F J McCarthy on Aug 9, 2010
What poetry means to me.
Poetry is the music that plays in my head,it is the beat of my heart when I see beauty.
Poetry is two lovers walking hand in hand completely alone as the world rushes by.
The wind in the trees ,a bird in flight, a childs first step,these are poetry.
Tears of joy at a loved ones safe return, the birth of a child.
Every day of our lives are filled with poetry.
If we are lucky we can somehow translate the love and the sorrow, the joy and the pain,into words.
Words that stir our emotions, words that make us happy or sad, that bring tears to our eyes.
Sometimes raw and unpolished,sometimes beautifully balanced and flowing.
Words not to be judged as right or wrong,just to be read and perhaps to be felt.
We call those words poetry, I call them my heart, my soul, and all the things I long for.
All my hopes and my fears locked within the pages of my poetry, just waiting to be found and set free.