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 May 2010 J Petunia
Paul Goring
Paris June 18th 1940

Dear Mother,
Beauty surrounding us
but never more than a
street away
from another wall
with bullet holes
and flowers
Copyright - Paul Goring 2010
 May 2010 J Petunia
Roseanna H
Each sharp rip of the seatbelt,
throwing my chest into convulsions,
into pain.
The glass breaking,
shattering with an agonising sound.
until finally,
it stops.
until finally,
it is silent.
Only the sound,
of the motor crackling,
disturbs the night air.
To my left,
A ****** mess lays.
I *****,
My hands,
Clutching the window frame,
Drag my body out of the wreck,
The road is invisible.
gasping for air,
I whisper,
But there is no answer,
Only the sound of my breathing.
In Love

I am the wolf in winter woods.
The lion on the plane.
I am a bounding antelope.
I long to be your hearts true flame.
I am night, I take the sun.
I give you stars up in the sky.
I ask myself most every day.
Is true love another a lie?
I am the buck with mighty rack.
The tender spotted fawn.
Deep inside my heart I know.
It would hurt if you were gone.
You are desire in my passion.
My everything, my all.
Without you here to hold my heart.
So surly I would fall.
My life would mean so little.
Without you by my side.
If you weren't here to hold me.
Where could my sole reside?
Our bodies are our temples.
Mine would be but empty shell.
To live my life without you.
Would be such a livening hell.
My love for you is infinite.
Never will it end.
I am so deep in love with you.
My heart I can't defend.
So I ask my sweet, be gentle.
Love me strong and true.
We'll always be together.
You know how I love you.
Copyright ©2007
(For D. M. C.)

The little man with the vague beard and guise
Pulled at the wicket. "Come inside!" he said,
"I'll show you all we've got now -- it was size
You wanted? -- oh, dry colors! Well" -- he led
To a dim alley lined with musty bins,
And pulled one fiercely. Violent and bold
A sudden tempest of mad, shrieking sins
Scarlet screamed out above the battered gold
Of tins and picture-frames. I held my breath.
He tugged another hard -- and sapphire skies
Spread in vast quietude, serene as death,
O'er waves like crackled turquoise -- and my eyes
Burnt with the blinding brilliance of calm sea!
"We're selling that lot there out cheap!" said he.
 May 2010 J Petunia
Arik Fletcher
Like sunshine burning in your eyes,
whilst staring up into the skies,

Like raindrops beating at your skin,
whilst waiting for the band to sing,

Like soil filtered through your hand,
whilst working on a plot of land,

Like autumn wind run through your hair,
whilst walking through the fog with care,

Love is like these little things,
it takes your breath when it begins,

You never know when it will come,
so often missed and seldom won.
Nekatu Poetry © Arik Fletcher

Witchcraft has not a Pedigree
’Tis early as our Breath
And mourners meet it going out
The moment of our death—

I’m ceded—I’ve stopped being Theirs—
The name They dropped upon my face
With water, in the country church
Is finished using, now,
And They can put it with my Dolls,
My childhood, and the string of spools,
I’ve finished threading—too—

Baptized, before, without the choice,
But this time, consciously, of Grace—
Unto supremest name—
Called to my Full—The Crescent dropped—
Existence’s whole Arc, filled up,
With one small Diadem.

My second Rank—too small the first—
Crowned—Crowing—on my Father’s breast—
A half unconscious Queen—
But this time—Adequate—*****,
With Will to choose, or to reject,
And I choose, just a Crown—

Sometimes with the Heart
Seldom with the Soul
Scarcer once with the Might
Few—love at all.
by God, I don't know what to
they're so nice to have around.
they have a way of playing with
the *****
and looking at the **** very
turning it
tweeking it
examining each part
as their long hair falls on
your belly.
it's not the ******* and *******
alone that reaches into a man
and softens him, it's the extras,
it's all the extras.
now it's raining tonight
and there's nobody
they are elsewhere
examining things
in new bedrooms
in new moods
or maybe in old
anyhow, it's raining tonight,
on hell of a dashing, pouring
very little to do.
I've read the newspaper
paid the gas bill
the electric co.
the phone bill.
it keeps raining.
they soften a man
and then let him swim
in his own juice.
I need an old-fashioned *****
at the door tonight
closing her green umbrella,
drops her green umbrella,
drops of moonlit rain on her
purse, saying "****, man,
can't you get better music
than that on your radio?
and turn up the heat..."
it's always when a man's swollen
with love and everything
that keeps raining
good for the trees and the
grass and the air...
good for things that
live alone.
I would give anything
for a female's hand on me
they soften a man and
then leave him
listening to the rain.
 May 2010 J Petunia
Hannah Plumb
Frozen lips as blue as the sky after it rains.Fantasies of pink butterflies and blue seahorses in paradiseWet drops of moisture all over that half tanned skin, over those little bumps…Goose Bumps.Anger rolls through her body, so much that she wants to scream until she can’t anymore. Infuriating pain hits her like a thousand arrows in the chest. She can’t take it anymore, so she lets it all out on paper. The tears start streaming down her face with her heart in her hand. The tingling hits…Goose Bumps.The sickness arising in her while the lies fill her head. She can’t stand it So she packs up and leaves here forever…Goose Bumps…..

— The End —