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 Jun 2013 izzy
Taylor Marotto
 Jun 2013 izzy
Taylor Marotto
Running from my eyes and my nose.
Flowing down a stream of my woes.
Touching my lips, burning my irises
Drying and cracking
My face.
A too-familiar taste.
 Jun 2013 izzy
This city
 Jun 2013 izzy
Sitting in a coffee shop,
enjoying the spring day.
Men and women rustling about,
taxis driving side by side.
Oh, there goes a man,
with his arms glued to his side.
And just a few steps behind him,
is a woman dressed for success.
Men and women walking,
as if they have a train to catch.
No lost looks on any faces,
besides a few that are sitting on corners.
Dirt is dancing beside,
all these quick moving feet.
This seems like one big race,
one where everyone refuses to be beat.
Although there is no trophy,
nothing to be won.
No one is a statue in this city,
there is always a place to be;
for in this city,
sleep is a very uncommon thing.
The day is flying by,
as I sip my cup of joe
for I’m the only person in this city,
who has no place to go.
 May 2013 izzy
 May 2013 izzy
thoughts overflowing
whirring around my brain

eyelids heavy
tiredness overcoming
i decide to save the thoughts for another day

but it isn't quite that easy
for the thoughts aren't particularly positive
and leaving them there
whirring around
simply causes more decay

i decide to face my problems
and take the key to my soul
i open up the box that has stored my emotions;
for so long

the thoughts are ever restless
yet when confronted
they shy away
"please, not now. i cannot deal with this today."
 May 2013 izzy
for ellie
 May 2013 izzy
i would be lost with yours words,
for they fill all the empty spaces
in my broken soul.
your words bring  me to out of my melancholic life
and place in me blissful dream.

— The End —