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Jul 2015 · 360
When I see what you've left behind I know what love is and I know that you are watching over me.

If I could see your face and hear your laugh I would hold them in my heart forever.

If I could say one thing I'd tell you I love you and I'll see you again.

I'll never understand how a heart so beautiful could be a part of my life. You're the star, you're the hero, your everything I need. Everything I wish I could be.

You meant the world to me. You taught me to love with all my heart. You taught me not to take that love for granted.
Written 8/29/15. I wrote this a month before my best friend died. It seems to have been meant for her.
Jul 2015 · 486
Bad News
I read the news today.
I thought I was dreaming,
Then I started to cry,
When I realized I would never wake up.

The world turned to shades of gray,
That day I read that you were gone.
You were my best friend,
The only one that knew me better than anyone.

I don't understand how God could take you away so young,
Or how the world could be so gray.

I will miss your smile and your laugh.
The way you did things, that silly little dance.
The golden heart that beat in your chest.
Written 8/23/10
Jul 2015 · 311
I wish
I wish to heaven I could take back what I said.
I never meant to hurt you, never meant to wish you dead.

The day you walked away is a day I want to forget.
I don't want to live without you.
I wish you could see I need you to come back to me.

If I could show you the truth.
Tell you somehow that, baby, I love you.

It hurt like hell to remember you walking away that day in June.
I wish to god and heaven I could take back what I said.
I never meant you heart you, never meant to wish you dead.

I pray to God you could forgive me.
I know I don't deserve it but I need you to come back to me.

If I could show you the truth,
Tell you somehow that, baby, I love you.
Written 8/16/10
Jul 2015 · 513
In His Arms
Slow down, just breathe,
Feel the weight lifting off your winds.
Take a deep breath, close your eyes,
Listen to your heart beat with time.

Now your flying above the pain,
Free from what you've seen, from suffering.
Everything will be alright,
If you believe, if you try.

Slow down, just breathe,
Feel the weight lifting off your wings.
Take a deep breath, close your eyes,
Listen to your heart beat with time.

And you'll be welcome into His arms,
Safe and sound, free from harm.
Written 8/14/10
Jul 2015 · 462
I walk the streets full of memories so sweet.
Closing my eyes I can almost hear you speak.
You're saying you love me.

You were everything I ever wanted.
You were my heart and soul, my world, my light.

Gone is that beautiful smile,
Gone is that laugh that lasted for hours,
And the way you whispered my name.
Gone are those spur of the moment trips,
Gone is your love with it.
Gone is my heart.
You were my heart.

I miss you more than I can say.
I dream about you everyday.
Closing my eyes I can almost hear you speak.
You're saying you love me.

You were the stars that shine at night,
You were everything good in my life.

Gone is that smile,
Gone is that laugh,
Gone is the way you whispered my name.
Gone are those spur of the moment trips,
Gone is your love with it.
Gone is my heart.
You were my heart.
Written 8/6/10. I hear this in my head like I Go Back by Kenny Chesney and Alyssa Lies by Jason Michael Carroll.
Jul 2015 · 569
A True Friend of Mine?
Wont stop bleeping, can't start breathing,
Knowing where the truth lies.
Listening to you say you miss them,
But what about you and I?

Was it real?
Or am I invisible?
If I died would you notice, would you even cry?
Was it just school days, memories fade?
Or are you a true friend of mine?

Breaking down and building up, but I can't decide.
Were you a true friend of mine?

Was it hope or a disguise?
Are you a true friend of mine?

Tell me! Was our friendship a lie?
Or are you a true friend of mine?
Written 7/3/10
Jul 2015 · 334
A song for a friend
Hold on, don't let go,
It can be hard I know.
Take a breath, take it slow,
All you need is a little hope.

I will always be here for you,
I will be whatever you need me to.
I'll be the shoulder you can cry on,
I'll be you hero, I'll help us be strong.
I'll be everything if you want me to.
I will always be here for you.

Hold on, don't let go,
It can be hard I know.
Take a breath, take it slow,
All you need is a little hope.

I'll be there when you fall, I'll be there when you call.
Just say my name and I'll come running,
Running to save the day.

Hold on, don't let go,
It can be hard I know.
Written 8/6/10
Jul 2015 · 233
Some hearts
Some hearts break, some hearts mend,
Some hearts are never the same again.
Sometimes you have to move on.
Sometimes you have to crawl before you can run.
Some hearts bend, some harden,
Some hearts are never whole again.
Sometimes you have to breathe.
Sometimes you have to die a little, in order, to live.
Written 8/16/10
Jul 2015 · 361
5 Minutes
5 minutes left, the clock is ticking slowly.
I don't want you to be in pain, but I don't want to let you go.
Stay as long as you want, as long as you can.
Try to hang in there. Don't go yet.

3 minutes, your breathing is slow.
The beeping is getting father apart. Oh no!
You are so young and have yet to live.
Time is against us again.
I wipe away the tears that fall down my face.

1 minute past, I miss you so much.
We are broken, deprived of you love.
Written 1/29/08
Jul 2015 · 290
If I told you I was leaving,
    would you ask me to stay?
If I told you I love you,
    would you say I love you too?
If I told you I was dying,
    would you do all you could do?
If I told you I can't take it,
     would you hold me and say,
     without me your would wouldn't be the same?
If I said with my dying breath I need to see you,
     would you do everything to make that true?
If you were robbed of my love,
     would you fight to have it back?
If they told you I was gone,
     would you believe them and move on?
Written 8/9/10
Jul 2015 · 961
To My Best Friends Mom
I don't think you understand what you've done.
The hurt you've caused,
The fear you've brought.
She is your child, your love.
But you put her last,
And you above.
You don't understand what you lost,
A poor young girl who paid the cost.
A daughter you've lost over time.
A good friend of mine.
I don't think you understand what you've done.
A beautiful woman with so much to do,
A beautiful woman you will lose.
And I will be there as I have always been,
To pick up the pieces and help her swim.
Written 1/22/14.
Jul 2015 · 273
As I get happy my voice gets loud
You tell me to be quite and I have to wonder
Would it be better if I had duck tape over my mouth

My happiness fades and so does my light
My heart breaks a wound not at all slight
Tears want to fall, my throat closes up

Do you car at all?
Jul 2015 · 707
Dear Forest Ranger
Dear forest ranger,

Though I didn't know you,
What happened rang through my heart.
It's not fair that so soon in this new year,
You were taken from this earth,
Just January first.

The sirens ring through my head,
Haunting the woods surrounding this mountain.
I don't know your name,
Or if you had a spouse or kids.

I hope you knew help was coming,
I'm sorry they didn't make it in time.
I pray that your loved ones will be alright,
That in time they can heal.
I hope they find peace in knowing,
You are watching them from Heaven.
Written 1/1/2012. A forest ranger was killed on January 1, 2012 up at Mount Rainer. My family was in the area. We listened to the news and it was so rough with my cousin wanting to go out and help.

This poem is for that brave ranger.
Jul 2015 · 968
Another Year Without You
Another new year,
But it's still not the same.
I'd rather relive an old year,
One where I can hear you say my name.
Written 1/1/2012
Sep 2014 · 311
If I am going to be honest
If I am going to be honest, I have 3 best friends. My heart, my soul, and my inspiration, you might not understand who you are or which one you are but you are important to me.

And if I am going to be honest, I have an angel on my shoulder. She is always in the back of my mind, she is my courage. She makes me want to be brave.

If I am going to be honest, I need you in my own way. I love you more than you can understand.

And since I am being honest, I wouldn't have it any other way.
Jul 2014 · 387
A Heroes Return
The King's crown is broken.
The Prince is at a loss.
Hope is a shining beacon.
But who will pay the cost?

The kingdom is in mourning.
The subjects are distraught.
They are looking for a hero.
But who will pay the cost?

A man in golden armor,
Has ridden into town.
A brave and true warrior.
Here to heal the crown.

The lost son returns.
The one they all thought lost.
Hope is a shining beacon.
He comes to pay the cost.

The King's heart is overflowing.
The Price is no longer lost.
Their hope is returning.
Their son/brother is home at last.
Jul 2014 · 236
Someone Like Me
I wish I had a me to talk to.
Someone to listen to me and give me advice.
Just like I do for others.

Oh, but I had her once.
Long before I knew just how much I would need her.

It's too late now.
Four years this September to be exact.
The 27 marks the date I lost my last defense.
Jul 2014 · 454
Insperation for You
Stand up
Stand tall
Don't let yourself fall

Get up
Get out
Don't give into doubt

Run free
Run fast
Leave the haters in the past
Nov 2013 · 391
What if I
What if I told you that I have a death wish?
What if I said I would die for you?
What if I said I want you to be happy?
Even if I have to die for that to come true.
Nov 2013 · 399
Shadow Girl
She walks in the shadows
Pure of heart.
Of the demons
But the angels watch.

She belongs to both words
Yet, is in between.
Not quite there.
Not quite seen.

And if you ask what’s her name.
No one knows to this day.
She is a spirit that runs free.
She is a ghost, unseen.

There are whispers
That no one hears.
There are voices
Everyone fears.

She is not real
She shouldn’t be.
Not quite human.
Not quite beast.

Of the demons
But the angels watch.
But one day
She will get caught.
Nov 2013 · 517
I’ve been running since you told me to go.
Never stopped to breathe even though it hurts.
Feet bleeding,
Heart pounding but I won’t stop running.

I’ve been running for so long.
I don’t know if I can stop.
Not sure I’ll know how to walk.
It’s probably not worth it.

Only death will make me stay,
Here or some other place.
All I know is how to run,
And push away the pain.

I’ve been running since you told me to go.
Grabbed my things and left home.
Never to come back.
Never to stop running.
Nov 2013 · 1.4k
If I was brave
I would take your offer and runaway.
I’d burn every bridge
And watch smoke choke the sky.
Because this bleeding heart can’t survive anymore.
Not with all these lies.
Nov 2013 · 2.0k
My Grandad's Truck
Sitting here as memories flood my mind.
Trying so hard not to cry.
As I say goodbye,
To a piece of my grandfather.

That stupid green truck that lived in the jungle of my backyard is gone.
A huge piece of him that was a memorial to a man I loved.
It sat there for eight years after its owner left.
A piece of him I don’t regret.

Now all that is left is a hole,
Where it used to be.
And it stirs up the memories,
Of a man who meant so much to me.
Nov 2013 · 508
I Want
I think my problem is I am tired of silence so I speak out of turn.
I want to be heard but it stays in my head and all the wrong things get said.
I want to talk and cuddle and love.
I want someone to love me and not feel like the ghost.
I want someone to tell me nicely that I hurt them or not take it to heart.
Not someone to make me worthless and not worthy of love.
I want to be better but I fear I cannot.
And the world wouldn’t miss me if I were gone.
Sep 2013 · 318
You know nothing about the fire
That burns so bright.
You know nothing about desire
That consumes the night.
You know nothing about the rage
That sets fire to this town.
You know nothing about the fire
You know nothing about the flames.

If you think you do you’re wrong.
Before you know it you’ll be gone.
Don’t let it burn out
Or you’ll be found in the ground.

You know nothing about the fire
You know nothing about the flames
You don’t know they can consume you
If you don’t control your rage.

If it cools down
Let those embers turn to flame

You know nothing about the fire
That burns so bright.
You know nothing about the rage
That took my life.
Sep 2013 · 340
Who Are You?
Who are you to haunt my dreams?
Who are you to tell me I am nothing?
Who are you to define me?
Who are you to take the very best of me?

As I walk through this life,
I fight just keep alive.
With you staring me down,
Like my heart beat is too loud.

Who are you to deny me happiness?
Who are you to break me down?
Who are you to decide I’m worthless?
Who are you to toy with my heart?

As I take the steps I need,
To figure out where life will take me.
With you staring me down,
Like you wish for me to drown.

Who are you to price my life?
Who are you to sell my rights?
Who are you to destroy my hope?
Who are you to tear my heart?

All I wanted was to love.
All I asked for to be love.
All I need was love.
All I got was a tragedy.

Who are you to decide?
Who are you to destroy my life?
Who are you?
Who are you?
Jul 2013 · 357
Broken-Hearted Girl
Sometimes the smile is a lie
And no matter how hard I try
You’ll never know the story
Of this broken-hearted girl
Jul 2013 · 1.2k
I know that had fate not intervened.
You would be here enjoying this with me.
Standing in line with your family and friends.
Waiting for the Hobbit to begin.

I bet you got an eagle eye view.
Watched them create magic.
Did you walk around New Zealand,
Traveling the path of the Fellowship?

Did you stand in that theater,
Laughing along with us?
Enjoying the adventure,
As if you never left us.

And when I finally see you.
And I wrap you  in a hug.
Will you laugh and tell me,
Who was your favorite Dwarf?
Written after the midnight premier of The Hobbit were I ran into my best friends family. I know if she were still here she would have been there too.
Jul 2013 · 311
The Fall
As I get ready for the fall.
I stand at the end of my conscious.
Knowing I'll never be forgiven,
For breaking the ultimate promise.
To never take a life.
Jul 2013 · 959
Fake Identity
I feel like a liar in your presence.
What you see is not who I really am.
It's the picture I display to hide myself.
Afraid you wont love me if I am nothing less.
Jul 2013 · 801
You Can't Break Me
I spent so much time trying to please you,
Trying to make you happy.
But nothing I do is working.
I wont do this anymore.
You tell me,
I'm nothing.
No one,
Will love me.
But guess what.
You can't break me.
You can't tear me down.
I am stronger,
Without you now.
Jul 2013 · 410
Maria's Story
Tragedy follows her everywhere.
Everyone she loves keeps leaving.
Brokenhearted and bleeding,
She somehow keeps moving on.

The world she knows turns their backs on her.
Made to be alone.
Never go home.

The mighty heroes fall from grace.
The day they told her to walk away.
She is someone not worthy to be saved.
But she still held no blame.

Seven years passed and no anger controlled her.
At the end of her road,
She dreams of her home.

Just wants to go home,
And feel the love she used to know.
But she can't go home.
Forever alone.

With her final breath she forgives,
The sins of the others.
Never to hear the sound of their voice,
Not that she was given the choice.
But when she goes, she goes in peace.
Knowing she is going home.
Jul 2013 · 527
Not Fair (Scares)
I'm the one with the scared heart,
And the weight on my shoulders.
She is the beauty queen,
With no scares to mold her.
Jul 2013 · 376
How can you pretend,
That nothing matters.
Hide behind the lies,
That no one cares.
Go about invisible.
Screaming to be seen.
Needing to be seen.

Can't find the light,
In this darkness.
Can't win this fight,
Slowly losing.
Giving up faith,
Of being heard.
Always hurt.

Just to be alive,
Sometimes isn't enough.
All the lies,
Fall from your mouth.
Is a disease.
All consuming.
Can't be free.
Jul 2013 · 1.5k
The Mask
She puts on the mask of a happy daughter.
Her friends are jealous of her life.
No one knows that she’s alone because her parents are never home.
How long until she breaks under the pressure?
How long until the feeling of unloved takes her life?

She wears a mask like her favorite superheroes.
Trying to hide behind that sweet smile.
But inside a war is raging.
Inside her heart is breaking.
Inside the truth screams out.

He wakes up and the mask comes on.
Hiding the pain of watching his sick mother dying.
No one knows that their losing everything they have.
How long until he’s alone on the streets?
How long until he steals or dies, because he has no home?

He covers up the pain with his attitude.
Pretending that he owns the world.
But inside a war is raging.
Inside his heart is breaking.
Inside the truth screams out.

Acceptance is all they wanted.
Unconditional love from someone.
Never got that kind of feeling at home.
They might as well be alone.

We all wear a shape of a mask.
Whether it’s every day or occasionally.
It’s hard to keep your heart wide open.
For the fear they might not like what they see.
Jul 2013 · 336
Fear Makes Me Stay
A torn up heart
With a liar’s smile
But the darkness stretches on for miles

I love you so much
I can’t let go
Even though I am alone

Life for you would be better if I was gone
But a fear of pain
Is in my veins.

And it is that fear
That keeps me here
And you from happiness.
Jul 2013 · 732
Dear Mom
For once I just want someone to tell me that it’s not true.
Why can’t you comfort me instead of tell me that I’m at fault too.
When I apologize don’t tell me, “Now you know how I feel.”
Forgive me. Love me. Tell me it’s a lie.

I feel like the world will be a better place without me.
And you just proved it.

I am so sorry that I am a terrible daughter.
I didn’t realize I was so bad.
I want to be better.
I don’t want to burden you anymore.

I just don’t know how.
I don’t know how to break my personality.
I don’t know what to do to be better.
I want to be better.

You are everything to me.
You don’t deserve to suffer a fool like me.
You are my hero and my angel.
I’m sorry if my existence hurts you.
Jun 2013 · 321
I miss you.
I wish I could talk to you.
I wish I could say to you all the things I need to.
I wish I could talk to you about boys,
About the future,
About my fears,
And I wish I could tell you I love you.

I wish I could pour my heart out to you.
Tell you about the lowest thoughts that run through my mind.
Have you tell me my worth.
Tell me that these thoughts are wrong.
Tell me that I matter,
To you, to them,
Tell me that you love me.
For you were my best friend.

But there is one thing
Above all else I wish to tell
For you were my chosen sister, my best friend.
Thank you.
Thank you for being there even though you had to leave me in the end.
May 2013 · 331
How I Feel
I have to wonder
When moments like this
Where I feel like the worst daughter in the world.
If I were to go right now
Would you be happier?
Do I hurt you by being here?
Do you love me?
Or am I seeing a beautifully played lie.
I just want to rip my heart out
Right here
Right now
And die.
I’m not worthy of such a lie.
Feb 2013 · 429
Not the Favorite
Have you forgotten about me?
Am I just not important?
Had it been him,
You would have done it in a heartbeat.

Is it just me?
Or do I see the truth?

You do have a favorite.
You both do.
I mean little to you.

My heart,
My feelings,
My health,
And life,
Are unimportant to you.

You treat him like a king.
You serve him like a prince.
While I am left to fend for myself.

Do you even know you are breaking my heart?
Do you even care?
As I lay here dying inside,
You are somewhere upstairs.

So I’ll ask you one more time.
And you’ll say “sorry I forgot.”
But it’s too late.
I’ve already given up.

And the worst thing is,
I don’t blame you.
Feb 2013 · 693
DC Girl
I left my heart lying in a field in Kansas.
Broken, bleeding and hopeless.

I left my body in a city called Gotham.
In a lightless tomb of delirium.

I left my spirit in a Metropolis.
Where heroes are born fearless.

I left my mind running through time.
In multiple dimensions of earths and crime.

I will never be whole inside.
But all I need is you by my side.
Feb 2013 · 490
The Story of That Cross
That cross right there.
A name carved there.
A girl so young.
A girl well loved.

Seventeen and beautiful.
Full of life, full of love.
Remembered forever for dying young.

Always in our hearts,
Imprinted on our souls,
Living in our memories,
As we continue alone.

A girl so powerful a town mourned.
A girl whose death left us all torn.
A girl whose love as so warm.

Today would have been your twentieth birthday,
But you aren’t here to celebrate.
And at the end of the day I don’t regret,
The time I had and the way we met.

Your friendship was an anchor,
And without it I would have drowned.
But there are still days I feel I’m going down.

See that cross right there.
A name carved there.
She was my best friend.
And now she is gone.
Dedicated to the memory of Spencer Ford. Happy Birthday, my dear friend. I miss you.
Feb 2013 · 5.0k
Batman and Robin
You can be my Robin and I’ll be your Batman
And together we will clean up this wasted land.
Jan 2013 · 949
Do you know the power for your words?
How they break my heart.
Do you know I can’t see beyond those scars?
That words that might not have been spoken in hurt,
Have cut me far too hard.
And the hole burned in my side,
Won’t heal in time.
Dec 2012 · 382
My Sympathies
I can't understand the pain you are going through.
And I don't even want to try.
But my heart is with you are you grieve and say goodbye.

I am sorry for your loss.
And I wish I could do more.
But know that tonight angels stand outside your door.

I hope in time you learn to breathe.
And memories don't bring you pain.
I hope you will believe in happiness again.
For the people who lost their loved ones from the school shooting in Connecticut and the shooting in Clackamas Town Center.
Dec 2012 · 454
You feel insignificant.
Not even worth it.
Nothing but a replacement,
Waiting for the real thing.

You live in the shadows.
A ghost in the hall.
No one seems to see you,
Not even when you’re gone.

You strive for perfection.
It’s all you can give.
Just your brain and your body,
To do the right thing.

They think you’re mad.
Crazy with loss.
The final straw broke,
But you’ll show them all.

Little brother is what he used to say.
But now it’s different.
He has someone new,
The real thing.

So what if he lied.
You knew the truth.
You weren’t meant to stay,
But it still hurt.

You go on your mission.
To prove what you know.
That your “father” is alive,
Just stuck back in time.

You are right he is alive.
And your “brother” apologizes,
For not believing you.
But the damage is done.

The truth is you’re not needed any more.
Your job is done.
Leaving to start on your own,
Because you’re not one of them.

They say you are family.
But you know they are just words.
For you will stay,
So they can control you.

Now things are different.
You are on your own.
But if you should need them,
You can call home.

Trouble has found you.
All hope is lost.
You call and call,
But you get no response.

You lay there bleeding out
No one to save you from hell.
Last breath
Where are you now?
Oct 2012 · 619
We used to have a future,
Something to believe in and to fight for.

But yesterday I found you in love with another.
And you tell me I’ve got it all wrong.

And I have to, wonder, if you see me for who I am
Or do you only see what you believe I’ve become?
The monster, in the closet, is getting harder to keep locked up.
And if you think I can survive the downfall, you’re wrong.

‘Cause tonight is the night I fall.
Tonight is the night we lose it all.

Screaming and fighting
Out of breath and out of love
Tired of lies and heartache
That left me without cause.

You stand there waiting for me to apologize
But I am afraid you’ll be waiting a long time.
You couldn’t see the damage you were doing to me.

I see the truth of your lies.
I see the things you tried to hide.
You tell me I’ve got it all wrong.

And I have to, wonder, if you see me for who I am
Or do you only see what you believe I’ve become?
The monster, in the closet, is getting harder to keep locked up.
And if you think I can survive the downfall, you’re wrong.

‘Cause tonight is the night I fall.
Tonight is the night we lose it all.

Yes tonight is the night I lock the door.
Tonight you don’t have a wife any more.
Oct 2012 · 284
Power of Words
I just needed you.
I needed you to tell me it was ok.
I came to you broken.
I came to you in pain.
I reach out for you.
And you slapped my hand away.
You told me of your pain.
You said I shouldn’t complain.
I apologized to you.
I ripped my heart out for you.
And all you said was yeah, Ok.
You put my heart in fear.
Made me sick with worry.
You must mean more to me.
Then I meant to you.
Because you gave me nothing.
When I died for you.
Oct 2012 · 805
Rest In Peace.
I’ll walk in silence with you,
I’ll stand in the shadows too.

If you need me I’ll come,
No questions asked for none.

But someday I’ll need you.
Will you come too?

Or is this a one sided deal?
Where only my time is for real.

Will I be left to defend myself?
Or will you be there above all else?

But if I die,
Before you arrive.

Will you bring my body back,
And for all the family that I lack.

Will you bury me,
Beside the sea.

Where I may rest in peace.
Oct 2012 · 2.0k
False Memories
False memories
Of what used to be
But you’re not the hero
I believed

False memories
Playing in my head
Silence deafening
I wish I as dead

I don’t know how these memories
Came to be
All I know is
They can leave

False memories
Are haunting me
Telling me lies
Burning me

False memories
Of times gone by
You standing there
Saying goodbye

I don’t know how these memories
Came to be
All I know is
They can leave

False memories
Stealing this life of mine
My last memory
Is running out of time

False memories
Let’s burn them down
I won’t stand here
And let myself drown

I don’t know how these memories
Came to be
All I know is
They can leave
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