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 Aug 2014 Jacinda
Most days I can carry on fine
I can bottle it all in
Hold it all tight
The pain threatens to overflow
But I can keep it in check
Just holding it back
I'm at tipping point
Anything can cause me to fall over the edge
But still I managed to just hold the tide

Then a small, insignificant thing happens
Not anything to be upset over
But it's the final straw
It's what tips me over

The tears start to drip like rain
Then pour like waterfalls
There is no way to stop it
No way to control it
I've lost my grip on sanity
All my emotions stumbling over each other
As they try to leave
Each roiling in a mass storm that's come to stay

Now that I'm here
There is no going back
I've passed the point of no return
I've left behind the sanity
I once had a slither of
I can't stop now
I can't go back
I'm here and I'm staying

*I'm past the point of no return
There's no going back now....
 Aug 2014 Jacinda
Not a Lie
 Aug 2014 Jacinda
I don't see why you bother
I don't understand why you try
You don't care about me
You love it when I cry

I've seen your face when I'm around
Don't try to tell me otherwise
And then you get all jealous
When I talk to other guys

Your answers are short and bitter
Your questions even more so
You couldn't care less about my day
Or if I'm way down low

You don't give a **** about me
Don't pretend like you do
I'm sick and tired of acting
Like you still love me too

That's it, no more
I can't handle your attitude
I can't stand your cockiness
Or need to always be rude

We're over, we're through
Don't try to get me back
Even if you beg on your knees
I know I'm stronger than that

You'll never see me begging
You'll never see me cry
I'm over you already
And no, **that's not a lie
 Aug 2014 Jacinda
Let me in
 Aug 2014 Jacinda
Never have I seen you smile
Never have I heard you laugh
Never have I heard you sing
Never have I seen your heart

All I see is an empty shell
With dull, lifeless eyes
I'm trying my hardest to see in
But you've got to let me try

*let me in
 Aug 2014 Jacinda
 Aug 2014 Jacinda
It's monday again
and the rain is still falling
just like the tears on my face
rivulets of pain
track my cheeks
and turn my jeans a darker shade

As the week goes by
my eyes will dry
and the pain will go away
then suddenly
it all comes back
and it's monday again
I hate Mondays...
 Aug 2014 Jacinda
It's not been a good afternoon
I feel like I'm going to burst
I just need to say something to anyone
To get rid of some pressure

I am a balloon
That's been blown to the max
And if anything else happens
I will explode

Don't come to close with a pin
Or anything sharp at all
Words, lies, truth
It doesn't matter
Just leave me alone to deflate by myself

I'm a balloon floating away
Living in the clouds
Leave me there to come down in my own
Don't force me or try to coax me down
Just leave me be

I am a balloon
 Aug 2014 Jacinda
 Aug 2014 Jacinda
I only miss your picture
when it's gone
I only miss your smile
when you frown
I only miss your laughter
When your silent
I only miss your light
When it's dim

I don't really realize what I've got until you've left
I don't see you for who you truly are
I ignore you when your here
But when your gone
It's like a piece to my puzzle is missing
 Aug 2014 Jacinda
 Aug 2014 Jacinda
Me? Really?
That’s the best you can do?
Why think of me when there are
Plenty of other girls out there too

They are prettier and smarter
And better in every way
And yet you say you think of me
Each minute of everyday

I’m insecure and doubtful
In everything I do
And yet you say it’s me
That’s in your head through and through

Your way too good for me
In every single way
Why stoop lower to be with me
And stick to black and grey

You could have any assortment of colours
But you choose the least of them all
I can’t be the one you want
I’ll only cause you to fall

Me? Really?
That’s the best you can do?
Out of all the colours in the world
There are plenty better for you
When you told me, it freaked me out...
 Aug 2014 Jacinda
I'm so confused
And I don't know what to do
Friends to awkward
In a sentence or two

Why'd you do it?
I wish you left it alone
So we could go back to before
When it felt like home

Now I feel misplaced
In a world where I don't belong
A cat without a tail
Some lyrics without a song

Stuck in the dark
With no where to go
I think I'll stay right here
Without you and alone
Please, lets go back to friends with nothing awkward...
 Aug 2014 Jacinda
I want to run away into the night
and never come back again
I want to scream and shout all day
and dance like crazy in the rain

But the things I want aren't meant to be
My reality is now
And I'll have to live my fantasy
When I'm alone

So alone and cold
 Aug 2014 Jacinda
She Cries
 Aug 2014 Jacinda
She cries skin-coloured tears
So that no one would see
The pain that she feels
The sorrow inside
Her quiet, silent plea
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