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False memories
Of what used to be
But you’re not the hero
I believed

False memories
Playing in my head
Silence deafening
I wish I as dead

I don’t know how these memories
Came to be
All I know is
They can leave

False memories
Are haunting me
Telling me lies
Burning me

False memories
Of times gone by
You standing there
Saying goodbye

I don’t know how these memories
Came to be
All I know is
They can leave

False memories
Stealing this life of mine
My last memory
Is running out of time

False memories
Let’s burn them down
I won’t stand here
And let myself drown

I don’t know how these memories
Came to be
All I know is
They can leave
The fallen angels call to me reminding me who I am,
They try to bring me back into their world but I’ve gotten free.
Because I found my wings and I’m flying high,
I am now over the sea.

Don’t come for me,
I am too far gone.
Don’t try to follow,
You won’t last long.

I can hear the fallen angels sing,
Whispering words of fear,
And I don’t want to listen,
But I still hear.

Don’t come for me,
I am too far gone.
Don’t try to follow,
You won’t last long.

The fallen angels stand silent waiting for me to fall,
They want to remind me why I was one of them.
A broken girl,
They want to see condemned.

Don’t come for me
I am too far gone
Don’t try to follow
You won’t last long

I worked hard to get where I am.
These wings of mine are very strong,
They beat with the power of freedom,
Somewhere the fallen angels don’t belong.

Don’t come for me
I am too far gone
Don’t try to follow
You won’t last long

Don’t come for me
I am too far gone
Don’t try to follow
You won’t last long
You said we were going to be together.
You said that nothing could break us apart.
Now you say that this was never right
Now I am left living a lie.

I am on my knees begging for this pain (to be over).
Standing on my doorstep late at night (fully broken).

How could this have not been right?
How could you let me live a lie?
How could I have trusted you?
And how could I ever get over you?

You promised that you would never leave me.
You promised we could make it through everything.
Now you say that you need to go.
Now I am left here all alone.

I am on my knees begging for this pain (to be over).
Standing on my doorstep late at night (fully broken).

How could you promise me something untrue?
How could you leave me alone that night?
How could I have believed in you?
And how could I ever get over you?

You never meant for this to go this far.
You never meant for me to fall this hard.
You didn’t see this coming.
You didn’t stop to think.
You didn’t care to tell me I didn’t mean a thing.

And now I am on my knees begging for this pain (to be over).
Standing on my doorstep late at night (fully broken).

Even though I know I deserve better.
I still loved you more than ever.

I am on my knees begging for this pain (to be over).
Standing on my doorstep late at night (fully broken).
Just wishing for this night to get over.
Waiting for the wounds to heal over.
Watching for the rising sun.
For I was nothing but a long con.
To lose your heart,
To save a life.
To know the truth,
But tell only lies.
You look at me with that sadness in your eyes.
The look that makes it hard not to cry.
The pain is still fresh like it happened yesterday.
And I know there is nothing I can say but this...
Just remember her, remember her smile.
Remember her laugh and the way she danced.
Just remember her, let her memory last.
What happened to the pure of heart?
Where did they all go?
The innocent have all but gone.
They aren't in this world any more.

They left us with greed and cowardice.
Streets washed red with blood.
Of life and love there is none.

It's one man for himself.
They stand on the front line,
But there is no physical enemy on the other side.

Where did the strong of spirit go?
Do they not still live?
Is chivalry really dead?
Or is it in hiding again?

We are left in a pit of darkness.
Where hope is all but none.

But wait!
There is a light, so bright that it nearly blinds.
The light is warm and beautiful, where love and hope shine.

There is a man who is holding out His hand.
"Please, come and take it. I will free you from this land."

So we take His hand and walk with Him.
Away from this place.
To somewhere so beautiful no description can name.

"Welcome home, my child." He spoke with a smile so bright.
And for the first time we are safe in Heaven's light.
I hate the way you look at me.
You look at me like I'm worthless, nothing.
You see someone who shouldn't be.
A disgrace, a broken dream.
Someone you never wanted, someone who couldn't be.
The blood in my veins doesn't matter to you.
I'm not the son you wanted to live through.
You've crushed my heart and shattered my dreams.
I've tried all my life to gain your love,
But all the things I've ever done,
They mean nothing to you, nothing at all.
You see a failure, the reason to fall.
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