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If I was brave
I would take your offer and runaway.
I’d burn every bridge
And watch smoke choke the sky.
Because this bleeding heart can’t survive anymore.
Not with all these lies.
Sitting here as memories flood my mind.
Trying so hard not to cry.
As I say goodbye,
To a piece of my grandfather.

That stupid green truck that lived in the jungle of my backyard is gone.
A huge piece of him that was a memorial to a man I loved.
It sat there for eight years after its owner left.
A piece of him I don’t regret.

Now all that is left is a hole,
Where it used to be.
And it stirs up the memories,
Of a man who meant so much to me.
I think my problem is I am tired of silence so I speak out of turn.
I want to be heard but it stays in my head and all the wrong things get said.
I want to talk and cuddle and love.
I want someone to love me and not feel like the ghost.
I want someone to tell me nicely that I hurt them or not take it to heart.
Not someone to make me worthless and not worthy of love.
I want to be better but I fear I cannot.
And the world wouldn’t miss me if I were gone.
You know nothing about the fire
That burns so bright.
You know nothing about desire
That consumes the night.
You know nothing about the rage
That sets fire to this town.
You know nothing about the fire
You know nothing about the flames.

If you think you do you’re wrong.
Before you know it you’ll be gone.
Don’t let it burn out
Or you’ll be found in the ground.

You know nothing about the fire
You know nothing about the flames
You don’t know they can consume you
If you don’t control your rage.

If it cools down
Let those embers turn to flame

You know nothing about the fire
That burns so bright.
You know nothing about the rage
That took my life.
Who are you to haunt my dreams?
Who are you to tell me I am nothing?
Who are you to define me?
Who are you to take the very best of me?

As I walk through this life,
I fight just keep alive.
With you staring me down,
Like my heart beat is too loud.

Who are you to deny me happiness?
Who are you to break me down?
Who are you to decide I’m worthless?
Who are you to toy with my heart?

As I take the steps I need,
To figure out where life will take me.
With you staring me down,
Like you wish for me to drown.

Who are you to price my life?
Who are you to sell my rights?
Who are you to destroy my hope?
Who are you to tear my heart?

All I wanted was to love.
All I asked for to be love.
All I need was love.
All I got was a tragedy.

Who are you to decide?
Who are you to destroy my life?
Who are you?
Who are you?
Sometimes the smile is a lie
And no matter how hard I try
You’ll never know the story
Of this broken-hearted girl
I know that had fate not intervened.
You would be here enjoying this with me.
Standing in line with your family and friends.
Waiting for the Hobbit to begin.

I bet you got an eagle eye view.
Watched them create magic.
Did you walk around New Zealand,
Traveling the path of the Fellowship?

Did you stand in that theater,
Laughing along with us?
Enjoying the adventure,
As if you never left us.

And when I finally see you.
And I wrap you  in a hug.
Will you laugh and tell me,
Who was your favorite Dwarf?
Written after the midnight premier of The Hobbit were I ran into my best friends family. I know if she were still here she would have been there too.
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