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Isabelle Nov 2015
"I couldn't miss you anymore than this".
But I was wrong.
That missing keeps on growing.
Now, 5 months since I last saw you.
And I miss you, everyday.
Isabelle Oct 2015
Even when I had you,
the absolute best.
I believed there was better.
Now someone is lucky enough to have the best.
But it sure as hell isn't me.
Isabelle Oct 2015
Always thinking it'll go back to normal,
better than ever.
I don't know why.
Something about me always craves
Isabelle Oct 2015
just to spend another moment with you.
Isabelle Oct 2015
he said.
"But she's here
and you're not."
Isabelle Oct 2015
I am absolutely in love with
(who) you (used to be).
Isabelle Oct 2015
just a song.
simply a melody.
how is it capable
to make me feel
all this?
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