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when the dawn flirty flicker on the horizon of the hill ..
feels cool breeze wash the bitter wounds ...

when the blazing sun dancing on the head burn jealous ..
so graceful way you speak ..

when the sun pull over and hide the east stretch of ocean ..
so light up the dim dark brushed off behavior ..

when the evening wading longing raft ..
so beautiful the way you steal sank deep trough ..*

┈┈┈┈┈»̶·̵̭̌✽✽·̵̭̌«̶  ƦУ  »̶·̵̭̌✽✽·̵̭̌«̶┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈

cara karammu

saat sang fajar mengerlip genit diufuk bukit..
terasa sejuk  hembusan angin membasuh luka yang pahit...

saat sang mentari menari terik diatas kepala membakar cemburu..
begitu anggun bertutur caramu..

saat sang surya menepi dan bersembunyi ditimur hamparan samudra..
begitu terang perilakumu menepis gelapnya temaram asa..

saat rakit kerinduan mengarungi malam..
begitu indah cara karammu menyuri palung yang dalam..
these are the times that try men's souls..
i woke up thinking a very pleasant thought. there 's lots left in the world to see..
at the end of the ticking time that rushing ..
i contemplate the expanse of despair that has passed ..
at the junction of desire that embroider serene ...
my hopes are pinned hard petrified ..

as i trudged up the ladder of life ..
you bolster me in order to stay ahead ..
when i am tired to hit hardest desire ..
you wash my sweat with exuberant embrace..
when i get wounded by the sharp of blade  of era ..
you wrapped me with sincerity ..

there's no string of words that look beautiful to me,
i spit all over the rhymester while reading pen script from your conscience ..
there's no shade of voice that sounded good to me,
i throw up the whole commercial hypocritical preacher when  hear advice  from your sincerely ..

if the shape of the grateful is exist,
then i will chisel your figure in a stretch of horizon ..
if a form of sincerity can be visible to the eye,
then i will paint your smile in the court of canvas twilight ..

my polite to my friend my angel,
i ask god,  salvation for you ..
i ask the cause of prime  substance , health for you..
because your happiness is an honor for me ..*

-the poetry is dedicated to a sincere friend of mine, Ha-

┈┈┈┈┈»̶·̵̭̌✽✽·̵̭̌«̶  ƦУ  »̶·̵̭̌✽✽·̵̭̌«̶┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈

sahaba­tku malaikatku

dipenghujung waktu yang berdetak laju..
kurenungkan hamparan asa yang telah berlalu..
dipersimpangan keinginan yang menyulam syahdu...
kusematkan harapan yang keras membatu..

saatku tertatih menapaki tangga kehidupan..
engkau papah aku agar selalu terdepan..
saatku lelah menghantam kerasnya keinginan..
engkau basuh peluhku dengan rimbunnya dekapan..
saatku terluka terhunus tajamnya pedang roda jaman..
engkau balur perihku dengan sejuknya ketulusan..

tiada untaian kata yang terlihat  indah bagiku,
kuludahi seluruh pujangga  saat membaca  torehan pena aksara nuranimu..
tiada keteduhan suara yang terdengar merdu bagiku,
kumuntahi seluruh pendakwah komersial nan fasik saat mendengar tausyah tulus darimu..

apabila bentuk dari  bersykur itu ada,
maka akan kupahat figurmu dihamparan cakrawala..
apabila wujud ketulusan itu dapat terlihat mata,
maka akan kulukis senyummu dipelataran kanvas senja..

santunku untuk sahabatku malaikatku,
keselamatan bagimu kupintakan pada Penciptaku ..
kesehatan bagimu kumohonkan pada Dzat penguasaku
karena kebahagianmu merupakan kehormatan bagiku..
there's no sincerity that can be buried by the time and circumstances..
do i  not ever come to you ..?
although only a jiffy night ..?
dark current visible universe embroider ..
when the earth and the moon would not come together ..

don't you know ..?
and why we do not accept each other ..?
though i still want to be together during the yearnings ..?

differences that make us fall in love ..
measurable distance, treated flavor ..
lest you get hurt ..
i'm always right there ..*

┈┈┈┈»̶·̵̭̌✽✽·̵̭̌«̶  ƦУ  »̶·̵̭̌✽✽·̵̭̌«̶┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈

apakah aku pernah tiada datang kepadamu..?
meskipun hanya sekejap malam..?
saat gelap semesta terlihat menyulam..
saat bumi dan rembulan tiada mau bersatu..

tidakkah engkau mengetahui..?
dan kenapa kita tak saling menerima..?
meski aku selama berdegup masih ingin bersama..?

perbedaan  yang membuat kita saling jatuh cinta..
jarak yang  terukur, rasa yang terobati..
jangan sampai engkau terluka..
aku kan selalu ada..
wind and fire  nor outages and charred..
O my conscience,
immerse your  laments in my shoulder ..
i stroked it every longing grating your beautiful hair ..
i listened to the sound of the breath right conscience little sob ..

i held my conscience,
my beautiful and cheerful absorb the whole silenced ..
i'll understand your silence and every beautiful ..
and I'll put out any smoldering of your jealousy ..
i'll treat it every charm your referral..

just lets you to know,
when incandescent embers of passion vibrate our body ..
a longing,
faint creeping expanse of our memories ..
miss you,
hurling beautiful memories in a serenity..

and among the writhing of our body while longing crave to possessed ..
that love is the inner desire ...*

┈┈┈┈»̶·̵̭̌✽✽·̵̭̌«̶  ƦУ  »̶·̵̭̌✽✽·̵̭̌«̶┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈

oh nuraniku,
benamkanlah nestapa keluh kesahmu dipundakku ..
kan kubelai kisi kisi kerinduan disetiap helai rambut indahmu..
kan kudengarkan deru nafas yang mengisak suara hati kecilmu..

kan kudekap nuraniku,
dan kuresapi indah cerita yang luruh terbungkam..
dan kupahami setiap diammu yang cantik..
dan kupadamkan setiap cermburumu yang membara..
kan kumanjakan setiap pesona rujukanmu

saat pijar bara gairah bergetar ditubuh kita..
sebuah kerinduan,
sayup merayapi hamparan kenangan kita..
melontarkan indahnya kenangan dalam kehampaan..

dan diantara menggelinjangnya tubuh kita saat dirasuki kerinduan ..
bahwa cinta adalah nurani kerinduan...
when the glory night envelop the moon that would light up the exhilaration of heart..
the sun was reluctant to reveal smile to warm the earth..
take me to your serenity..
so you feel joy in the deserted ..
give me a privilege  and a name ..
in order to reign in your heart and in it excite plump body ..

can't run and hide from the conscience  ..
could not bear the will of passion flame ..
the soul has long been frozen and can't be extinguished to felt ..

i want to give a bear hug  to a small shoulder and  crushing the faithfully ..
creeps passionate embrace your body with longing coals ..
kissing  your thin lips deeply  until it burn your desire..
**** your tongue wild  until unsatisfied romance ..
licking strong passion in your chest until bubbling subsided ..
shake your wild fantasy to  spoiling you with endless fondling ..

your night is ocean impression that never fade..
wading and paddling memories together ..
beautiful, warm and whole in your arms..*

┈┈┈┈»̶·̵̭̌✽✽·̵̭̌«̶  ƦУ  »̶·̵̭̌✽✽·̵̭̌«̶┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈

hadirk­an aku dalam heningmu
agar tenang engkau dalam sepi..
beri aku sebuah gelar dan nama..
agar dapat kubertahta dalam hatimu dan berkuasa dalam tubuhmu..

tak dapat nurani untuk berlari sembunyi..
tak sanggup kodrati diri memikul rasa..
lama jiwa itu membeku dan padam hingga tak sempat merasa..

inginku peluk hingga remuk pundak kecil kesetiaanmu..
mendekap gigil gairah tubuhmu dengan bara kerinduan..
melumat tuntas gelisah bibir tipismu hingga bergetar lunglai..
menghisap liar asmara lidahmu hingga terpuasi..
merengguk hasrat peluhmu yang berjatuhan hingga terpulasi..
menggagahi kencang gairah didadamu hingga membuncah surut..
menyetubuhi manjamu dengan cumbuan tak berkesudahan..

malammu adalah  samudra kesan tak berpudar..
mengarungi  kenangan dan mengayuh kebersamaan..
indah, hangat dan luruh dalam dekapan..
if your night is your decision,  then sail through it with  your wild passion of lust
O rain ..
flush her with the warmth of my desire ..
wet her with a roar of passion on every breath of me ..
flood her with  lush  of  this  restlessness ..

so she's knows ..
it's  for her ..*

┈┈┈┈»̶·̵̭̌✽✽·̵̭̌«̶  ƦУ  »̶·̵̭̌✽✽·̵̭̌«̶┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈

"sang hujan..
sirami ia dengan hangatnya kerinduanku..
basahi ia dengan deru hasrat pada setiap hembusanku..
banjiri ia dengan rimbunya keresahan ini..

agar ia tahu..
itu adalah untuk Dia.."
how you can run from desire,  if your conscience  is paralyzed..
there is no implied right to dim the sun ..
there is no sign most solemn moon ..
when wood was burn by the fire until melted charcoal,
then earth sincerely embracing ember without a groan..*

┈┈┈┈»̶·̵̭̌✽✽·̵̭̌«̶  ƦУ  »̶·̵̭̌✽✽·̵̭̌«̶┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈

"tiada tersirat sang mentari kan meredup,
tiada tersurat rembulan kan tersyahdu..
bila kayu terbkar oleh api hingga melebur arang,
maka bumi kan tulus merangkul bara tanpa mengerang.."
it's not possible for the sun to get the moon and the glory night also can't precede the afternoon..
and each circulating is in an orbit..
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