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Jaee Derbéssy Jan 2015
As she rode off
to freedom
in her ******* yellow Mustang,
the sun bathed her skin,
giving her this distinctive glow,
the wind playing innocently
with her hair as she followed
the road to her
Jaee Derbéssy Jan 2015
As she lied on his chest,
time stopped as he hummed
Spanish lullabies to ease her.
Caressed her flesh with the warmth
that only his body could provide
her with,
and in that moment their love
was lived and relived
over again till the end of existence.
Jaee Derbéssy Jan 2015
She felt
the undying absence
of freedom
that she longed for.
She missed
when the wind
innocently and carelessly
played with her hair.
She missed
when the sun
gently bathed her
with its rays.
She missed it all.
Jaee Derbéssy Jan 2015
When I had nothing
and was completely broke,
she was the only one
who was there.
But when I finally had everything
that I had ever wanted-
The money, the cars, the houses,
but not her,
I realized that when I didn't
have any material object,
not a **** dime with my name on it,
I was the wealthiest man alive
because I had her by my side.
Jaee Derbéssy Jan 2015
As though
her insecurities
her entirely,
he understood
that a woman
like her
were those rare
whom men
only came across
once in a lifetime.
He understood
the way
a woman like her
should be
and touched.
She being his weakness
and he her strength-
they could understand
one another
without having to say
to each other.
A simple glare
from either one
spoke a million truths.
How, when they held
one another,
became two souls
as one.
Enamored in their
towards each other
and how mutual
their simplicity
drawn them together.
Jaee Derbéssy Dec 2014
I honestly dislike when people
say "Oh no, here comes all the 'New Year, New Me' crap.
I mean, wow. Really?
It's all good, you have all the right
to say anything that you would like to say,
but why rain down on someone else
who has the vision that they want to change their life.
That they want to better themselves.
Life isn't easy, and I do hope that all of you do know that,
but why rain down on someone
who is trying to want to change their life?
I'm pretty sure that there was once upon a time
in your life,
that you said
"New Year, New Me! This year
I want to do this and this, and that,"
and maybe you did start with the attitude
in wanting to better your life
in whatever form that you wanted,
but somewhere around the road
life kept building itself in frustration,
because that's what life does.
Build you up, and randomly takes you down,
but life is waiting for you to build yourself up
all over again
to make you stronger,
and it kept smacking you in the face
over and over again
and you kept smiling because
you were afraid
that you could have snapped real quick
and just quit and getting back
to your old-not so good-ways,
and I know that your intentions were good,
but you eventually gave up
and, if I may say, quit.
When you say
"Oh no, her comes the 'New Year, New Me' crap,"
you're in a way saying
that it never gets better.
That your life never changes.
Reflect and list your mistakes.
All of them that you committed this year.
And when you're done listing them,
read them over and ask yourself
what did you learn because of that situation?
We should all be learning something
everyday and when the year is about to end
and you're getting ready to flip over to a new chapter
in your life,
you know that you learned many things
that you didn't know when the year
was barely starting.
So maybe next time you say that,
how about just setting realistic goals for you
that would improve you to be a better version of yourself.
Jaee Derbéssy Dec 2014
The only person
you should try to
be better than,
is the person you were
You have to
at your dreams
as if
someone else
out there working
to take it away
from you.
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