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Isaac Peña Jun 2016
When the day, you and the sun die I become someone different. I become whom I fear. The one with anxiety, the one who over thinks every little thing about his life. And my thoughts haunt me for seconds that last years, and I can't handle it. Not by myself, but what can I do if you're not there? What am I to do when I'm alone with the only person I'm afraid of... myself. And the voices come to my head telling me to talk to them, the ones who once held the heart your holding right now. To tell them that I haven't forgotten them just so they can give me a minute of comfort in this endless hours of darkness. The voices reach from my head to the tip of my fingers just to write these things that I don't even mean, because I only love you. But if there's anybody out there reading this...
If there's anybody out there hearing me screaming out loud in silence please help me carry this cross for the rest of the night...
Please do not help me, I will regret it in the morning. This is the real me speaking. Do not read these words, do not listen to these cries. Help me!
This battle is almost lost. Who are you to say who's the real one?
Help me get them out of my head.
Help me reach that one whose name starts with C.
No, please I am happy now, do not say anything.
Please, help me.
This is tearing me apart.
Help me.
Let us become one.
Help us!
Isaac Peña May 2016
They say that your pupils dilate 60% when you see something you truly love...
Well I saw her the other day,
She was holding hands with someone else.
What a surprise.
She saw me too,
I had a girl by my side,
Stepping on the same streets that once saw us together.
Through the same walls that were once against her back when we kissed.
Under the same sky that was our limit.
So many memories shared between two souls.
It seemed impossible to mute feelings like these,
But we did.
We stated at each other for one second,
No smiles,
No tears,
No sighs,
We saw each other like two strangers who know each other's stories would.
Two strangers that know each other's bodies better than their own.
Our eyes met for one second, can you imagine?
A sky,
An ocean,
A world captured in one insignificant second.
I thought the girl who hung from my arm was going to notice, but she didn't.
Did you know that your pupils dilate 60% when you see something you truly love?
That day my pupils grew to be the same size as the sun, and hers the size of the moon.
For one second they met and there was an eclipse, that's why the guy holding her hand and the girl hanging from mine found out about the world that unites us.
Our eyes betrayed us.
And is that even an idiot can tell that she has my mind twisted.
Isaac Peña Apr 2016
And it got to a certain point where I started liking pain. Because I came to think that I deserved it for doing all the crap I did. But that isn't true. The truth is that not even the devil deserves such kind of pain. And even less a simple demon like me.
Isaac Peña Mar 2016
I'm being thorn apart between the selfish feeling of anchoring by my side without going anywhere. And keep pretending like I'll save her from her hell.
Or setting her free and stay alone for the first time since I can remember. Which would mean I drown in my own thoughts and fears.
And how could I be the hero when I can't even save myself?
Isaac Peña Feb 2016
I once held an angel in my hands. She was the most luminous, beautiful and fragile creature my eyes have beheld. I could not wrap my head around the fact that someone like her could exist in the same universe as someone like me. The whole time I held her she looked fine. She looked comfortable. Whenever when I'd adjust my hands or move my arms she'd hold on to me even tighter. She always had the brightest smile. And I swear her eyes held all the light there is in the universe. She seemed happy in my arms. But one day I notice her wings had burn signs and had started to fall apart. I asked her if she was fine and without hesitation she said she was fine. But I knew I was the one who caused those scars. One day she was holding tight and with her big smile, and without warning I opened my arms. I will never forget the look on her face when I let go. She looked betrayed, hurt and even a bit disappointed. I tried to explain that it was for her own good. That I had held her down for too long. That things like me should be near creatures like her, for there's always damage to be done. I never saw her since then, but I pray to every god there ever was, there is and there will ever be that one day she understands that I did it for her.
Isaac Peña Feb 2016
I managed to control it.
I’ve helped you keep it within your walls,
But it has started to leak.
I can see a bit on your eyes.
When you kiss me I hint some on your lips.
It has corrupted your essence.
I can feel it as you walk past me.
It grows larger,
It’s wrapping around you,
I can already hear your short breathing.
Your body seems heavier.
Your footsteps get louder.
It has grown larger.

The Darkness.
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