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Jun 2013 · 935
AJ Jun 2013
It is one seventeen in the morning,
And I want a toasted bagel with cream cheese.
I want a swimming pool.
I want a hot pink LL Bean backpack
Filled with all of my happy memories,
An ample supply of band aids,
And some chocolate caramel cream savers.
I want to walk across the country in five minutes.
I want to find an empty treasure chest on a deserted island.
I want to freeze the world at one seventeen.
I want to blow out vanilla scented candles.
I want to want what I don't need to want.
Jun 2013 · 730
AJ Jun 2013
Today I burned three of my fingers.
I am being a very big baby about it.
When I was a baby I touched a lawn mower,
And burned the same exact fingers.
I did not complain or cry nearly as much back then.
Maybe I am Benjamin Button,
My body doesn't show it.
Jun 2013 · 649
I'll Do It
AJ Jun 2013
You make me want to shut my eyes,
And fly to Poland,
And start a new life.
I will own a little tea shop,
And I'll make my own makowiec.
It will be perfect.
I will be happy.
And I will never open my eyes.
Jun 2013 · 620
AJ Jun 2013
I do not want to talk about "nothing".
I guarantee that you do not even know what significance nothing holds.
Nothing is so intimate.
Stories, and memories are just things that have happened to you,
they could have happened to anybody.
Nothing tells you exactly who I am,
And how I think,
How I react,
And my whole MO.
I could never be that vulnerable with something like you.
We can certainly NOT "talk about nothing"
This was inspired by a line from the song Dashboard by Modest Moues
"I told you about nothing, which was more than I wanted you to know."
Jun 2013 · 1.1k
Granny Smith
AJ Jun 2013
Today I tried to eat an apple.
It was green and shiny,
And did not contain one of those worm holes.
You know,
The ones you see in the cartoons.
It was a very nice apple,
But, you see,  no matter how hard I tried,
I could not enjoy it.
I do not like green apples,
And the apple cannot change that.
No matter how nice and shiny it is.
Only I can change that,
And I do not want to.
I do not like green apples.
Jun 2013 · 1.6k
AJ Jun 2013
You are my beautiful, nagging wife.
We have been married for fifty-one years,
Seven months,
And eleven days, exactly.
You are the most annoying person I have ever come across,
And my best friend.
It can be simplified into vanilla coke,
Ginger ships,
And savior by Rise Against.
You are my secret jar.
You are my rain.
You are my better half.
We are two halves of one old and demented, crazy cat lady.
Self destruction and all.
Destroy my reassurance,
And reassure my destruction,
But I love you more than I hate tomatoes,
And I'll never ask for a divorce.
Jun 2013 · 941
AJ Jun 2013
If you get really quite
And lay down on a hill
You can hear the clouds talking.
They talk about being tired,
And wanting to take a rest,
About how guilty they feel for the hurricanes,
And how proud they are of that year's April rains.
And if you look real intently,
If look them in the eye,
With the courage of a teady bear colnel,
They might even look down at you
And smile.
Jun 2013 · 4.3k
German Spy
AJ Jun 2013
Sometimes I whisper my secrets to the ceiling.
Only when the lights are off,
And the fan is spinning.
The fan is very nosey.
I think he is a German spy.
Or maybe I'm the German spy,
And that's what my secrets are all about.
No one will ever know.
Of course,
For the ceiling.
Jun 2013 · 637
AJ Jun 2013
Sometimes I close my eyes,
And pretend I'm up in a tree.
And it's the tallest tree in the world.
And I can see movie stars, and presidents, and the nobodies.
And they see me,
And they smile,
And they wave.
And they know that I am important.
Little old me
In my big tall tree.
And it makes me feel less tragic.
Jun 2013 · 805
My Best Friend
AJ Jun 2013
You used to have conversations with the beach.
"How are you this year?"
"I am getting older, and I do not think I like it."
"Just feel my waves, it will make you feel better."
And it did make you feel better.
No one else ever reached out to comfort you.
Even drowning is a nice hug.
Not too cool, but not warm at all.
The little boy trying to fly a kite
With no wind in sight
Never gives up
His hope of its flight.
The beach was your best friend.
Jun 2013 · 3.1k
Big Brother
AJ Jun 2013
There is a brown bin on my back porch.
It is filled with pool tarps and bad memories.
It is raining now
And the rain is pelting it,
And if the bin could feel pain,
I'm sure it would be screaming.
I am glad that I can count on the rain to fight my battles for me.
It is like my protective older brother,
Beating the **** out of desperate lovers and child abuse.
That brown bin that I cannot stand.
Jun 2013 · 1.5k
AJ Jun 2013
My cat just sneezed.
It was the cutest thing in the world.
His eyes shut and he blew himself back
About maybe two feet.
He then proceeded to look around confused and offended,
And sneezed yet again.
This time his eyes widened even further,
Showing his displeasure,
Like it was the most unbelievable and horrid mystery in the world.
Then he jumped up on the couch
And he scratched me.
Jun 2013 · 1.3k
Scariest Moment of My Life
AJ Jun 2013
When I was six I was in girlscouts.
One day I went to a jail
It was a fieldtrip that I did not enjoy.
They told us that when you were seven you could get arrested,
And they could spray things in your eyes.
I did not know you had to commit a crime first.
I wanted to be six forever.
On my seventh birthday I was very nervous.
I made myself sick and could not even enjoy my birthday pancakes,
Even though they had m'n'ms in them.
Who doesn't love m'n'ms?
I cried on and off all day,
And on our way to dinner I heard sirens.
My heart stopped for a good two seconds.
And that was the most scared I have ever been in my whole life.
Jun 2013 · 1.6k
AJ Jun 2013
The sun makes me feel like a failure.
I do not know why.
I have no stories about it,
Or metaphors to give you.
I do not like to be warm.
I do not like things dry.
I do not like things bright.
I like the rain because it actually touches you
It doesn't just tempt you like the sun.
If the sun touched you,
You would die.
The sun is homicidal.
It just doesn't commit the murders.
I have yet to decide if that is out of laziness,
Or compassion.
Maybe it is both.
I'll go with both.
Jun 2013 · 6.7k
Strawberry Milkshake
AJ Jun 2013
When I was eight I got very sick.
I got to eat mac n cheese on the couch,
and drink chocolate chip milkshakes.
Today I felt sick.
So I made some mac n cheese,
and I sat down on the couch.
I wanted the milkshake.
I didn't have any chocolate chip ice cream,
So I made strawberry.
Then I sat at the counter and looked at my mess.
The milk was out,
The ice cream was uncovered and melting
The blender was on its side.
It looked very sad.
Like it was a Roman village I had just conquered.
I killed all the strawberry milkshake children.
They had such bright futures until they drowned
In a puddle of one percent milk.
I discovered I don't like strawberry milkshakes that much.
And now I have a mess in the kitchen,
My car needs gas,
And I smell like cigarettes and self deprivation.
And everything is easier when you're eight and your mother cooks you your special sick person dinner.
Jun 2013 · 528
AJ Jun 2013
I'll always be there to pick up the pieces, but I wish it didn't happen so often.
And every time you say it'll be different, but sweetie you've lost it.
Cause you just keep putting your hand in the fire, despite that you've been burned, you'll never learn.
And she won't change a **** thing, and it will just keep happening.
And you'll keep crying, and I'll be dying on the inside cause your tears burn me like acid rain, and I can feel the pain I don't want you to feel, and I know it will never change.
I didn't hear when you'll called last night, I fell asleep cause I was just to tired to handel it all.
And this happens all the time, now I'm here to catch you while you fall.
Get your hand away from the flame, and stop playing this game.
Cause every time you play it ends the same.
And she won't change a **** thing, and you will just keep losing.
And she'll keep winning, you didn't see it from the beginning when the cards were dealt, and it felt like nothing was there, just stop looking where some isn't hiding, because the game she plays isn't fair.
Jun 2013 · 917
Hit and Run
AJ Jun 2013
Could you be a little quieter? I don't want you to over hear yourself.
Could you be a little less confident? You forget your wings and I think you fell.
Was it from hell?
Where did you get that vile sense of knowing who you're not?
Don't get caught dreaming
About the seemingly impossible.
Not everything is plausible,
Some things are just impossible.

I'm sorry but you're under arrest for impersonation
There will be confiscation
Of your soul.
Which seems to have been sold my dear.
Why didn't I hear of this?
I'm sorry but the story you call your life seems to be a lie,
So don't even try to change it.
Looks to me like a hit and run.
You hit yourself, my dear, well done.

Could you be a little more clear? I don't think you know just who you are.
Could you please stop convincing yourself what you think you need? You won't go far.
You're no shooting star.
Your attitude will get you killed here by midnight just so you know.
No where to go.
Just get out of your head right now please.
You fall to your knees as I tell you

I'm sorry but you're under arrest for impersonation
there will be confiscation
of your soul.
Which seems to have been sold my dear.
Why didn't I hear of this?
I'm sorry but the story you call your life seems to be a lie,
So don't even try to change it.
Looks to me like a hit and run.
You hit yourself, my dear, well done.
Jun 2013 · 1.3k
The Coolest Rebel of All
AJ Jun 2013
I was always weirdly rebellious as a child.
As a teen I never pierced my tongue,
Snuck boys over the house,
Or stole candy bars from the convenience store.
Not me, when I was little
I would refuse to take my naps.
I'd fake sleeping and then sit there and hum to myself,
Waiting for my matka to come back and check on me.
I cut my own bangs,
Even when I was five.
Even when I was five the day before school pictures.
Matka wasn't pleased.
I didn't want to learn the Polish I was being taught.
I wanted to be different.
I didn't want chocolate milk like everyone else.
I wanted plain milk,
Not sweet milk.
Everyone liked sweets.
I didn't like the sun,
Because everyone liked the sun.
I liked the rain.
I wanted to be different.
My favorite word was podnóżek.
Do not be fooled,
It is nothing pretty.
It means footrest.
I liked it because it was different.
I wanted to be a rebel.
The coolest rebel of all.
One who fakes her naps, cuts her hair, drinks plain milk, and enjoys the word footrest.
The coolest rebel of all.
Jun 2013 · 998
AJ Jun 2013
Do you remember,
first day of last september?
We said goodbye,
you cried,
I wiped the tears from your eyes with my lips.
Can we go back?
When you were safe in my arms, and I was mesmerized by your charm.
I miss you, your silly laugh the way you walk, babe can we go back?
When we laughed till will cried,
then kissed till we were satisfied.
Lying in the sand,
will you hold my hand, again?
Oh darling it's not the same,
when you're not the one calling my name.
Can we go back?
Where the whole world stopped just for us, two stupid kids so it must have been something special.
Cause I miss your smile and running my fingers through your hair,
and your voice when you sang, and the clothes you wear. Babe can we go back?
Do you remember,
first day of last september?
Can we go back and make that day the rest of our lives? Babe can we go back?
Jun 2013 · 1.1k
My Baby Girl
AJ Jun 2013
The first snow
When it just starts to stick to the ground
Around nine o clock,
And the snow dances in the streetlights.
And the first thing you think of when you wake up
Is getting to walk in it's beauty.
That's her smile.
But she doesn't think it's beautiful.

The first time a hug meant something.
You feel their arms,
Their shoulders,
Their warmth,
The tickle of their breath on the bottom of the left side of your neck,
And the last moment when they tighten around you
Into a solid, comforting fortress before they pull away.
That's the air she exhales.
But she doesn't think it's beautiful.

The most devastating thunder storm.
When the rain is sad,
And not peaceful or light hearted,
And the echo of the cracks of thunder sting your ears.
And the lightening stops getting interesting,
The lightening looks worried.
It looks like suicidal tendencies.
That's what it's like to see her cry.
But she doesn't think it's beautiful.

Battle fields.
Soiled with distraught courage,
Limp hopes,
And dying bravery.
Yet somehow holding the promise of a victory
That will effect hundreds of nations.
Those are her scars.
Yet she doesn't think it's beautiful.

The most perfect day on the beach.
Sandwiches without the sand,
Waves that kiss your toes,
Sun that blankets you with the feeling of security,
And a sunset so perfect
That you wonder if it's real,
Or just a calender's picture for the month of August.
That's her.
But she doesn't think she's beautiful.
Jun 2013 · 970
I Hate the Sand
AJ Jun 2013
It bothers me that sand can hold my weight.
Sand is tiny.
Each grain is insignificant.
Yet it somehow finds billions of other tiny, insignificant grains just like it.
And they can do things I can not.
It makes me feel jealous, and even more insignificant than the sand.
I hate the sand.
So does the water.
That's why it continues to drown it.
It doesn't work, but it keeps trying.
Someone needs to tell the water that it can't drown the sand.
Someone needs to tell me that I can't drown the sand.
Someone needs to tell the sand that it can't walk on water.
Someone needs to tell me that I can't walk on water.
Jun 2013 · 783
Big Bad Human
AJ Jun 2013
Cards down
Shields off till you're vulnerable.
Drink one more sip until your comfortable.
Conversations with the fascination of no shield. Never yielded to a point.
Innocence is the question, you revoked the answer.

Pool table nightmares for the girl who once had no fears. Your laughter is like
a diamond, the only thing that can cut the glass. Now she's the one that can't
wear white with class.

Big bad wolf stopped little red. "Would you rather be sad, or would you rather be dead?"
"I'd rather be nothing", the little girl said. Now sad on the outside, and inside she's dead.
AJ Jun 2013
I'm fine, I guess.
Just in case you were wondering.

It's been four years since that night on the pool table.
I still think about it.
Just in case you were wondering.

Nothing positive came from that experience.
Even though they said it would.
"You'll be so much stronger."
I can't find the strength.
Just in case you were wondering.

I hated you, and your baby that I almost had.
But it's been almost four years.
I wasn't too sad to lose her then.
I am now.
And I hate you.
Just in case you were wondering.

You called me last week.
You were drunk.
No, we can not do it again.
No, I will not make you dinner.
You disgust me.
Just in case you're wondering.

If your goal was to break me, you failed.
You just gave me the necessary tools to break myself.
I did it.
Just in case you were wondering.

I'm fine, I guess.
Just in case you were wondering.
Jun 2013 · 623
Long Over a Decade
AJ Jun 2013
It's days like this where I listen to sad songs about fathers abandoning their children and kneel on the big chair by the window, and look outside like I'm seven years old.
I didn't like seven years old.
I hated the first day of it.
I cried all of April twenty-forth that year.
I knelt on the big chair by the front window and felt the wind that I could see the trees felt.
The swayed and shimmered as if they could hear the music too.
Why didn't I sway and shimmer when the wind hit me?
I only got cold and determined.
Seven was the last time I thought that thought until now.
It took me long over a decade to answer that question.
I wish it was something lyrical, majestic, and deep.
It's not.
It's just science.
Sometimes science is sadder than fathers abandoning their children.
Jun 2013 · 2.0k
AJ Jun 2013
Once upon a time there was a girl.
In the summer she'd hold her breath underwater in the three foot pool. 47 seconds.
In the fall she'd look at the trees from the car window and wonder why she didn't change color with them.
In the winter her boots would get stuck in the snow just like the cat and she'd laugh.
In the spring she'd make potions with leaves, seeds, and sandbox rain water.

Once upon a time the girl was a little bit older.
In the summer the pool would be too small, she'd be too tall.
In the fall she'd become enthralled with girls and wouldn't think of the leaves again.
In the winter she'd realize not all children were hit and hated at home.
In the spring she'd fill herself with alcoholic potions the leaves and rain water couldn't touch.

Once upon a time the girl aged even more.
In the summer she'd throw her last scrap of childhood to the big bad wolf. He gave her a token.
In the fall she'd change like the leaves, but then the magic would leave. She'd lose the token.
In the winter she'd fall in the gravel infested snow. She wouldn't laugh.
In the spring she'd try to end it all with a potion of sleep and cool metal. It wouldn't work.

Once upon a time it was right about now.
I'm changing like the leaves, stuck in the snow, taking too many "potions". The whole time I've been holding my breath. 571,501,629 seconds.
Jun 2013 · 694
Suicide and Chardonnay
AJ Jun 2013
Today I thought about it.
I didn't do it.
I think about it a lot.
I've done it.
We all thought about it at some point.
We don't all do it.
A lot do it.
We don't all succeed.
I guess if we all thought about it,
And all did it,
And all succeeded,
There would be no one left to
Think about it,
And do it,
And succeed.
But I'll still think about it,
And do it.
So will you.

— The End —