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744 · Mar 2016
Thinking Chair
I found my place,
The place where my mind keeps going,
The place where my memories keep rushing,
The place where my mind keeps thinking.

And in the silence of the night,
With the solitude I face,
My cycle is starting.

This cycle in which I remember the past,
Weigh all in my present,
And dream about the future.

This cycle where I start to remember us,
Look for you in my present,
And hope to be with you in the future.

And this is the place
Where I discovered my cycle.
This is the place where I delve into my past, present, and future.
This is the place where my emotions shelter me.
Written on March 31, 2015
626 · Apr 2016
I came knocking on your front porch,
Running on your lawn--
I kept waiting in the silence,
And sat under the moonlight.

I called you, I yelled.
Ever single raindrop
Was my every cry--
A plea for you to hear me.

But the corners of your home,
Gave you your shelter.
The concrete living stone,
Grant you your warmth.
It was a comfort for you
Never to open the door,
Nor the windows,
And let me in
To shower you
With the words I'd told you--
Those you didn't hear.
Written on July 9, 2015
596 · Mar 2016
In Admiration
Your identity spoke of artistry,
I am in awe of your craft's royalty.
Every captured moment, every frozen sight
Seems like my every memorable delight.
506 · Apr 2016
I Will Miss You
I will miss the days when you call me,
And the nights when you bring me back home.
I will miss the times when I worry,
And the promises that you make for me alone.
I will miss the things I can't tell you,
And every single moment we shared.

I will miss the movies we are yet to watch,
The songs we are yet to sing,
and the places we are yet to visit.
I will miss my late night thoughts,
And the stories I want to share.

I will miss the things we used to do,
And those ones we will never have.
Oh, how I'll miss you,
Along with the memory of you.
Written on June 9, 2015

Now, I no longer miss him.
503 · Mar 2016
Rain of Summer
You were the rain in the midst of summer.
You came when I was not prepared;
You made yourself be felt,
So strongly, when I was unaware.
But the moment I saw you,
I cannot stop thanking the heavens
For coming down,
And washing all the pain of summer.
And giving me a moment,
For you to be with me.
Written on April 22, 2015
488 · Apr 2016
To the other side
How easily you have taken for granted
Years of laughter and sorrow,
Of sleepless nights and lifeless mornings.
How easily you have chosen one over the other.
Written on June 20, 2015
445 · May 2016
A Morning Greeting
Early in the morning,
The heavy raindrops are falling.
I can hear them knocking
On the roof while I'm sleeping.
Or maybe they are walking,
Or might be they are talking --
Trying to tell me something,
Like 'Go to sleep,
Sweet little kid.'

Early in the morning,
The heavy raindrops are falling.
And Oh, what a morning greeting!
442 · Mar 2016
A Week of a Lifetime
It was a week,
One after too much pressure,
One after loads of things to do.
It was a week.
Only a week.
One week before the pressure continues.
One week before we face what's more to do.
But one week felt more than a month.
One week seemed like a year:
Full of memories,
Full of experiences.

We filled the week with laughter,
We filled the week with stories.
We filled the week with love.
Who can't help but wait
For the future,
All that we are yet to experience?

I know each of us
Are looking forward
For more days, months,
And years,
We will spend with each other.
Written on April 5, 2015
431 · Apr 2016
I'd like to see the sides of you--
Every inch, every step.
I'd like to discover every part of you--
Every corner, every wall.

I have heard of your beauty
But I want to bear witness,
I want to be in awe.
Of God's wonderful gift.

I want to feel your presence,
To be assured of your existence.

And you'll be my lush green mountains,
My evergreen.
You'll be my deep blue oceans,
My serenity.
You'll be my radiant skies,
my eternity.
Written on August 15, 2015
386 · May 2016
Let the music play.

Let me feel you like the wind
embracing me silently.
Let the chill in the atmosphere
Numb me.

I am a dying leaf
Falling to the ground.
But the rhythm of the wind
Saves me;
Graces me.

I can hear the wind's whisper,
But do let the wind hear my plea:
Please don't tell me anything
That might bring to life the dead in me.
344 · May 2016
I want to remember you that way --
Your face glowing
Like the fiery sun setting
In the summer sky.
Until the end, I've waited.
I waited for your word, for your presence--
I have waited for you.

But you forgot.
Or perhaps, you didn't bother to remember.

And so I gave away my time and effort to someone who, I believe, deserves it better than you do.

But even then, I was waiting for you.
And forgive me, but I might still stand here
And wait for you,
Until who-knows when.
Written on August 22, 2015
330 · Apr 2016
I want to feel that love
That love you've told me about?
I want to feel it.
That song you've told be about?
I want to hear it.
That rose you've told me about?
I want to catch its scent.
That joy you told me about?
I want to see it.

I want to have them
The way you promised them.
I long for them, as you have told me about them.
Let them then be real, let your words come alive,
For I have been waiting
Ever since the day you spoke of that promise,
The one you left me with.
Written on May 26, 2015
312 · Mar 2016
The Difference
You were once my dream;
A memory when I closed my eyes,
A photograph etched in my mind.

You were the earthquake
That caught me off guard--
The heavy storms
That frightened me at night.

You are now a fleeting moment;
Or perhaps the nightmare as I rise.
The aftermath that shakes me every now and then;
The drought that comes after the flood.

You are the yesterday to my today.
You have gone past--
You are long gone.
304 · Mar 2016
Spring Gale
Your gentle words, your soothing smile,
They carried me with you.
I felt the leaves twirling, the trees dancing,
As you walked with me.

But you were just a glimpse,
A snapshot--
One new possibility I might yet to think of.
Another great what if that passed by.

I never thought I'd ask for you.
But now I call upon your name.

I pray for your bright colors,
Your bed of roses, your dancing trees.
You are the happiness that I wish would stay forever.
You are the breeze that gave me a reason
To hope for something more than what I have today.
295 · Apr 2016
I'd miss another chance
To live a new life.
I'd miss this opportunity
Because I cannot let go.
This gift you gave me,
I'd have to leave it in the river's flow;
But I don't know, I guess I won't.

I'd keep it.
I'll hide it beneath the rocks.
Because this gift you gave me
Is a basketful of memories
I've had with you.
Written on April 26, 2015. Inspired by a Game of Thrones episode.
I've waited.
I've waited like I always used to do.
I've waited, and I've hoped,
and I've prayed.

I've waited until my time was wasted.
And that was when I took a step back --
One step and realized I've moved on. Or rather, I'm moving on.
And it was the biggest step I took--
There was a great gap between where I am now, and where I used to be.

I know I'll look back
And ask myself if I took the right path--
The path away from you;
But that single step,
I did not do that to free you
But to free myself.
282 · Mar 2016
That was my goodbye--
My way of telling you
I woke up from my daydream,
And I am tired of waiting--
That I'm done pretending,
And that love I've had was not never ending.

That goodbye I sent to you,
It was a gift for you and me--
For your sensibility, and for my liberty,
For your acceptance, and for my remission.

And ever since that day--
The day I said farewell to you,
Even the days when I've been thinking it through--
All I wanted was to relieve myself of that despondence,
Then to make you lament
Your acceptance of my goodbye.
277 · Mar 2016
I drank cups after cups of red liquid,
wanting to drown this heartbreaking longing.

I wanted to lose my sober state; I wanted to lose myself, and I wanted you to come and rescue me. I drank until I can no longer drink further, but still, you never came.

And so I slept through my longing, leaving all my companions in their blissful moment. But every time I woke up and felt my head throbbing, my heart loudly beating, I wanted to tell you I was waiting for you. And so I sat trying to clear my cloudy head, but only sleep came to embrace me.

And then the next day, I knew that these were the things I wanted. To drown myself, to lose myself, and let myself be saved by you. I wanted to feel you cared for me,  I wanted you to help me, or perhaps, scold me and stop me.
Written on March 29, 2015
276 · Feb 2016
In tiny tiles of colors,
You are perfection.
In simple lines of words,
You are meaningful.

But in the  static state,
The moving you,
You are the train
That reached the outskirts of town --
Trying to run away from reality.
272 · Mar 2016
The Thing I Want To Tell
The things I want to tell you
Are the things I've never said.

Thank you,
I'm sorry,
I missed you,
I loved you.

The things I want to tell you
Are the things you left unread.

How are you?
When did you last hoped to see me?

Why have you forgotten all our memories?
Where were you when you swore you'd be there?

The things I want to tell you
Are the things I won't forget.
But the things I want to tell you
Are the things I'll never say.
266 · Apr 2016
I have prayed for you before,
I treasure you right now,
And I can only hope I won't forget you
In the days to come.

You have longed for me yesterday,
Welcomed me today,
But I don't know what or how you'll feel
For me tomorrow.

Yet these feelings we have may change
As days go by.
Written on May 23, 2015, when I visited my second home, Baguio City.
259 · Apr 2016
Of all the tales I've ever read,
The saddest one I won't forget--
It is the tale of me and you,
In one disaster that came true.
256 · Apr 2016
You came
As bright as a star
in my cold, dark solitude.

You looked at me
And adored me
Like the radiant sun
In the light blue skies above.

But then you started to move--
Far, farther, further.
And soon I'll see not a trace of you.

You said hello to me
But bid goodbye too soon.
Written on July 15, 2015 when NASA's spacecraft drew closest to Pluto
253 · Apr 2016
I catch a glimpse of you
And I marvel at your beauty.
Your joy radiates,
Your light resonates.
I smile, because I am in awe.
And I longed to reach you
And touch you
But then I realize
that you are far away--
Too far for me--
That I cannot reach you,
And all I can do
Is marvel you
As I watch you
From a distance.
Written on May 27, 2015
243 · Mar 2016

I long to see the sun shine;
The way it used to back then.
I long to hear its whispers;
The sweet, soft-spoken words.
I long to feel its warmth;
The gentle caress it gives me.
I long for the days I used to spend with it;
That despite the pain these sensations might bring,
The joy will always overwhelm me.
And I still wait for that day,
That day the sun will shine again for me.
Written on March 26, 2015
238 · Mar 2016
The sun that greets me in the morning,
The stars that bid me off to sleep,
The clouds that promise sunshine,
The moon that pays a smile.

The cool, flowing water.
The fire that keeps on burning,
The wind that whispers in the silence,
The earth the brings forth life.
226 · Apr 2016
That Friend
I have those friends--
A lot of them.
Some, I've known for so long,
Some I just met.
I have those friends,
But I do not have "that friend".

That friend who will nudge me to help her,
That friend who will pull me to roam around with her,
That friend who will share her thought out randomly.

I do not have that friend.
That friend I can talk to when I feel down,
That friend who I can visit when I have nowhere else to go.
That friend I'll keep talking to when I'm away,
That friend I can bore with my endless cries, rants, heartbreaks.

I have a lot of friends--
Loving, caring, wonderful friends;
But I do not have "that friend".
Or maybe I lost "that friend".
Written on June 14, 2015
225 · Apr 2016
Losing Count
How long has it been
Since I last saw you?
How long has it been
Since I last heard your voice?

How long has it been
Since you first held my hand, wrapped me in your arms, and make me feel safe when the stars hide beneath the dark gray sky in fear of losing their light?

How long has it been
Since I first wrote your name in my diary, and confessed to myself how greatly I fell for you?
How long has it been since I fought these feelings I have for you?

Yet I'll never know how long it will take for you to fall in love with me. So now in despair, all I want to know is how long will it take for me to forget you.
Written on April 22, 2015
220 · Mar 2016
Fill me with joy,
fill me with sorrow,
And I'll fill you with meaningful words.
Written on April 5, 2015
185 · Mar 2016
Lay me in a bed of roses
And I'll try to stand out.
Place amongst the weeds,
And I'll wither in doubt.
Written on April 10, 2015

— The End —