenaded by you
and light
every dark corner of your existence,
you were too busy chasing
dimly lit stars.
2021 edit.
Jaee Derbéssy Jan 2015
Every mistake
I once committed
in the past,
now that I am here
deeply and beautifully
in your eyes,
made me realize
even the tragedies,
led me here to you.
Jaee Derbéssy Jan 2015
What I look forward
to the most
when I'm with her
is that moment
when this
unique and genuine
of acceptance,
love, and assureness
just occurs
when our flesh make
A link that ignites from
within each other for
one another.
How in her eyes,
in her smile,
in her hands,
in her vast existence
my home could be found.
Jaee Derbéssy Jan 2015
And she found true happiness
after she decided she had enough,
that she deserved much more,
that her dignity was worth far more
than his lies and infidelities.
And only then,
did she find true happiness.
Her grace,
her dignity,
her self-worth guided her to,
who we all know as, "the One",
and found the perfect happiness
she always knew she deserved.
Jaee Derbéssy Jan 2015
She's more myself than I am.
Whatever are souls made of,
hers and mine are the same.
Jaee Derbéssy Jan 2015
As she sat next to me,
a stranger,
my heart with no reason
started to race fast.
And not because of fear,
but of something that
I have never felt.
A connection.
A very strong one too.
A stranger.
Jaee Derbéssy Jan 2015
As a strong as she was,
she had such delicate hands.
I loved that much about her.
Such a tender heart
and was kind to everything
and everyone.
That attracted me most about her.
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