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Jackie Sep 2013
Mom and Dad
Do you realize that your hate effects me
Mom and Dad
Do you realize that how you live reflects upon me
Mom and Dad
Do you know I just wish you would stop fighting
For ten minutes realize that we are watching
Mom and Dad
I can't learn how to be a good person if you don't show me
Mom and Dad
Do you understand that I want to get as far away as possible
That I want to keep running and never look back
Mom and Dad
I can't even remember the last time you said you loved me
Are you proud of me
Mom and Dad
I wish I could say all of this but you are too busy fighting
Do you even see me crying
Mom and Dad
Do you know that you both just make everything harder
I have no choice but to become stronger
Mom and Dad
You are starting to lose me
Mom and Dad
One day I will be gone
And you will ask what went wrong
Mom and Dad
I can no longer watch you destroy this family
I'm only 17
I can't take care of everything
Mom and Dad
I hate when you talk about one another
And look at my brother
He is only 11
He is starting to lose faith in Heaven
Mom and Dad
He doesn't deserve this
He shouldn't have to witness this
Mom and Dad
You need to get help
One day I wont be here to take care of him
One day I won't be here to explain to him what's going on
Or to reassure him that there is more to this world
Mom and Dad
While I am finishing this poem
You are fighting
Mom and Dad
Stop fighting and fix things
Jackie Aug 2013
I want nothing more than my future kids to live in peace
To see their mothers hand in hand
Feeling nothing but free
I want them to feel unconditional love from us
Unlike me when I grew up
If I can one day look at my kids and feel proud
I know I did my job
Because it doesn't always take a mother and father
Only love
I want nothing more than my future kids to feel accepted
To stand tall knowing they have two mothers
And maybe to others
That's not normal but they couldn't picture it any other way
One day
There won't be straight and gay marriage
One day
We won't have laws and restrictions
One day
Opinion about religion won't be a contributing factor
I want nothing more than to be equal to everyone else
We aren't fighting for special rights
We want what everyone else already has
One day my family will be called normal
Until that day
I will let my words do the explaining
Jackie Aug 2013
I wish I had wings
More than anything
I wish I could leave everything behind
Or put all negativity to the side
I wish I could say goodbye
To the people who chose to lie
I wish hate didn't exist
I wish my parents would tell me they love me
I wish I could say "I'm gay"
And not have to worry
I wish I could see my grandfather
I wonder if he is okay with who I am
I wish love had no gender
And we could all just be happy that we found someone to make everything better
I wish I could sit here and wipe away my tears and know that I am stronger than my fears
I wish there were only happy tears
And that sadness was just a rumor
I wish I could control my anger
Instead of lashing out
I would problem solve
Because for some reason every time my dad comes stumbling in
I just can't control it
Every time he tells me he didn't want me
I loose all feeling
I really wish my parents would say they love me
Maybe then when other people say it I might believe them
I wish I could predict the future
Just to make sure I turned out alright
Or maybe to prove to people that I can actually accomplish something
I don't know what I'd do
If all they wishes came true
Right out of the blue
But most of all I wish these wishes didn't need to come true
Jackie Aug 2013
I sometimes feel like I'm walking in circles
A cyclone of emotions
An unknown miracle
I sometimes feel like I'm close to failure
Swaying back and forth
An unstable teeter totter
Going from reality to pure nightmare
I'm left totally scared
Pondering the thought of going back there
I sometimes feel like I'm stuck in one place
To everyone else life is one big race
A test of strength
To determine ones fate
And I'm left in a past date
A complex state..... of mind
I sometimes feel like I'm close to crumbling
One big gust of wind will leave me struggling
Fumbling and juggling
My hardship and my triumph
Both reveal battle scars
One last trip to mars
To look at the stars
Before I hit earth
To revert back to my old ways
The olden days
I sometimes feel like I can't stop rambling
Or time traveling
Maybe just one more time
To ease my mind
I sometimes feel like...
There I go again
Not enough ink in my pen
To finish off my train of thought
So I'll just stop
Jackie Aug 2013
I feel like the words I say and the thoughts in my head
Never quite match up
The words I feel
And the words I say
Always get jumbled
And I'm left discouraged while shaking my head
I feel like what's in my heart and what people see
Don't always agree
I can be sweet
But don't mess with me
If I could record what's in my heart and play it like a DVD
Telling the girl how I feel
Would be the easiest thing
And yet
I take my words and somehow translate them into emotions
Just two minutes of honesty to one day show them
That I am more then I appear
I somehow find a way to show people that I am real
I sometimes feel like my words are never sincere
And yet I never stop talking
So maybe I'll learn to shut up
Maybe then I won't ***** up
Sometimes I make jokes so I don't break down
Maybe if I keep talking
I can make people believe that every little thing isn't always what it seems
So now I'll just keep smiling
Jackie Aug 2013
If I could paint the world with one stroke
I would take inspiration from poets
Different words
Different emotions
Different culture

If I could change the way people look at the world
I would start with
And the pursuit of happiness

Experiences make us
Judgement breaks us
And you can never look at someone and know their full story
Explore the possibility
That you may not have it all figured out
Start from the ground
Let go of doubt

If I could change hate
I would start with myself
Its never to late
To change your fate
Jackie Jul 2013
Should I run away
Or should I stay
Knowing that this environment will always lay in my brain
And I'm afraid
That someday
I won't turn out okay
But I can't stay
Locked away
In this prison of hate
People don't see
That it is destroying me
How can I be
Who I'm meant to be
When everything around me
Is disintegrating
And I am slowly dying
Trying to find a silver lining
When deep inside
It isn't worth trying to realize
That I don't deserve this
Its a hit and miss
Why should I try
To live inside a self destructive time bomb
Its just too strong
To take on
So I'll move along
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