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I don't know what is in you
That made me fall for you
At first, I just admire you
As time fleets, I realize that I love you.

I want to get closer to you
Yet I'm shy and hesitant in getting near you
You're my first love, I'm telling you
Perhaps, in love's game, I'm not as versed as you.

When you're not with me, I miss you
No other things in my mind, only you
All I want to do is to search for you
And have a long talk with you.

For me, no one's better than you
You are different, that, I told you
A reason that I can't replace you
I don't know what to do if I lose someone like YOU...
My first love poem when love struck me for the first time..
 Nov 2012 jacob mcguinness
Alone is not lonely
Lonely is much worse
by my self most of the time,I find little things to do
But the hole in my heart makes me lonely.
You are gone. I held your hand as you left me. knowing you body needed the peace and rest,
Did it make it easy?
OH No, It made me feel alone,
Now these years later I'm lonely and only you could feel that spot.
I'll be Alone again tomorrow but it isn't the same.
By  tomorrow night I'll be lonely again and that is much worse
I see, beauty in the stars,
even found beauty in old fashioned cars.
Beautiful, is the first day of spring,
and it's beautiful when church choirs sing.

When a baby is born,
when it learns to walk,
when it grows up,
and finally learns how to talk.

There's a lot of things in life,
that are beautiful,
but nothing is more beautiful than her.

And where ever you go,
I want you to always know.
You're beautiful to me,
even if you can't see it.

And I'll always love you,
you don't have the slightest clue.
You mean the world to me,
and you can't even see it.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
Lost in a forest of confusion.
A lonely travelor has lost his way.
Now he's reached a fork in the road.
Two choices lay before him, but only one decision to make.
It's not the choice of right or wrong or good or bad.
It is of what could be verses what already is.
Once he has chosen, he cannot turn back.
He can only go forward, into the darkness.
But, which path will you choose?

— The End —