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 Aug 2014 Jacinda
About You
 Aug 2014 Jacinda
I don't think you realize
That all my poetry is about you
In someway you've influenced each piece
Like part of your soul is hiding in my words
 Aug 2014 Jacinda
Hate Myself
 Aug 2014 Jacinda
I can't help but hate myself
For who I am
I wish I was prettier or smarter
But I'm not
I'm nothing that you want me to be
I'm useless and pathetic
And all I see in the mirror
Is a dead reflection
I can't help it
So don't try to fix me
I'm broken beyond repair
And nothing you do can change
The hatred I feel for myself
 Aug 2014 Jacinda
I can't help but feel like a big disappointment
Like everything I do is wrong
You look at me with those sad eyes
All traces of happiness gone

I know I'm useless and totally pathetic
And I'm sorry for being that way
I can't change it no matter how much I wish
Unfortunately I'm here to stay

People tell me to lighten up and smile more
But I wish that they could just see
How the hell am I supposed to believe in myself
If no one will believe in me?
 Aug 2014 Jacinda
kinda sick
 Aug 2014 Jacinda
i'm getting kinda sick of love.......
 Aug 2014 Jacinda
 Aug 2014 Jacinda
i just want to be loved
held tight
kept safe in someones warm arms
whispered nothings in the night
kissed, hugged
please, someone love me
 Aug 2014 Jacinda
I can't
 Aug 2014 Jacinda
I'm tired of watching and waiting for someone to catch the meaning behind my words. But they only see what they want to. No one sees the truth. They don't feel the pain behind every carefully crafted word I've printed on the page. No one sees the tears or the sadness I've hidden behind a smile that doesn't quite reach my eyes. They can't see past their self-consumed lives, to realize how much others are hurting. I'm hurting. I'm slowly drowning in my invisible tears. My insecurities are choking me and forcing me to fall. I can't stand this anymore.

— The End —