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Just knowing that I'll always have you,
Despite the fact you're hardly ever with me,
Makes me the happiest girl alive.
I still take a ***
Every now and again
More like whenever
I possibly can.

Anxiety is up
Depression in such a down
I am such a joke,
Circling around and around.

You little fiend
You calm me down,
And rot my teeth
I know I regret it,
But every time we meet,
The twitches stop
And my mind stops it's rot

I'll still take a ***
Every now and again
I'll smoke them slow
I'll smoke them fast
Until my body is smoke and ash.
My face,
My lips,

The wrinkles
Will come
If I continue seeing
you because
All you make me do
Is smile.

You held my hand,
Called me your darling,
And planted your lips
On mine.

I'm not sure what changed
But babe,
We're in our prime

 Apr 2013 Jacqueline Akers
live free, breathe easy
 Apr 2013 Jacqueline Akers
the boogyman isn't under your bed, it's inside of you.
 Apr 2013 Jacqueline Akers
only the light of truth can disperse the darkness

— The End —