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If I am going to be honest, I have 3 best friends. My heart, my soul, and my inspiration, you might not understand who you are or which one you are but you are important to me.

And if I am going to be honest, I have an angel on my shoulder. She is always in the back of my mind, she is my courage. She makes me want to be brave.

If I am going to be honest, I need you in my own way. I love you more than you can understand.

And since I am being honest, I wouldn't have it any other way.
The King's crown is broken.
The Prince is at a loss.
Hope is a shining beacon.
But who will pay the cost?

The kingdom is in mourning.
The subjects are distraught.
They are looking for a hero.
But who will pay the cost?

A man in golden armor,
Has ridden into town.
A brave and true warrior.
Here to heal the crown.

The lost son returns.
The one they all thought lost.
Hope is a shining beacon.
He comes to pay the cost.

The King's heart is overflowing.
The Price is no longer lost.
Their hope is returning.
Their son/brother is home at last.
I wish I had a me to talk to.
Someone to listen to me and give me advice.
Just like I do for others.

Oh, but I had her once.
Long before I knew just how much I would need her.

It's too late now.
Four years this September to be exact.
The 27 marks the date I lost my last defense.
Stand up
Stand tall
Don't let yourself fall

Get up
Get out
Don't give into doubt

Run free
Run fast
Leave the haters in the past
What if I told you that I have a death wish?
What if I said I would die for you?
What if I said I want you to be happy?
Even if I have to die for that to come true.
She walks in the shadows
Pure of heart.
Of the demons
But the angels watch.

She belongs to both words
Yet, is in between.
Not quite there.
Not quite seen.

And if you ask what’s her name.
No one knows to this day.
She is a spirit that runs free.
She is a ghost, unseen.

There are whispers
That no one hears.
There are voices
Everyone fears.

She is not real
She shouldn’t be.
Not quite human.
Not quite beast.

Of the demons
But the angels watch.
But one day
She will get caught.
I’ve been running since you told me to go.
Never stopped to breathe even though it hurts.
Feet bleeding,
Heart pounding but I won’t stop running.

I’ve been running for so long.
I don’t know if I can stop.
Not sure I’ll know how to walk.
It’s probably not worth it.

Only death will make me stay,
Here or some other place.
All I know is how to run,
And push away the pain.

I’ve been running since you told me to go.
Grabbed my things and left home.
Never to come back.
Never to stop running.
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