Growing up,
I had actually planned on being very rich when I grew up.
I did not know where this money would come from,
I just knew that I would have boatloads of it.
I would actually plan out,
How I was going to spend,
My ridiculous amount of cash.
One thing I wanted,
Was to give my children,
A separate $100 a week allowance,
That they had to use to help people.
I made a list of 5 suggestions.
And I just found it at my parent's house,
Last week.
1. Go to a sandwich place and buy twenty sandwiches and hand them out to people on the street.
2. Go to a blanket place (in the winter) and buy twenty blankets and hand them out to people on the street.
2. Save up for ten weeks at a time and then pick a different animal shelter each time, to give $1000 of dog food and dog things to them.
4. Buy a homeless person 20 nights at a hotel room.
5. Keep the money, and you get grounded because you’re rich and other people are poor and you don’t need money.
Apparently I thought everything costs $5??????