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What are you running from?
What do you think you’ll find?
When the battles lost,
And there’s no place to hide.
Do you think you can,
Stand up in the end?
When all time has stopped,
And all hope has died.

What if you lose your heart?
What if you fall apart?
When the world lies,
And you’re left to cry.
Do you think you can,
Stand up in the end?
When the fight is lost,
And your strength is gone.

What if you found you had been betrayed?
What if you could never fix it?
When everyone you loved walks away,
And you can’t pick up the pieces.
Do you think you can,
Stand up in the end?
When you know everything is gone,
And you are left all alone.

What are you going to do?
What are you going to say?
When you’re at the end of the line,
And you’re running out of days.
Do you think you can,
Stand up in the end?
When time gives out,
And you’ve gone cold.
I wish I could look into your eyes and see them reflecting back at me.
I wish I could hear you voice saying my name to me.
I wish I could tell you I loved you so much.
Just so I knew you understood that I loved you.
I wish I could take your place.
I wish I could change fate.
I wish I had one more chance,
To hold you in my arms again.
I miss your laugh.
I miss your smile.
I miss your voice and how you’d walk.
Every step you took had me mesmerized.
The way you could never tell a lie.
Every day I breathe.
Every day I dream.
Every day I pray I can make it through.
Every day I miss you.
You had this quite strength.
You had this wicked wit.
You followed through on everything.
I never once saw you quit.
Even when you faced the end.
I never saw you quit.
I miss her so much.
The beat of her heart.
The sound of her feet,
Running across the yard.
She was so beautiful, so smart
The loss of a child,
Can break any heart.
No parent should ever have to bury their child.
But it happens far too often.
That thought is just vile!
One wonders how anyone can ever smile.
When someone so young is gone.
She shone so bright,
And loved so much.
Now I am left at a loss.
I don’t know what to do.
I don’t know how to live,
Without my sunshine,
I don’t know how to give.
I swear the world lost its light,
The day my sweet girl died.
He never got to see your eyes light up when you laughed.
He never saw the adoring look when he came home at last.
He’ll never get to know you the way I do.
Because you’re gone
The angels took you too young.

He was never at your games and he never taught you how to ride.
He’ll never get to teach you how to drive.
He never knew what he meant to you
He never got to see all that you could do.
Because you’re gone
The angels took you too young.

I wish he could have seen the man you would have become.
You were so strong and kind.
You had such a bright mind.
But it ended so soon.
And you were gone so fast.
And I could never forgive him for not being here,
When we needed him the most.
I know it’s not his fault.
But it haunts me like a ghost.
Because you’re gone,
The angels took you too young.
So here I am standing at your doorway
Waiting for you to let me in.
So I can take back the things I said.
I never really meant to hurt you.
I just lost sight of what you mean to me.
So here I am to say I’m sorry.
Here I am to say I love you.
Here I am hoping we can fix what I broke.
Here I am again.

The days go by and I’m trying,
To fix what I have done.
Because the words I said were hateful.
The words I said were wrong.
So here I am to say I’m sorry.
Here I am to say I love you.
Here I am hoping we can fix what I broke.
Here I am again.

I find that I am losing you all over again.
I find that I can’t simply take back what I said.
I hurt you too bad this time,
And I realize I went too far to get you back.
So here I am to say I’m sorry.
Here I am to say I love you.
Here I am hoping we can fix what I broke.
Here I am again.

I stand at the end of all I’ve done.
Knowing there is nothing to be won.
Your heart is no longer mine.
You are gone forever this time.
So here I am to say I’m sorry.
Here I am to say I love you.
Here I am knowing I lost you.
Here I am again living without you.
Tears in the laughter
Tragedy abounds
Healing though memories
Both silly and profound
A love though three generations
From great to grand.

We miss you so much
The smell of cigarettes haunts my memories
Floods me with times never to be lost
I regret not spending more time with you
Not taking you in when I had you.

There is an emptiness
A hole where you should be
We laugh and joke
It helped us grieve
But every holiday I close my eyes and wish you were here with me.

I think, no, I know you are proud of us
The way we stay so strong
Together we are whole
Together we belong.

I am thankful we have you forever captured on screen
Whenever I need to hear your voice it’s there
I can laugh at how silly you are
I feel you here with me
Just seeing you
Hearing you
Makes it bearable.

It’s been four years now
Four years since that day and the pain still hasn’t fully gone away

I could never forget you
For Tenino is your town
I love that people know you
Your name gets around.

I love you, Grandma Monk
You are so very important to me.
I poured my heart in a letter that you never read.
You keep it on your nightstand beside your bed.
Someday you’ll regret not reading what it said.
But by then I’ll be dead.

The life that I once had,
Was taken from me in a flash.
This disease spread far too fast.
You feel a guilt that is too strong.
Because you were too late,
Now I am gone.

I waited to hear what you would say.
But I never saw you after that day.
Fate decided that you and I could never be.
Fate decided to end my life early.

As I lay there dying,
You ran across my mind.
I wonder what I did,
If I crossed a line.

As I lay here broken,
Tears fall from my eyes.
You will not be here.
As I start to die.

I have no anger toward you.
I wish I could say goodbye.
But you choose to let me go.
So I’ll leave you as I die.

My last few thoughts are not of you,
For that is more then you deserved.
No, I left with a feeling of love.
A feeling you did not return.

I have no regrets when it comes to loving you.
But not living until it was late,
Was a struggle to get through.
But one must not fight fate.
And when it’s time to go,
I leave with a free heart.
One you didn’t know.
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