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Jack Turner Dec 2011
I'm left and lost all alone
In this life that is left to me.
I desire and want like all
But cannot find one to call my own.
I try, though hard as I might,
I am left a half-second late,
Something short, missing, absent,
And lose out on the final prize.

I am left wanting those I cannot have.
I am left dying for she who doesn't give a ****,
And I don't know how to break myself of this trend.
I burn and break myself inside,
Turning my heart to gravel
Where it should be the ice
In her Margarita-filled life.

Out there are girls who might take that spot,
But I cannot find it in me to find in her anything I want.
I cannot find a way away from her I want.
It's that **** twitch of my mind,
Always returning to her I cannot.

So here I strangle myself with my thoughts.
I crush myself methodically from the inside-out,
Breaking myself down quicker than Father Time did intend.
Sorry says Mother Nature, so is Life.
Jack Turner Sep 2010
I love you as
the sun worships the moon
Where as one is day, the
Other is comprised of Night's cloak
Though one outshines the other
This only occurs through
One Having Another
For a day without night
Is a sad, cloudy gray sky
So dull and dark and gloaming
The starry night sky still shines
Alight. The image of which
Makes the day that much more dreary
As tear drops dribble
Dow the sky. And if you
Catch the setting sun -  not
A smile but a frown -
As the sun tries to regain
Its nightly Konstantine

The love always remains
My feelings stay the same
And even though you go away
This is exactly where I'll be
As I wait for you to return to me
Jack Turner Aug 2010
Ain't life good to me?
Don't you just wish
You could be me?
I've got a summer job.
I've got parents to support me.
I've got all the toys.
The bells and
Not to mention the whistles.
I know you just
Want to be me.
I live in that
Nice neighborhood.
I went to that
Prestigious high school.
I am in college
On my way to graduation.
My life
Is so much better than yours.
How could you not
Want to be me?
I know that's all
You want to be.
But you don't want
To be me.
You couldn't be
More happy
Just the way
You are.
You don't think
About me.
Or even you.
You are too happy
Being in love.
Which is something
That I can really
Only Envy.
What do you have
That I can't have
This same beauty
In my life?
Look, this is my pony.
But all I want
Is that little whistle
That makes you so
Jack Turner Sep 2010
Desperation mounts
At most 5 days in
I've started my search to find you
Though you are the best at this hide-and-seek
Not completely last, though I have no direct clues
Micaela Smith
She is my only link to what could be you

I feel a deep-seeded guilt
For how I pine for you
And though I suspect at what you feel
And have seen hints of what you think
I have no grounded proof that you hold love for me

And still I trust that my instincts are right
That I have a firm grasp on yours
And what I know to be yours on mine
So here I wait
For word of you to return
Or for my mind to draw me to madness
In which my search for you begins anew
And so here I wait
For either or to come
And all I can do now
Is let my mind whirl around you
Jack Turner Aug 2011
Let me just say that
Thank god I'm over you
Because this just in
the list of exploits you did do
is only getting longer
minute by minute and
hour by hour
actions speak louder than words
they say take a photo it will last longer
but its so much more entertaining
when we've got video coverage
so that I can kick back and watch
as your whole life falls apart
I can just sit back and laugh
And realize that my life ain't so bad
That I really should go and thank you
For going and leaving me
Because otherwise I would be
Strapped tight to your sinking ship
And just another line in your silly poem
But since you did cut me free
I now have front row seats to the show
I don't know about Karma being a *****
But I sure know you were
Being away from you has proven to me that
God isn't it good to be free
God life is great to me
Jack Turner Feb 2012
To see where the mind runs
And to see if its any fun.
To think and to be and to be around,
Following the mind, seeing what abounds,
Trailing the scent that was left behind,
Chasing the tail, leaving yours in kind.
This is how we deal with daily strife,
And this is how we live this day to day life.
Help me to see and help me to feel,
Find me a way into this heart of steel.
Steal me away from this kind of everyday,
Send me back the same old way.
But when I look inside,
Everything has changed,
As if you had looked in that mirror,
The one that sees and shines so clear
Showing the cuts clean through the rough.
All that is hidden deep within the self,
And then its back to me,
And now I'm running free.
Now we see the skies are shining.
That's how we'll be in times in between.
Comeback to it someday.
Swim in the moment
And drink in the thoughts.
Smile right and smile right back,
When all is said and all is said and done,
We'll leave it at that.
Jack Turner Jul 2010
Ive taken a deep breath
And a few steps back.
Ive taken a good look at myself
And want to revive
And revitalize
All that I am to you.

Born again might be the term
Used to describe all that Ive been

I want to be with you
Oh so bad.
I want to be your happy
And he who rids you of your sad.

I want that to be me.
Jack Turner Sep 2010
Its been more than a month
From that first moment
That my life finally seemed to start
I can't help but think of you
Every waking moment I possess
And even during sleep
Though dreams are flighty and less predictable

I still find it hard to believe
That I feel the power of the heart
So strongly connected to you
Having only seen you three times
Including that very first night

As of now, you are the beating on my heart
And now with the connection gone for a month
We will be tested more than the distance alone
Hold strong and I will do my best as well
To make it double as far as we are now
Without the constant contact we have had thus far
Be strong my Love, for my heart beats not without you
How long can I live without the motion of my Heart
Jack Turner Aug 2011
I have to do you better because
Its what you deserve for all you've done
Bringing me into and up in this world
For raising me right and teaching me well
But despite my best efforts and intentions
We both know that I cannot make that happen
As I quest to release my inner me
This thing that's built up so deep sown inside
And I will drive you as crazy
As I drive my car down this dark highway
Unseeing and alone with only my headlights here
Spotting none ahead and catching no sight behind
And still on I drive
Until it comes upon me that he is free
That day you will know I have made the most of me
And even though it will sadden you
You will see that it was needed for the best

This is how the road has to be
If it was simple and easy
And I followed the path that you intended
I will never breakout and find who
And more importantly what I am meant to be
So for the time being embrace the insanity
Its for the best
It truly is
Its for the best
And know that for all of this
For each and every little thing I have done
I love you
For each and every little thing you have done
So very much
Remember it well
And when this world of hell is at its darkest
Know that the dawn is not far off
And despite the nature you see of that world
Its only one moment, one speck in time
And that I love you all the same
Jack Turner Oct 2013
Mountain of Anger
A Whole World of Resentment
Destroys Our Friendship
Jack Turner Jun 2010
When the heart has picked its mate
And then in turn is denied its right,
Bottomless oceans do not nearly sink low enough
To equal these sagging emotions.

A downward spiral is too easy a *****.
A drop off a cliff,
A downward journey not for you to decide when it will end,
Where even rock bottom might slip out sending you falling again.

You get used to the oppressive darkness, after a while at least.
And if - by some cruel hand of Fate - you are down here long enough,
This darkness becomes enlightening.
A safe and steady home.

Happiness turns to your mortal enemy.
All things associated to it are banished from your being.
You wrap your death cloak tighter around, sinking lower.
Ironically, all told, this might be construed as making you happy.

Funny how even the best laid plans can backfire so quickly.
As you watch the bottom disappear from beneath,
Thoughts of death and worse creep to mind.
Memory of you slowly fades in time.
Jack Turner Sep 2010
How I don't remember is something for laughs
That I don't remember kissing that pretty little lass
But waking up feeling like I had been making out for hours
Is something that truly makes me grin

That next morning my head was in a spin
The feeling of what I had done, but no memory to come
Or at least til later that afternoon
When that brief memory floated back to mind
I bust a gut laughing until my head was fine

The next thought to come
Was how exactly did this happen
What on earth had gone on
To make this long time crush
Straddle high, and get her freak on

A sort of flashbulb memory taking place that night
Leaving much to be questioned, and few if any answers
First, texting one girl saying her place in my heart was secure... blank
Second, locking lips with Miss "Who Do We Have Here?"... blank
Third, Miles feeding me was, though my mouth tastes like ***** and beer.
Absolutely illogical, this has got to be some big joke, crazy and weird

Dear God, or anyone who's listening
Please let me track down this girl to question
I don't even care for another repetition
Simply put, I'm going to ask, "How the hell did we get in that position?"
Hopefully she can and will fill in a good deal of all that's missing.

And I get to fall on my *** laughing.
Jack Turner Oct 2013
It would be comical if it weren't so sad
How I find myself drawn inexplicably towards
Images and instances of you which still cause so much pain.

Moth to the flame - it's just nature - might explain this need found in me,
And I can't help but find the utmost pleasure
As I rub more and more salt in the wound,
Following each and every round with a squeeze of lemon
To add some spice and variance to the exquisite fair
That I have been feasting upon with my soul.

Try and deny it as I might,
It is in the depths of this despair that I delight.
Seeing your name is a shock and a stab
Of emotion that cuts so poignant and so true,
A breath of fresh air that makes me feel boundlessly alive
Inspite of the abyss it creates inside.
Jack Turner Oct 2013
I made a promise to you and I broke it.
Sitting here in the halls where I first saw you
Drives it home, God, how I know it.

Reflecting back on some of those moments,
Still so raw, they still make me flinch,
Time and again bringing blood to the surface
Despite how many times I've gone back to revisit.

It's so bitter and it's so sweet,
This intensity of emotion encapsulated in those days.

Passions so fresh in a world so new,
Forging paths in lands all but unknown,
Feeling more alive than either of us could have guessed at.

Now I live with more regret than I ever thought I could ever know,
Stealing breaths of life,
Revisiting those moments I felt most alive.
Jack Turner Oct 2013
I still find so much torment bred within
The attempt to reconcile myself with something
With which I have never been fine.

You and I were no longer together,
And though I saw it coming
I told myself different,
Which did nothing to prevent the eventuality, the fruition,
The end result came about all the same.

You fell in love with my best friend,
It was inevitable.
He said the two of you knew that it was wrong,
But he wanted to tell me, and to ask all the same,
And to his shock, disbelief, and relief, I said it was fine.

Yes, I know it was a lie,
But if I had said no it would have happened regardless -
If there's one thing in life I know
It's how things like these go, the feelings take over -
So I said no, it's fine,
So that maybe you two might find the happiness that eluded you and I,
And I'll go my way and hope to find mine,
Without you two having to worry and hide,
And to deny those feelings I saw
Before either of you two knew what it was.

And now I still find myself trying to make it ok in my mind,
When all I find is pain when you come to mind.
One day, one day I will be ok,
But until then this is something I will bury and hide,
Until the day I find that things are alright,
And I can be happy for the love you two did find.
Jack Turner Jun 2010
It's what drives my world around.
Insecurity is writing a poem about a girl
Who you thought was meant to be, then
Turn around and find out
She thought you were meant to be a joke.
Insecurity is the twisting in the depths of my stomach,
Wondering whether you are mine
Or if chasing clouds would be a better use of my time?

Can't you just love me for me?
Love me for my bad jokes,
Love me for my sloppy clothing,
Love me for the slob lifestyle I live?
And for always having a shoulder to cry on,
Two ears ready to listen to your problems,
And an insatiable urge to see the bright side of even the worst problems?
To get you smiling and back on your feet.

And when times are at their worst -
And things look to only get worse -
I will be there with a smile,
Just glad to have you near me,
Because that's all that really matters
To me.
Jack Turner Sep 2010
My life is complete.
My life is ripped to shreds.
I can breath again,
As the noose tightens.
I am rich with a ****** existence.
I am a beggar with a blessed existence.
I have you in my life,
And I have you back in my life.
Take the good,
with the bad.
Or you have nothing at all.
Jack Turner Dec 2010
I hate the hot and
I hate the cold.
First its one and
Then its the other,
Doesnt quite describe the
Latent heat to
Your subzero Mr. Freeze depths
You sink to
That threaten to **** me
Every time they dive.
Jack Turner Feb 2011
I've always written poetry
To drain the emotions,
To learn what secrets my soul is hiding.
I've written to see how I am truly feeling,
And to find those ghosts
Buried deep inside of me.

And I always feel the need to sing
Because its the purest form of speaking.
Its the combination of phrasing,
Its the pacing,
Its just how lyrically
You can build the intensity,
Which gives an interpretation to my words
That goes deeper than meaning.

I've always written poetry
Because to simply write a sentence
Grates on my economy of space,
As I state too little with words too much.
The impact,
The punch
The angst,
The anger,
My happy and sad,
All get lost in the punctuation of the paragraph

And I've always felt the need to sing
Because my lungs burn otherwise,
As I am restrained as I contain
All of the intensity that rides behind my song.
If I speak it out
It takes too long
For you to hear
What needs to be sung.
Jack Turner Feb 2012
If things could have been predicted
And I knew the words I would have said,
I would have taken any chance given
To take them back unsaid, things not needed,
Words that should have been unheeded,
And our lives left in harmony.

We found that night the deadly edge distance breeds,
Driving each other well beyond breaking.
Waking with headaches and a relationship beyond repair.
Through your tears and mine it became clear -
The impasse we reached that day will always be with me.

A lesson in temperance, to patience under strain.
Life had faded without your light.
Everything has been more than great, more than I deserve,
But the brights no longer shout as loud
As when I took it in with you by my side.
Jack Turner Feb 2011
Hey! what's your name?
Hey! what's your world?
Do you have the time for a guy like me?
Would you mind for a time letting me in your world?

I sat for a whole semester, locked in love with another girl,
All the while I sat and looked at you.
Pain and more from her wrought in me,
That I could have cast aside and tried for you.

But now at the second chance come round,
That vulnerability left inside from time gone by,
Is keeping my feet rooted down,
Keeping my voice from taking sound.

I voice now question,
State no compliment.
My hear is still being rent by the girl gone by,
And in my inaction, you are soon to join that crowd.

I seek to act and break her spell.
In time we will tell, how I fared.
Jack Turner Sep 2010
I am stuck up
Late again
Sleep evading me
And my thoughts
Surrounding you
I feel you drifting
Farther from me
The distance pulling
Your fibers of Love
From me

But I, like the fool,
Am still stuck up
On a wish
On you
Every moment
Every thought
All on you
Jack Turner Feb 2011
You're beautiful
Baby, don't leave me here
Don't leave me crashing
And that's how it happens
You don't see the true beauty
Until after the passion
You've moved on and gone
And left me crashing
Back into you
Everyone but me is laughing
My pride is torn
Driving me to distraction
I need you here
As the regrets are everlasting
Baby, don't leave me here
Don't leave me crashing

So don't go, don't go, don't go
We can be everlasting
Don't go, don't go, don't go
We can rekindle this passion
Don't go, don't go, don't go
Don't leave me crashing
Jack Turner Sep 2010
prints smeared down the wall
but now dried, they look like chocolate sauce
you feel eyes crawling over your body
goosebumps arise on your blood-drained skin
you jump, checking first one side, then the other
you know someone was just around the corner
shadow retreats in front, creeping after behind
as you advance down the cave-like hall with your light
something scratches across the floor in your wake
another thing crashes down as you turn
oh my god it's a...
Jack Turner Nov 2010
The way you move
Turns the knife
In my

The words you speak
Destroy my trust
In a

But now I have become
Wise to your words

And I won't be falling
For any of this again

The hypocrisy of your actions
Won't infect me within
And I won't continue this trend

None of this will
Bring me down

But I will laugh
As I watch you burn in Hell
Jack Turner Feb 2011
I know you'll hold me strong tonight,
But in the morning light
As the sunlight grows,
You begin to lose your iridescent glow,
And into my past you start to flow.

And I know that you'll always love me
And I will surely always love you,
But as I'm sure you know,
To those distances the heart can't always go.
So in that light, I let you go.

I can't really talk to you again
Unless you decide to be part of the conversation,
Because if you enjoy the attention
But don't want to contribute anything,
I can't live in that sort of plan.

So, as I said,
I'm headed for the door.
You can head to wherever your legs explore,
And it will be that girl I knew in the past
That I will forever adore.
Jack Turner Nov 2010
I don't want to be your friend,
I want to be your man.
You promise me "someday",
And I've listened up to this point,
But you don't want to be with me.
Not when, not how - Not now.

You say I didn't understand
Even when I try as best I can,
But when you don't want to talk
And tell me what's going on
- Do you know what? -
I don't want to understand,
I don't want to see life
Through the eyes of a liar.
I don't want to know life
Through the mind of a liar.
And most of all,
I don't want to live life
In a story of lies.

So to that effect,
This looks to be

My Goodbye
Jack Turner Jun 2012
Fie!*  Fie, I say to you!
And to all of you who say, *Die

I tell you, Fie!

When you say, You're too weak, You're too small,
You can't do it
I say to you, Fie!  Fie, from deep in my core.

You can take your words and you can take your calls,
For with myself in this right mindset,
Your silly little petty words mean absolutely nothing at all,

Despite all your attempts to bring me down
And all your words telling me to, Lay Down and Die,
despite Every Last Silly Word to me you all have ever said,
I will not listen, and I will most definitely not die!

I look at you and say, Fie!
Unlike you, I choose to live my life!
One day by day, one action at a time,
And when most of you hope to get me to lay down, to get my to say, Die,
I know I have the power within me to look you in the eye.

Fie!, I tell you, Fie!
Now go try and ruin someone else's life,
For I will not let you have mine.
Jack Turner Mar 2012
I dedicate myself to you and your happiness,
I dedicate my upraising to bring a smile to your eyes,
And I dedicate everything I can be to your peace.

As I wake up every morning, whether or not the sun's in the sky,
And I can sit up and get to my feet, walk outside -
It's more than I deserve in this life,
And it's everything from you that's been taken away.

To be able to go and sit at the piano,
Not knowing one key from an arpeggio, but having the ability to play,
Is what I want you to have from my life.
That maybe, despite what is a hindrance to you,
I can use mine to bring you a delight.

And though I may not be able to bring back what has been taken away,
I can use my faculties to let you forget for a second,
To take you away on the waves of my voice
And raise you up in the sky, hold your head up in the clouds,
Making you light as the air, removing some of your cares,
Helping you forget, if only for a moment, the trials of life,
And it's all worth it to bring your smile to light.
Jack Turner Sep 2010
The varieties of pain are more numerous than...
All of which bring their of versions of grief and anxiety.
Each to their own level has been known by me.
Sometimes as to make the body weep,
Others, the tired mind cries.
Though for me, the worst by far happens to be...

When the heart breaks mid-beat.
The pain is all mental
- searching for a reason why she left,
what about you failed to this level -
But the body in its entirety,
Grieves, as if under the aftermath of a burning assault.

It is the sorrow of a last loved one,
cut down in the prime of life.
It is the anguish of a Olympic race lost,
in the last ten pace.
Then bundled into one.
The ache I hold so strong.
Jack Turner Oct 2013
Sometimes you have to leave old things behind,
It comes past time to move on to other things.
We all find that we have grown stale within our own lines,
Sitting too comfy in the familiar surroundings of our daily lives.

It's time to move on to more volatile yet fertile pastures,
To test those bounds that we have set for ourselves,
To go and climb those mountains, to dive those seas,
To surf those waves, and maybe climb some trees.

As much as the enjoyment has been,
As much fun as we have seen,
How good things have been,
It's come time to move on.
It's come time to live those dreams.

Let's go test those bounds, and maybe,
Maybe we'll come back someday.
Jack Turner Sep 2010
Its really a mystery to me, who you are
How did we end up getting that far and more
From that brief spot I do remember
I quite thoroughly enjoyed myself
I admit I don't even know your name
Though if you asked about your taste
I'd be singing a completely different story
And if you ever roll back my way
Let's get together and have us a chat
I have no qualms about getting a little nostalgic
Jack Turner Oct 2013
I got my dancing shoes back on again today.
**** did it feel good!
I also got back into the rhythm and began tutoring for the beginner level class.
I can't believe that I would really miss that, but I did.

My excitement for dancing has been relit,
And the chance to pass that onto yet another class has me smiling.
A new class and a new semester of opportunities,
With growth and learning available to both the students as well as me.
It's such a great feeling to help them succeed,
As well as helping them progress, especially when they thought they were beyond saving.

Dance is a passion which burns within me.
I can't describe how good it feels to be back,
Adding fuel to the flame which burns in me so brightly,
Adding fuel to a flame
That I almost let get extinguished.
Jack Turner Nov 2010
Distance, distance.
I am a distance runner.
I love to ride my bike long distances.
I love to go on long drives in my car.
I love to go the distance.
But Dear God,
I hate the distance
That keeps me from you.
Jack Turner Dec 2010
Your body's warmth
Laying silently there in bed.
Quiet and calming
As I lift the sheets to snuggle in,
Contouring my form to yours,
My heart to yours.

As I lay my head to the pillow,
I'm afraid to close my eyes
For fear that my dreams
Will never amount to real life.
Jack Turner Sep 2012
Let's get away and put the mind at ease.
Let's relax and focus upon the sweet, salty ocean breeze.
Fold up the newspaper and tuck it away,
De-stress and decompress from all that is everyday.
So let's lean back a little more in this beach chair of ours,
Stretching out a little more to get the sand between our toes,
Tucked in the sand, sticking out and sun-brown like little pieces of drift wood.
The warmth of the sun combined with ocean spray in the wind
Hits perfectly upon our changing from light to dark brown skin.
We've never been one to have an umbrella drink in hand
But our Mexican beer with lime sits next to us sweating in the sand.
So as the day wears on we'll chit and chat, talking about this and that,
Watching the sun slide down we pull lower our beat up old straw hat
To better hide what is an already sun-burnt face
In this, what over the years has become our quiet place.
It's more than true that time goes quickly when having fun,
And we barely remember where and when we had begun.
Regardless, we wonder how it has possibly gone so fast and where it went,
But not a moment would we not consider time well spent.
Jack Turner Jul 2010
I pour myself into you
Hoping to fill your emptiness up
But like a dry sponge
You're eating me up
This rate I can't keep up
Too soon I will run dry
And you will sit
As I wave goodbye

For all that I try
I can't deal with the pressure
Of being the one to support you
At some point you need to put
Your two feet back on the ground
Because as bad as it may seem
The world still goes round
No time to waste, to stand around

My soul to console yours
My mind to mind your ways
My heart to be broken for yours
My time to replace yours
To right the wrongs you felt you've been done
As I receive the wrongs from you
That previously were done unto you.
And I crumble under all of you.
Jack Turner Sep 2010
What am I doing with my life?
At this moment in time,
That is a very legitimate question

I myself, rarely if ever know.
I tell myself that I am going to college
So that I can get an English degree,
And teach English,
Until I am able to get a permanent position in lifeguards.

I mean, honestly,
Who goes to college for that?
And is that even the truth?

All I've done recently,
Is drink myself stupid
And make an *** of myself,
With women and the world.
Jack Turner Sep 2010
Dear God, I know I'm in love
With you, the girl who I know I can't love
The mere prospect of which tears my heart
To more pieces that all of DG could count
A billion, a trillion, more than could be by in a lifetime
And yet my heart bursts time and again
Even though Delta Gammas are fun and sweet
You're the best my heart beat gets
Beat in and beat out, between the impulses my heart gives out
I can't but help to see your face
Written across my thoughts and dreams
And hear your words echoing in my ears
Keeping my being stuck to you
Assuaging my fears that my mind had lost you and who
I am so wrongly devoted to
And here I am stuck writing
Drunk poems to you or whatever image you exude
Drinking to drink, and to help me tell the beauty of you
Jack Turner Feb 2011
I know you don't read my poetry,
So I don't think you'll ever see
What I write here about you,
And what you mean to me.

I know you don't want to be with me,
And I know that I don't deserve you
After everything I put you through,
And all that we've been through.

We'd fight, we'd argue,
Then I'd break up with you
- Or we'd resolve our issues -
And I'd still love you.

What went down then
Will never happen again.
I got lost in life
And went astray.

But now that I've gotten away,
Away from that, away from frat,
Away from Death and gotten my life back,
I see you're all I want, nothing but that.

But I know from what you say,
And despite how I've grown and how I've changed,
To be everything to you and more
Is a precious chance I'll never have again.
Jack Turner Nov 2010
I was delusioned
When I thought
Hate and Love
Were two different emotions.
I have you to thank
For setting me straight.
Your actions have confirmed
That these once opposites
Are now one and the same.
Your actions conjured in me first,
This smouldering Love, and now
A burning Hate.

Why couldn't I have been enough for you?
Why couldn't you tell me the truth?
Why couldn't you love me for me?
Why couldn't I let you go?
Why did I go through what I did for you?

Because I will always love you.
Jack Turner Feb 2011
You're the only one I'm feeling
It's my heart you're stealing
When you come around
My heart is homeward bound
As we go to navigate
All our demons we eradicate
And that will be our tune
We're up at dawn and at noon
Sound the horn
I'm feeling reborn
You're the one I elect
You're mine to *protect
I had a friend come up with sets of rhyming words for the last word of each line and then I had to make a poem out of them.
Jack Turner Dec 2012
A pelican glides by
Making a long, lazy slice through the air.
The look of an ungainly and awkward bird
But a more graceful glide and flight
You will not find.

Catching the updraft right off the surface
And that pelican rides along
With barely a movement.
It is effortless.
Inches from the blue-grey waters.

It pulls up and lands on a rock outcrop
To watch as a lonely boat cuts
The water of the harbor
Heading out to sea.

Five knots in the entrance channel.
Soon it will gear up and find cruising speed
En route to who knows where
In this weather.

I hope they get there before
Those rains on the horizon arrive.
Because alone at sea in a boat
Is no way to ride out a storm.
Jack Turner Jun 2010
Deep, Dark, Swirling, Twirling environments,
Endless Palaces containing dreams and yearning.
Such Earthy orbs alive and rosy flush
with Petals abounding ever so lush.

Intriguing whirlpools - spin Thoughts, Emotions,
Exude intelligence from inner fire,
Radiant, Joyous, or instilled with ire,
Encompassing more than the world's oceans.

Precisely, The Image of Perfection,
Created as if of Angel fashion.
On the surface, Sparkling, Shining, Dreaming,
In the depths, Loving, Hating, Desiring.

Born and formed of these Eternal Gardens,
All trapt within your breath-taking Lenses.
Jack Turner Sep 2010
I'm tired of all your *******.
I'm sick of all this ****.
I just want to be done with all of it.
Why, for you, do I deal with it?

I want to go.
I really want to be gone.
I want this all to blow away.
Can't we do it all my way?

I've heard his name exchanged before.
His linked name makes you a *****.
Just for that baby girl,
I'm heading for the door.

What started as a worthless meeting,
Has started to pull on heart strings.
My heart strings.

If you're going to treat it this way,
dear little baby,
I must get out before
You steal my heart away.

Take it serious.
Take it for real.
Because if I am seen as frivolous,
I can't deal with the loss.
Jack Turner Sep 2010
I've met you before
I know for a fact
But this time 'round
Its a whole new event

Last time was fuzzed and hazy
Just a short-hand copy of you left on memory
Enough to make me pursue
To chance a second glance

Now that I have met you again for the first time
I realize you are better than advertised
What little I had known or retained
Was restrained and docile
Compared to the bond I felt around you
Even atoms appear loosely kept,
Against that of you and I

I swore I'd met you before
I thought it was fact
But this time 'round
You were a whole new event
Jack Turner Feb 2012
I blink and sit it in motion,
Fluttering down as an angel from the sky.
Its airy and ever so light.

An eyelash fallen to the page,
Contrasting black to the white stage.
Crest of night's shadow
Over the snow-covered hill.
Inverse of the flake fallen down,
From the heights to the hypothetic ground.
Jack Turner Feb 2012
Try, try again Father always says,
So when things go wrong,
That's what's got to be done.
Never mind what words others will preach.
Don't bother with anything they say,
It's all flowery fluffed-up speech
That never got anyone anywhere anyhow.

Now times come when a fellow gets himself a little luck,
Something that makes him think he knows which end is up,
But Father says you can never account for that,
Because at the end of the day
That same Mister keeps on the same way,
And while that's all well and nice,
He's worse than praying that lightening strikes the same place twice.

So never give up, and never say die.
All you can ever do is try, try, try,
And as bad as it may ever seem,
It's always darkest before your dawn comes,
So if it isn't this time,
I know you'll eventually get it right.
As Father always says,
God be ******, it's a sin not to try.
Jack Turner Feb 2012
You put me upon wings though I travel not far above the ground.
As far as I could possibly go, I choose not to leave the confines of this room.
The clutch of your every nervous finger, I, begging the touch, begging the touch to linger.
I feel your arms tense and tremor, I, more strong and sure through your nervous fervor.

Though you may not see, its clear to me,
To be able to bring you up on the wing
And to be ensconced in your confines here,
Floating my toes across the floor,
Are precious moments I hold dear.

In your eyes I find every reason to be,
The need, the Trust, and the worry.
I see belief that I will lead,
To be the one to guide you right of foot,
Every time you look at me.

And in those moments my surety thrives,
With confidence guiding my feet more each step
As I smile and dance this song with you again.
Jack Turner Sep 2010
A word is only a word,
Though how much hangs on a word?
The power a word holds,
Is truly nothing,
And it encompasses everything.
Letters strung together.
Meanings given to a sound.
Letters symbolized by a sound.
Everything is made up, make-believe.
And everything hangs on that reality.
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