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Winter, snow,
Racing down the sled hill.

Wind blows,
Frozen toes,
Bring me more hot cocoas!

-by Nathan Porter (age 10)
  with Ross Porter
Composed this with my son while we were on a road trip. I'm so glad he enjoys poetry and so proud that he wants to write.
An angry acid boils as my stomach churns,
The face of my loved one filled with tears,
As away from me it turns,
The day had been looked on with anticipation,
But only loss lurked in my own emancipation,

The freedom of that day led to unkind words,
Words meant for no one, save the worst of lords,

Guilt leading to my own demise,
Wondering if I would ever rise,
Never to see the light of saving grace
All because of the tears on my love’s face.
Misled, heartbroken,
Unclean, thoughts spoken
Bad words, Sadly croaking
Eyes filled, tears flowing
An author’s power
Turns me sour
In this hour
Pain becomes a tower

Tall is the tower
Made by pain
No further gain

Aided by words
Slashing like swords

An author’s power
With words to devour
Strength to empower
But leads to only my cower.
There once was a little boy
His teddy was his favorite toy
Without it he could feel no joy

One day the bear was sadly lost
And his smiling face became ever cross
There could never be a larger loss
For that little boy.

The loss of his favorite toy
Led desperation to the boy
He sought out as many ways
To again see his teddy’s face
As the world had known

He found the bear, bruised and beaten
Beyond repair, its death was nearing
With extra care, he lifted the toy
Tears fell from the little boy
But then he heard his Father coming
And assured him help was on the way.
Just a bit of an allegory to brighten some struggling person's day. Fathers play an important role in our lives, and it seems that they can do anything.
Tears and Tears
Eyes and Hearts
Glass and Mirrors
Sight and shards
Blood and water
Both in the gutter
Products of hate
By dying we create
Life from our bones
Love from our eyes
And when the light leaves them
The roots take hold
And a new day dawns
On the life that is the product of our death
You say in a new way
Every new day
How you love me

In a new way
Every new day
That I love you

In a great way
It’s a great day
And I love you

I love your face
All your great ways
These are great days
Eyes that don’t see
Ears that don’t hear
Face that doesn’t feel
Tongue that lacks taste
Nose without scent
Senses overloaded
Assaulted all out
Sight, sound, suffering
Senses overloaded
Pleased by your everything
Eyes that see your face and love
Ears that hear your voice and love
Face that feels your lips and loves
Tongue that tastes your kiss and loves
Nose that smells your scent and loves
Senses overloaded
Assaulted all out
Revived by your everything
And I love you for it.

— The End —