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Dec 2017 · 159
Mind Games
Jacqueline Dec 2017
When I talk about my depression and anxiety
I pretend it’s not a part of me

There’s a person in my brain
Causing me to go insane

He makes me say mean things to myself
Placing my feelings in a box on the shelf

A box that I’m not allowed to touch
It’s filled with all the things I want so much

It’s filled with self love, faith, and hope
It’s taped up, wrapped up, and ******* with rope

The man inside my brain doesn’t have a name
Yet I’m so familiar with his wicked game

Sometimes he wins and I can’t get out of bed
Sometimes I win and I can rule my own head

Nobody understands and nobody will
I wish he didn’t exist still
my depression is always the worst at night. tonight is a night where I’m not winning
Dec 2017 · 146
Jacqueline Dec 2017
this isn’t a poem
as much as it is a confession
everything about you makes my soul sing

but when the nights come
I can’t sleep

do I make you happy

I know you deserve better babe
but I’m too selfish to let you go
because I know once you’re gone

I’d leave this place too
without you I can’t hold myself up

and not in a pathetic romantic way

but in a you’re my best friend and I ******* need you
I can’t manage my mind on my own
you’re the only one that has stuck by me

and I get so scared
because sometimes I think

nobody else ever will
it’s 2 am, insomnia has taken its course again. my husband is my everything but I know he deserves better than me and my flaws. just a late night rambling
Oct 2017 · 137
Jacqueline Oct 2017
This name fills me with so many emotions
Rage, sadness, regret

This name belongs to nobody I’ve met
This name belongs to someone so innocent

I don’t want to know you, Evangeline

I feel so ashamed that I hate you
I shouldn’t be so selfish

Yet he was mine and now he’s belongs to her
He doesn’t speak to me

Ithink of him so often

Does he remember?
When we first kissed

Telling me he loves me
Saying he will marry me

I hate the name of Evangeline
Because that name means something

It means that she exists
She, this little baby of his

The baby that will never be mine
Oct 2017 · 115
Jacqueline Oct 2017
I still think of you
Our love seems so long ago
I can’t let you go, Jon
Oct 2017 · 111
Jacqueline Oct 2017
there he lay sleeping next to me
I still wonder, dream about what could’ve been

can’t go back
am I stuck? will I regret?

so hard to tell when he looks at me that way
I smile in the photos

because it’s the other I’m thinking of
Nov 2015 · 1.1k
two souls complete my one
Jacqueline Nov 2015
You bring light to my life and he brings laughter.
Your strength carried me on my darkest days and he pushed me to move forward.

Two lives woven into one thread, never crossing, never knowing.

I have two hearts now. My mind split in two directions.

You bring light. He brings laughter.
I can choose to live in darkness or I can choose to live in sadness.

Two monsters inside of me having two separate appetites.
Which do I feed?

For now, I silently throw scraps of myself behind the other's back.
My monsters don't know each other. They have never met.

My monsters love me, because I can't love myself.
Jun 2015 · 927
Jacqueline Jun 2015
ive always had this trouble with words
yet everyone calls it a gift

"you're so smart" "your words are beautiful"

they haven't been in my mind
these words swirl around, they lose their meaning
my thoughts are on loop
phrases fly by
words come and go

misunderstanding - love - new - schizophrenic - restraint - hope

my words jumble in my head
making me feel angry and stupid because I can't sort them out
I don't know what any of this means

you can't tell me I'm smart
you can't possibly understand this
I don't get it

they think they know me, when I don't even know myself
Jun 2015 · 866
Life and Love
Jacqueline Jun 2015
Walk with your head high.
Love with your heart wide open.
Don't let them stop you.
May 2015 · 1.0k
Jacqueline May 2015
Just like glue, I'm stuck on you.
The things I say I promise true.

More and more everyday,
I'm loving us in every way.

I love you now, I loved you then.
I love you when the clouds roll in.

When we're apart, it breaks my heart.
Your soul to me, my favorite part.

Forever yours, forever mine.
I promise, love, that we'll be fine.

Have faith in me, as I do you.
Just like glue, I'm stuck on you.
May 2015 · 1.0k
Timely Manners are Overrated
Jacqueline May 2015
Do you ever wonder why we chase the clock? Why must I "Always arrive early!" "Don't keep them waiting?"
I don't follow the hand of the hour.
I rise and fall to my own mind.
Is that such a disaster, mother?
Time does not exist, so why are you chasing the clock? Time does not exist, so why is you're life a rush?
Slow down, Society. We have nowhere to be. Nowhere, but everywhere.
Stop running here and there.
Stop worrying about the time.
Stop living by the hour.

Just be. Just live.

Rise and fall to the sound of the birds. Rise and fall to the feel of your lovers skin. Set appointments by the sun. Live in one another. Let your mind wake you. Wake to the seaside and get there by the way of your feet. Follow your compass not your watch.

I don't chase the clock. I don't follow the hand of the hour.

My life is mine.
May 2015 · 705
Jacqueline May 2015
Waking up next to you
would be my honest dream come true.

Holding your hand in mine
sipping the sweet red wine.

Never having a care
brushing my fingers through your hair.

Your love awakens my soul
with me, my love, grow old.
May 2015 · 841
Wandering Worlds Woven
Jacqueline May 2015
She jovially jumped at the jester's jokes.
He scornfully scowled at her silly spirit.

Two people perpetually poised and primped.
Yet, so unlike, unique, and uncannily uncomfortable with one another.

The girl gleefully grinning at the grimace she glued on George's face.
George stomped away staring with stone-cold stature.

Young hearts unaware of their fate. Unaware that one day they would love.

Fiercely, furociously, finally falling.
Loving, lending, learning.

May 2015 · 624
Jacqueline May 2015
I hear your words but I don't feel your speak.
I look at your face but I can't see your eyes.

Our phone lines growing longer.
The day's fusing with nights.

When you return I won't be here.
Not with you.

I don't hear anything.
I no longer look at you.

My days are my own
and you
are no part of them.
May 2015 · 707
my lover, my friend
Jacqueline May 2015
when my fingers brush your skin
my heart explodes
stars roaming my soul

my cracked happiness fused together
with your golden melodies

breathe life and hope into me
give me your hands
so that I may feel my world changing colors

my sweet, dearest, Tanner
never leave me
Apr 2015 · 681
my anxiety and me
Jacqueline Apr 2015
you won't understand the way my veins shake
I can try, but it never ends

you won't understand why I can't trust my mother
listen, but my words won't flow

they won't understand the way my mind separates from my soul
because don't you realize?

I don't understand it either
Apr 2015 · 501
Jacqueline Apr 2015
Anger floods around me
I wear my jealousy like a coat

Somebody look at me
Let my scream numb your face

My body stitched together with tears
My heart left at the door

Take me away from here
I don't want to be present

I don't care
Just don't touch me anymore
Apr 2015 · 703
Jacqueline Apr 2015
My heart feels empty.
Remorse fills my hollowed soul.
Please, don't leave me here.
Apr 2015 · 582
Seasonal Tears
Jacqueline Apr 2015
The sun has never shone so bright on August days.
Wind teases her hair, dancing on her face.
He brushes it back with the softest stroke.

Clouds hang low on December nights.
Snow falls on her fingertips.
He is stiff and rigid.

Why can't they love like August winds in December clouds?
Jacqueline Apr 2015
She cries into the night staining her cheeks with doubt
soon waking to find her sky blue and the world turning

Suddenly her fears seem so small

The Midnight Monster disappeared
leaving them the way they should be
Apr 2015 · 472
Jacqueline Apr 2015
may your lips flutter with the sound of my name
so I hear birds

may my eyes lock onto your body
so I see the ocean

may we fall
so that I never feel anything

— The End —