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 Dec 2013 Ingie
Glow Inside
 Dec 2013 Ingie
It's been a while since I've written
Not as creative when I'm not ridden
Ridden with emotion, feeling explosion
Not as creative when my eyes are open
Open by clarity, love and insanity
I'm pretty sure this poem *****
But oh well, gold will soon emerge
From the ruins of creativity
The little glow inside of me
© Natali Veronica 2013.

not my best work. if you hate it, I'll understand :P
 Dec 2013 Ingie
"How can someone love you
If you don't love yourself?"
The words of therapists trying to help
Won't go away

They're right
I'd been thinking about it all wrong the whole time
                     To love*

They didn't want me to be happy
They just wanted to put me out of my misery

— The End —