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Jack Turner Dec 2012
I see the storm.
That darker patch of grey on the horizon ruffling the waters,
Darker than all of the rest.
It is slowly moving my way,
Towards shore.

It will get here by evening.
At the moment it is calm.
The air is hardly moving
And the waters are flat.

Yes, the token ripples move
As the surges come through,
But otherwise it's peaceful.

Cool winter air breathes.
The sands are dimpled from
Last night's rain,
Undisturbed other than a
Lonely pair of footprints.

A single sailboat marks the harbor entrance.

The storm will get here by evening.
But  for the moment
I will enjoy the peace and clam.

One storm has passed.
The other is yet to come.
But at the moment
All is peace.
All is calm.
Jack Turner Dec 2012
Feed the birds, tuppence a bag.
Or sit with them and enjoy their company,
And people will call you crazy.
Something is better than nothing though.
Somehow they're less flighty than you,
Those other creatures I pursue.


They hoo and coo same as you
But I enjoy the lesser amount
Of squawking and discontent.
Jack Turner Dec 2012
From a further vantage I sit and look at
The spot on the rocks where we sat
Overlooking the ocean and watched the sunset.

In that same spot for hours we just sat and talked,
And for time we didn't, just enjoying the company.
Then it was sunny and the end of summer.
Now the clouds are in and the rain is coming.
One storm has passed and I can see the next on the horizon coming.

The air and waters are calm for the moment
But there's more to come.
I can see the rains.
They're coming down thick out in those squalls
Yet to come ashore and share their fury.
Give it time and they will arrive.
No need to rush, each in its own time.

But in odd contrast, yet fitting,
I see the sun fighting through the thick clouds.
No blues skies yet but enough gleam to tell
That they will return after
The storm has blown itself out.
Jack Turner Dec 2012
India   MikeIndiaSierraSierra   YankeeOscarUniform,   AlphaNovemberDelta
India   WhiskeyAlphaSierra   Alpha   FoxtrotOscarOscarLima.
YankeeOscarUniform   AlphaRomeoEcho   PapaEchoRomeoFoxtrotEchoCharlieTango
AlphaNovemberDelta   EchoVictorEchoRomeoYankeeTangoHotelIndiaNovemberGolf
India   CharlieOscarUniformLimaDelta   EchoVictorEchoRomeo   WhiskeyAlphaNovemberTango.

Now why couldn't I just come out and tell when I had the chance?
Jack Turner Dec 2012
I think my favorite subject is me.
I can think of nothing and no one else more worthy of writing about.

Y es, I know it seems a little narcissistic, and
O f course, some people might take it the wrong way, but
U nder the circumstances, who else would I really want to write about?
Jack Turner Dec 2012
I woke up in the morning and said
Today is going to be my day
That was different than the day before.
Before, each day was yours.
I got up for you. I lived for you.
For You.

But I got up today and said
Today is going to be my day
That's different than the day before.
It's not yours. Its not hers.
It's mine. Do you hear?
For Me.

I got up and said
Today is going to be my day
That's different than it was the day before.
I'm not waking up to live for anyone else.
This isn't anything to deal with you.
It has nothing to do with her.
It's all mine, do you hear?
For Me.

I got up and said
Today is going to be my day
That's different than the day before,
But do you know what?
It won't be different than tomorrow,
Or the day after that, or even the one after that, or ever.
Those are mine, do you hear?
Not yours, not hers. Mine.
They are for me,
And the always will be
Because I got up and said
*Today is going to be my day
Jack Turner Dec 2012
This is Southern California - the land of surf, sand and sun -
But since things went south between you and me
All of that has been replaced by the rainy and grey.
This weather system that rolled in has been
Hanging around like the memories of you.

You said I meant a lot to you,
But the way you pushed me away and let me go
Despite admitting you still had feelings for me
Has got me confused and I'm reaching season lows.

Things weren't perfect, that I do know,
But I had hoped having this winter break respite
Might allow us the time we needed to make the turn around,
To make things all right.

Now I sit and think of you.
I hope that winter's been treating you great.
I hope you've caught up on sleep
And aren't losing it up at night thinking of me.
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