I can't see you
I can't hear you
I can't touch you
But one thing....
a whisper...a mention...a nod in your direction...
I can feel you
I can taste you
like you are a tsunami
and I am the beach....
Like a pebble on a beach, lost, hardened and alone,
you washed over me, wash over me, wash over me,
and just like the sand remains beneath the sea
and is removed piece by piece by the waves
I am removed by you.
Each and every time...
and it feels too good, and blissful and intoxicating,
and it feels overwhelmingly terrible and destitute,
and i want you so desperately
to knock me down and let drown in your current,
and i want you so desperately to never come back again.
Let me get lost with the driftwood,
and you just spit me out and leave me on some other shore
til you come back again,
to cause some more destruction.
I am always here,
Waiting on the shore.