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116 · Dec 2017
Slowly Going
Emmychu Dec 2017
I see the sky glowing
I know that I am slowly going
Blood just keeps on coming
Water keeps drumming
The sky is faded orange but still glowing

Oh, how I am slowing going
I lean back to put my head in water
Blood all over the floor
I know that I am slowly going
As I'm pulled out of the water I say that I am slowly going.
111 · Dec 2017
Only Begun
Emmychu Dec 2017
I'm screaming
I don't know why but I am
Maybe it was a bad dream

Or maybe it was the real life monster
This world is filled with nothing
Hatred fuels me as much as the next

What have we become?
We walk away from a protest
Blood on our hands
Smiles on our faces

Why do we not see
This world of hatred will be the death
The death of I used to be
Of who everyone used to be

Raise a flag of peace
Or continue with your blood
The war has only begun.
105 · Sep 2017
Emmychu Sep 2017
I remember when I left
I saw those tears
Rolling down your face
When I said I was leaving

So that meant that I was gone
But I still remember you

But now that I’m gone
Do you see something
More missing
Do you see everything
Has changed
Changed so bad

This everyday when
I look back and see
What has happened with
It all

Please change the rules
Of the game
104 · Sep 2017
I See You
Emmychu Sep 2017
I am alone
I stand on the edge of a cliff
All alone I watch as my life goes away
I stand at the edge in my mind
While in real life I am screaming
I cry for help, but no one comes
For a moment I think that jumping is the only hope
What is life worth when you are so numb that you can't live
No one seems to hear my screaming
No one seems to see that I am broken
Standing alone on the cliff I go to jump
I feel a hand on mine
I look up, tears and crying stopping
"I See You" they said
Someone stood there and saw me, HEARD ME
In the moment I realized that there is a time
But this was not mine.
98 · Dec 2017
Around A Corner
Emmychu Dec 2017
It seems like around a corner there is a new person
A new person who could be something more than a person
That person could be the person that makee your heart skip a beat
Or the person that breaks your heart, or becomes your enemy
Life is full of people coming and going

There is a person around this corner
They are there waiting
They are waiting for the possibility that someone comes

It seems like around a corner there is a chance
A chance of happiness, a chance of fear
Around every corner there is a moment
A moment that you can't turn away from
Do you understand that just walking around a corner
there is a new beginning?

Every corner has a new moment

It seems like around a corner there is a new person
89 · Nov 2018
Emmychu Nov 2018
Darkness is all around thee during light
See the end of the time as the sun dies
Leaning back, everything will stop as well
The sun is going down, the same as thee

On the outside - thee is bright as always
Trapped inside the mind - the light fades out
The sound of yelling is the only sound  
Strength is something thee shows without thought

Words of hurt are breaking the thoughts of thee
Searching for an answer - never finding
The truth of the hurt words are in the air
Falling down  - thee is scared of the darkness

Brightness is always shining through brighter,
Find the words that always brings truth to thee

— The End —