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19.7k · Nov 2010
Kill the Silence...
Jacquelyn Cruz Nov 2010
You hear me from afar,
but my voice does not touch you.
You no longer want to feel ...

So let me speak with your silence ...

You're like the quiet nights ...
where not even a leaf moves .

And your silence, haunts my thoughts.

But let me tell your silence one thing ...
this, is how the dead live, in silence alone.
And you are more alive than anything I know.

Because I, once heard your voice, so sweet in the night...

You hear me from afar ...
But you, do not want to hear my voice.

You reject it as if I were your own pain,
If I am, then I ask your silence forgiveness...
it was never my intention.

I know you feel my words that fall upon you gently,
even the distance cannot tear them away!

So please tell me at least one word ...
it doesn't have to be of love.

So let the leafs move with the wind ...
and break the silence you carry within.
Bring your voice back to life...
**** the silence, that hides inside.
3.7k · Nov 2010
Jacquelyn Cruz Nov 2010
Her beauty shined from within
With her golden hair and fair skin
But she still wasn't enough for him back then.

Ugly duckling...
She was soon labeled
All of  her peers, joined in

Chanting and ranting
Ugly duckling, ugly duckling
She bowed her head and cried again and again

Time passed
And people moved on
She found she was better off on her own.

Reunions come and gone
She opted to stay at home,
Til one day she realized

She had become a swan...

No longer would she sit at home...
All alone...
No more...No more

Opening her door
She found freedom to explore
And everyone swore...

Anna May...Was gorgeous...
More so than the "chosen ones"...
Back in the school days.

One day she come face to face with...
Juan...but he was to good for her back then...
She sat smiled and listened while he chat...

How did this come about...
Your gorgeous lips, pout...
Round thighs and hips...

She  smiled and said...
I am who I have always been...
You just never saw my beauty from within...

Juan, gathered courage and asked her on a date...
She smiled and said...
To late...

This swan...already has a mate.

Epilogue... Never Judge a person from the outside...whats on the inside, is what really counts.
1.6k · Nov 2010
Teardrops Fall...
Jacquelyn Cruz Nov 2010
My heart forever longing
As seduction and pleasures melt inside,
Entwining thoughts of desire behind.

This kind of love, is enthralled with pain.
If you could read into my teardrops of time...
You be blinded by the thoughts they hold inside.

A curse, of bleeding hearts raveled with vines
Of temptations... for a wanting of something devine…
That’s been embedded from deep within…

As the burning hunger of love, for you never ends…
Lingering desires, of seduction and pleasure,
Equal…the entwining of two hearts together.

This kind of love, is enthralled with pain...
As my heart, is forever longing...
To feel the same...

The pounding of, Burning Hunger
For Passion and love
That forever lingers

In my heart...
1.1k · Nov 2010
Gentle Soul
Jacquelyn Cruz Nov 2010
In the middle of winter, my heart is the one filled with cold winds
If I look towards the skies, the white clouds passing on as to say goodbye.
Voices of deep pain, try to convince my ways of thought,
As cries of old pleadings, want to stop this anguish of lust.
.. ..

You were like the last desert rose, my only essence in life.
As I search for summer, to calm my internal blizzard.
A cold darkness is what is holding you away from me, my love.
But I am the only one to blame, It was me who was afraid and ran away.
.. ..

I couldn’t imagine my life with you…your a gentle soul , a warm breeze,
And my heart as cold as the night, afraid to let in the summer winds.
.. ..

But its now in your absence, that I have come to love the seasons.
I extend my hand to the darkness awaiting, the return of my desert rose.
Soon spring is upon us, and the cold winds will begin to fade away,
And the cries of old pleadings now want to regain the passion, once again.
.. ..

The white clouds will bring back to me, my essence of life…
Now I can't imagine my life without you, you’re my gentle soul, my warm breeze.
The warmth of the seasons will calm my heart and my desert rose will set me free.

Gentle Soul...
O'how I love thee...
962 · Jan 2011
Jacquelyn Cruz Jan 2011
She shudders at the coldness...harsh winds braze her ashen body
Howling winds echo threw the lands leaving her alone...frightened.

Looking off towards the seas...waves crash violently
Eyes searching for...
Something, someone...but she sees...nothing.

She screams...a release to her frustration
For many a night her pleas can be banshees
Screeching for lost love...

Lost the sea.

Many claim that she can be seen
On cold windy nights...
As she clings to the promise of her long lost love...

"Wait for me my the sea...
I will return for thee
And your hand will be mine...
Wait and see"...

She still believes...

But we all really know
Her love, was lost to the sea.
On a cold windy night
As the waves crashed violently....

But her love is blinded by the windy breeze
For she awaits for her time, to return to-
Her mate, lost at sea.

On a night like tonight she can be seen
And heard by the howling winds...that crash like the sea...

She sings her pleas...
Please...come back to me...

Or soon...I shall join thee...
A.k.a. VelvetRosetta
627 · Nov 2010
O'So Sweet
Jacquelyn Cruz Nov 2010
Loving that for me?
You come on creeping...O' so sweet.
O' How I have needed you, for so, so long
So glad you finally found your way home...

— The End —