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Isabelle Oct 2015
It's about how too much distance,
brought us together.
And unraveled everything we knew about each other until
we knew nothing.
And at once, we became strangers.
Isabelle Oct 2015
I thought,
Maybe I only wrote when I was in love.
But you see,
I still am.
It's just now he's gone,
And I can't seem to find those beautiful words anymore.
Isabelle Oct 2015
Because someday,
You'll forget his scent.
And someday,
You won't reread those letters.
And someday, those memories will be so faded, you'll question what was real.
And while he'll never mean nothing to you,
You'll move on.
You know, maybe you never will find "better".
But at least you'll find something different.
Isabelle Oct 2015
I was the one who watched you
Stray from the one you loved.
Each night to her, you'd say,
"I love you".
And now she means nothing.
Which makes me wonder if
All of this will soon be
Nothing, too.
Isabelle Oct 2015
It was the kind of love that kept you up until 2 am.
The kind of love that always kept you reaching for one more kiss.
It was the most beautiful kind of love.
The kind of love in fairy tales.
The hardest to keep,
And the hardest to let go.
Isabelle Oct 2015
The most tragic love stories
Are the ones where,
There's too much love
To match the too much
Isabelle Aug 2015
But how could someone like him possibly love someone like me?
For he was incomparable to the whole galaxy.
And I?
For I was a barely one star,
A merely lit star.

— The End —