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Isaac Peña Jan 2020
Esta década he perdido al amor de mi vida.

Y puedes decir que soy joven, pero no, mi estimado lector.

Uno nace con un instinto que registra la entrada de el verdadero amor a nuestras vidas.
Instinto que hace incapaz la acción de olvidar dicho amor ya tenga uno 17, 35 o 60 años de edad.

Perdón, querido lector, debe estar cansado ya de escuchar la misma historia, de oír la misma canción de desamor pero es la única que tengo y la única que en verdad importa.

Sabe usted lo que es perder el amor de su vida a los veinte años de edad?
Saber que me queda toda una vida por delante, pero una vida con el vacío del tamaño de la luna.
Una vida que viviré en la sombra de un "como habría sido con ella..."

Con la vida que llevo hubiese podido ser feliz con ella al menos cincuenta años más.
Sin importar dónde, hubiese podido tenerla en mis brazos por 18,262 noches.
Podría haber vivido 438,288 horas de tranquilidad sabiendo que es ella quien me espera en casa.
Hubiese podido saber que era mía hasta el último momento que mi mirada le buscara para que una última vez me llenara de paz como solo ella sabía hacerlo.

Y eso es lo más triste, querido lector,

Yo no sabré que calles ella pisa.
Que cafés frecuenta ni con quien.
No sabré que atardeceres mira.
Ni sabré quién le abre la puerta.

Ella no sabrá dónde vivo.

Lo peor de todo es que no me vera morir.
Isaac Peña Jul 2019
The dictionary defines "saudade" as: a feeling of longing, melancholy, or nostalgia.

I define it with your name.
Your name that out of respect and pain I do not mention.

Your name that carries my world within.
You are the artist who made me this way.
My whole life was built around you, but you left before such thing was completed so I feel lost without you.
I do not know what my place in the world is.
You are are my east, my south, east and west, but you're not where I am.
I've been wandering inside of these dark walls that crawl under my skin and eat away my hope for so long and there's not a sight of your light to be found.
It's been long years since you've turned off your lighthouse.
I'm lost.
I've ended at some shores, but none feel like home.
so if you ever see me wandering around in your dreams please hug me because saudade de você.

Every night I write about you a piece of me falls off.
So I've written this without my sanity, because you took it when you left.
I lost my head about two years ago, but with pure muscle memory I can assure you I would say something between these lines...

I shall never love the way I loved you nor will I even forget you. For I shall never love with such youth and passion the way I loved you.
Isaac Peña Jan 2018
It has been so long since the last time I've met a soul that is worth wasting hours of sleep upon.
How long has it been since I've seen innocence reflected on my pupils.
Where would the muses whom inspired masterpieces of poetry be?
Or at least someone who can alleviate the ache of writing without a reason.
Where's my Venus?
Where's my Beatrice?
Or can someone just send me a Valkyrie to take me away from this impulsive feeling of digging through languages looking for a pretty rhyme.
Infinite words drop from my heart at the beat I walk through this somber streets.
Blank verses that I let slip through my fingers that if carved in image of the right maiden they could achieve their potential and shine.
How long ago has it been since I haven't polish something worth to show the whole world.
And it is that maybe I'm looking for them in the wrong places.
Maybe she is hiding in a corner of a library dying her soul red with some baroque literature.
Maybe she is hanging dreams from the tips of her hair reading Calderon de la Barca.
Or she could be painting countless worlds on her eyelids with some Marquez...
Yes, that could be it. 
Maybe she is hidden between heart and shadow.
And I am here wasting myself away, walking through these ****** streets with three black clouds hovering above me, and two ravens singing along about lack of love.
Isaac Peña Jan 2018
It has been so long since the last time I've met a soul that is worth wasting hours of sleep upon.
How long has it been since I've seen innocence reflected on my pupils.
Where would the muses whom inspired masterpieces of poetry be?
Or at least someone who can alleviate the ache of writing without a reason.
Where's my Venus?
Where's my Beatrice?
Or can someone just send me a Valkyrie to take me away from this impulsive feeling of digging through languages looking for a pretty rhyme.
Infinite words drop from my heart at the beat I walk through this somber streets.
Blank verses that I let slip through my fingers that if carved in image of the right maiden they could achieve their potential and shine.
How long ago has it been since I haven't polish something worth to show the whole world.
And it is that maybe I'm looking for them in the wrong places.
Maybe she is hiding in a corner of a library dying her soul red with some baroque literature.
Maybe she is hanging dreams from the tips of her hair reading Calderon de la Barca.
Or she could be painting countless worlds on her eyelids with some Marquez...
Yes, that could be it.
Maybe she is hidden between heart and shadow.
And I am here wasting myself away, walking through these ****** streets with three black clouds hovering above me, and two ravens singing along about lack of love.
Isaac Peña Dec 2017
"I'll live in you if in the sea I die."
As I finished reading that verse, a pause was enough for our sight to tangle.
I moved closer to her, and there it was.
Our lips restarted the play they once had done.
Moving completely opposite but still perfectly synchronized, accompanied by a melody of aligned breathing.
I held her hand and it commenced.
The same way waves crash on rocks she came knocking down my doors and opened Pandoras box.
In the middle of sights that let scape crumbles of my soul I whispered words that I now remorse myself from saying.
"Did you miss me?"
"So much. Did you miss me?"
"More than anything in this world."
Two idiots matching heartbeats that come from hearts that belong to someone else.
But who can blame us when we once were an immense universe trapped in a tiny bedroom.
Together we discovered what it was like to be in love for the first time and how it felt to fall out of it.
This sempiternal feeling packed within seconds of that dance our lips performed.
And that last kiss was enough to break my whole world.
Yes, I know. It could be all an illusion from the alcohol, but I would drown in gin if that meant I could feel my heart beat that way once again.
Isaac Peña Nov 2017
And here I am, standing in the verge of limbo.
Who's calling me?
"There's two voices"
What are they saying?
"Come save me"
Whose voices' are they?
"The voice of your first love"
"No. Do not listen to it, it's from your last love"
And whose voice do I follow?
"The one your heart dictates to follow"
What if it's guided by memories?
"Follow your first love"
What if it's guided by the future?
"Follow your last love"
And what do I say?
"Forgive me"
To Whom?
What for?
"You've betrayed them both"
Who says so?
And what do you know about betray?
"More than you know"
If you know more than me, tell me which voice to follow.
"I can't"
"Because of the mind"
What is she saying?
"The opposite"
And what is that?
"Your problem"
Isaac Peña May 2017
What do you know about poetry if you've never been stranded in the desert of a woman's lips.
If you've never made her blood rush to her cheeks.
Or if you've never whispered a secret to her ear.

What do you know about poetry if you haven't gotten tangled in the tips of a woman's hair.
If you've never gotten lost in the infinity little universe of her eyes.
Or if you've never had her wandering around your mind for days.

What do you know about poetry if you've never written anything on a naked body with your tongue.
If you've never lead a performance with the orchestra of her breathing.
Or if you've never sealed a contract of two different world colliding by locking her hands with yours.

What do you know about poetry if you know nothing about lust.
What do you know about poetry if you know nothing about love.
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