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tell me when to stop
looking at you from behind
waiting for you to find me there
watching you as you silently
go to your usual cradle of solitude
breathing in the bliss
of silence in one corner

tell me when to stop
adoring such quiet scene
the hopeful scheme that
I am the one you’re seeing
when you’re staring at nowhere
or when you’re feeling my spirit
from the banisters of the stairs

tell me when to stop
those bittersweet sighs
the greed of being with you
when you’re not even there
that chest-hammering pain I feel
that deprives me of air
whenever you’re away
whenever you forget about me
or whenever you dream
of somebody else

tell me when to stop
assuming that you think of me too
when I think of you
for this is just too hard to bear
you are someone I can never have
so if you must say that one word
look at me and be gentle
then graciously break my heart

I shall stop
at once

but if you must tell otherwise
then I shall stop asking this again
and I will never get tired
of thinking and sighing
of waiting and dreaming
and of stealing
some glances from you
(c) Grae Sales
the troubles were gone then,
if only for a moment.
flown off towards the brilliant blue skies,
we took the time to turn up the music
as loud as we could stand
and drive as fast as we could
through those winding
Kentucky hills.

I was at peace,
for as long as I could
keep up the pace,
which turns out
was not very long
at all.
I return home
from another long night
putting on shows for
people I do not know
and with people
I can scarcely

my legs ache,
my hands twitch,
little bites and
bruises liter my body
like some kind of
war paint

there is no satisfaction
in this any more

there is a deep unfulfillment
in the life I am now living

I move slowly,
each action taking more
and inflicting more,
while I contemplate the
meaning of my life
(once again)
and look about my bedroom
wondering why I have allowed
it to become so
Friends leave
I get that
Nothing lasts forever

But you believed her lies about me
And that really
 Jul 2013 Insomnimaniac
Ugh, I'm disgusting.
Cigarettes, nail biting, and *****.
Bad habits die so much harder than I do.
I bought some sheets today,
And some bowls,
And a power strip.
And that made me think of a power trip,
And how I wish I was on one.
I have wrinkles under my eyes, you know?
I'm not sure when they happened,
But I know why.
Maybe if I ******* ate something....
They're not as dark as the scars on my thighs,
But still.
I am too old for this masochistic *******.
The days where I was fourteen,
And the school counselor would call my parents
Are over.
There is no poor little ****** senior boy who wants to save me.
Kiss my scars,
And mend my heart.
Force me to eat,
And fix me.
It's not cute anymore.
It's just annoying.
I'm just annoying.
Ugh, I'm disgusting.
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