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 Apr 2013 india
Carl Sandburg
My head knocks against the stars.
My feet are on the hilltops.
My finger-tips are in the valleys and shores of
     universal life.
Down in the sounding foam of primal things I
     reach my hands and play with pebbles of
I have been to hell and back many times.
I know all about heaven, for I have talked with God.
I dabble in the blood and guts of the terrible.
I know the passionate seizure of beauty
And the marvelous rebellion of man at all signs
     reading "Keep Off."

My name is Truth and I am the most elusive captive
     in the universe.
 Apr 2013 india
Khrystle Rea
each limb stays still
stuck to the soft sheets
not willing to move

my stomach rumbles
with no desire to eat
no longing for water
but anger of emptiness

never ending thoughts
repeat with a huge
to-do list accumulating
creating jitters displayed
by bouncing limbs

I am conflicted
unsure of my true feelings
but fully aware of
my ill health and
my wishes to get
so much done
 Apr 2013 india
Josh Morillo
We were all born in different places
We were all raised in different places
We were granted different faces
That's just some of our graces

So why do we all strive to be the same
To look the same and play the same game
With nothing to gain but twitter and tumblr fame

Other people, that's who we try to please
At the cost of our own originality, individuality
And replace this with things like ignorance and brutality

I'm not gonna lie, I was like that once
Wanted to be the class clown and act like a dunce

Pleasing other people really to no avail
Entertaining others while my classes is what I fail

Doing favors for others trying to cheer them up
While they all look at me like I'm their little pup

Tired of being disrespected
Doing things that others requested

So finally I decided to look in the mirror and say "STOP,
From now on Ima do it all for me"
My first poem I've ever written. Don't judge too harshly
Death stands above me, whispering low
I know not what into my ear:
Of his strange language all I know
Is, there is not a word of fear.
 Apr 2013 india
Coraline Riley

Such a long road
A road with many

Naught but a thin
Path separates
Boundaries of the
Sane and insane.

Forever lost
To us are the
Sane ones across
The narrow path.

I can't see you

I can't hear you

I can't touch you

But one thing....

a whisper...a mention...a nod in your direction...

I can feel you

I can taste you

like you are a tsunami

and I am the beach....

Like a pebble on a beach, lost, hardened and alone,

you washed over me, wash over me, wash over me,

and just like the sand remains beneath the sea

and is removed piece by piece by the waves

I am removed by you.

Each and every time...

and it feels too good, and blissful and intoxicating,

and it feels overwhelmingly terrible and destitute,

and i want you so desperately

to knock me down and let drown in your current,

and i want you so desperately to never come back again.

Let me get lost with the driftwood,

and you just spit me out and leave me on some other shore

til you come back again,

to cause some more destruction.

I am always here,

Waiting on the shore.
 Apr 2013 india
Alice Kay
 Apr 2013 india
Alice Kay
If I were ever to go to a maquerade,
I wouldn't wear a mask.

Why should I?

I wear one everyday.
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