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iris gurganus Dec 2011
why does loving  you have to hurt so much
why cant i just tell how feel without the fear of rejection
or losing what we have
for being with you is what gets me though the day
the sound of your voice your smile your laugh
why is it so hard to go bout my day without knowing
if ill hear from you again
why is the thought of losing you the worse pain
then death itself
why do i continue to torture myself with these thoughts that never seem to end
why oh  why
iris gurganus Dec 2011
Three little words I dare not say
three little words my heart is dying for me to tell
if I hold them in they tear me to shears from the inside out
if I say them out loud im sure the world will crumble
just from the force of my passion
those words I have no clue what they truly mean
I just know the feeling remains trap deep on me
it slow killing me and there no stopping it
and I'm unsure if I want it to
for even though you don't feel the same
being next to you brings me pain and pleasure that I need to go on
iris gurganus Sep 2011
I'm tired of picking up the pieces of my shatter heart
gathering them up gluing them together with hope and tears
when I finish I hand it over
it so fragile and weak
why do they hold it look at it as if it was some kind of oddity
they look upon at it with disgust  and hate
they let it drop to the ground
braking it once more the pieces go everywhere
and most are lost
I pick it up once more
I place it back in it's box
saying never again never again over and over
im I just dumb or just hopeful
that the next one I hand my heart to will treat it
with love and care
I hold it out to anyone willing to look
begging someone  to help me fix it
iris gurganus Sep 2011
I'm tired of picking up the pieces of my shatter heart
gathering them up gluing them together with hope and tears
when I finish I hand it over
it so fragile and weak
why do they hold it look at it as if it was some kind of oddity
they look upon at it with disgust  and hate
they let it drop to the ground
braking it once more the pieces go everywhere
and most are lost
I pick it up once more
I place it back in it's box
saying never again never again over and over
im I just dumb or just hopeful
that the next one I hand my heart to will treat it
with love and care
I hold it out to anyone willing to look
begging someone  to help me fix it
iris gurganus May 2011
pain surges though me it gives me pleasure it gives regret it stops and starts me it keep me alive it makes me want to die it gives me peace of mind it drives me insane it hurt me it heals me i want it to go away but id be lost with out it i want it more i want it less
iris gurganus Jan 2011
you break my heart yet i cant break away you twisted my soul distorted my vision why wont you let me go why cant i just leave im in pain when i stay by your side but i can bare the thought of being alone what i to do i love and hate you at the same time my heart is mangle a strange mess of bits and pieces shattered around should i end it all or stay to clean up what is left should hold to you and let you destroy me
iris gurganus Jan 2011
my heart is breaking i feel like im dying why must it be this i don't want to go your forcing my hand i love you but place this time is slowly killing me im so lonely i feel so cold im not myself anymore i want hold on to what little is left of me
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