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Use my shoulder as your pillow
let my body be your bed
let me be your warmth and comfort
when the laughter's all but dead

Let my arms always enfold you
let them be the words unsaid
when all you need is endless silence
and a place to lay your head

Let my kisses be the lyrics
to your heart's unsteady beat
as your breathing breaks the silence
and yet makes us both complete

Let my love be as the curtains
that keep others from looking on
as we count the blessings offered
and regrets now dead and gone

Let my need of you be noted
in the margins of my eyes
where you pencilled in your beauty
and underlined it with your sighs

Let my want be always wanting
let your presence ner' sedate
as you paint yourself upon me
as both sinner and a saint

Let the scars that others gave you
be the gifts I take away
as I offer up my body
as the prayers you never say

Let me be the one you run to
when you've no where else to run
and I'll  hide you from yourself dear
till your cryings all but done

Let my concern be the bindings
on our lives as books unread
where the foreword says I love you
and the titles enough said.
No idea just wanted writing
I get this feeling sometimes
In which I just feel like death is just around the corner;
So close,
Almost there.
I get so happy inside,
Finally my time has come.

But the moment never happens.
Because I am trapped here:
I am living in Hell.

Who knows, maybe I already did die.
And I somehow ended up in Hell
Being punished for my sins.

But you know what?
I don't know what i did to deserve this.
Any of this.

Is the torture really necessary?
Teasing me with small things that may,
At some point in time,
Make me happy.

Then taking it away from me,
Until i am left there,
Empty, worthless, broken.
I already don't want to be here.

Can you at least tell me what I did?
What I did to deserve all of this
Hatred, anger, towards myself

God help me.
If there even is a God
God, Zeus, Jesus, Abraham, whatever or whoever you are;

Why are you doing this to me?

What did I do?
Can you give me a sign.
A reason.

Why am I trapped?
Not dead,
Nor alive.

Why am I here?

Why am I chosen?

What did I do?

Why even create me in the first place,
When I have no point in being here.
I only cause people pain and misery in the end...

Why am I alive?

Why am I dead?

Why am I here?

Why me?
rip my hair and skin
scalp me down to my river mind,
innards of rot and process

take your hollow **** of words
bury them in my very own
valley of salt and waste

let's say,
"words are words,"
with purpose and shallow bravery

mean this or that
and that is that
of course!

this is this and the other thing
what a lovely ring

sure to rhyme
break the lines
here and there

a bold poet
with a neautered tongue and pen
a cold box, where chaotic sloppy life
should tumble forth with joyful hot moans,
explosions of spit fury finger breaking body snatching war hunger defeat suffocating three ton wool blanket thrown over our mouthes stifling the bitter gut gargling screams of drone death baby mother buried way down under by the son father stalking blind with tears and rage and poverty
skin not black but brown, religious garb for the crown
hypocrisy will be sure to follow him about

Yet, here we are, a small empty hall, short not grand
Yet, even here an echo back of our dim shallow fancies
words that skip on the surface of meaning and power

mothers grieve shouting at the earth, holding their
******* to the moon, while fathers eat the dry bleached
sand we've left behind in valleys of salt and waste
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