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yan May 2021
dark gold haystack
but silk!
no needles for me to find.
emeralds for eyes and a smile of sugar coated strawberries.
and your hugs smell like safety and you
are a gem.
cologne engraved in my memory,
you are an open novel for me to read; many chapters of intrigue.
i hope your future chapters include me.
yan May 2021
once seven, still seven.
yet where i once was, someone else has taken place.
their hair like mine
height like mine
laughter they conjure from you all just like mine.
yet blank stares from the six of you when i speak
tears my soul in two.
sneaking glances of green in your direction
i miss the old me too.
but i've grown and changed so much
it seemed that circle had become too restrictive for me.
maybe it's for the better that you came by to fill their void who used to be me.
maybe it's for the better i am one not seven.
yan May 2021
i just can’t quite understand myself. i believe i have the potential and the capacity to succeed however it feels as though the system has been tailored to set me up for failure. i simply do not dream of success within the education system anymore. it feels futile and my odds are stacked against my control.
i have little motivation to live on enduring an unhappy life as such. i seldom seek validation from my teachers as i so keenly used to feed out of their palms. i feel my soul shrinking into nothing but a pebble in one’s shoe. a minor inconvenience. barely audible. barely present.
my mind goes on walks outside when i’m bed bound. i cannot lift the anchor which is my head no matter how loud the captain in my head shouts at their sailors.
i crave escape. i am so privileged. so loved. so needed, i’m aware. yet the black clouds in my head filter the sunshine but not the UV rays. melanoma without the tropical memories to reflect upon.
maybe it’s the medication. maybe it’s the alcohol. maybe it’s the nicotine. maybe it’s the drugs. but i constantly attempt to fill the void in my life which is where happiness should be, but it seems as though something is already there. it is not happiness. nor is it sadness. it is purely the absence of emotion which expands like a sponge, larger than life, bigger than what i am able to feel.
yan May 2021
you seem to ignite.
what is it about your gait?
why do your eyes sparkle like pools of emerald?
why does your hair look like a golden haystack?
hidden needles.
the emergence of your face
at the gate stretched my lips into a smile and poured chocolate caffeine down my throat.
what is it about your embrace?
envelops me in a web of safety.
do i know how it feels to be infatuated anymore?
when will my disinterest in life cease?
perhaps at the beginning of the sound of my name from your mouth.
yan Dec 2020
purgatory is cruel
but love is relentless
straddle a fence between life and death means whether i will wake tomorrow
whether i will be in awe or agony.
hushed blanket has fallen over the house at this hour
except for the gentle hum of electricity within me and from above.
why are you walking so hastily ? have you somewhere to be ?
perhaps comfort is not a destination which resides in a temporary soul for the moment.
i must seek solace within myself.
rebounds are denial disguised as comfort
yan Dec 2020
when you drown, i swim
my guilt does not know where to begin.
you mustn't try anymore
there is no use trying to open my closed door.
i want you to move on too
yan Nov 2020
to watch the life drain from your hazel windows made my stomach churn. to see the pain knit your brows together made my throat close up. to hear the slight quiver in your voice made my chest pour.
but i wouldn't have it any other way.
saplings cannot forever remain bound to wooden poles; they must grow on their own and stand tall, grazing the sky.
to let you go, to leave you.
or to stay and lie till the inevitable demise
of what we were never meant to be.
bittersweet, your lips on mine for one last time. to hold you close and to feel your fingers in my hair
you taste the same as the first time i ever tasted you
yet it feels so different
as though the candle had burned through all its wick despite wax remnants begging to be burnt.
and as i walk away, i can confirm
indeed over time, i'd fallen the wrong way.
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