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IllythiaRose Sep 2013
I sing a song I sing
when the world gives me nothing
There's a tune that I play
saving me from what I'd have to say
There's a beat that I feel
when nothing else is real
And a rythym in my head
it'll go on, even after i'm dead
IllythiaRose Sep 2013
It's like being ****** to the bottom
while looking way up to the top
It's like you can see when you're blind
while deaf ears read another's mind
You feel it even when it's not there
only because you believe it's somewhere
I'm sad to be happy, and happy to be sad
All of my good blends with all of my bad
I had to get lost before I'll be found
have to go backwards before I can turn around
IllythiaRose Sep 2013
It's a dream, nobody's awake
No line between the real and the fake
Try telling the truth from all of the lies
What you love is the same as what you despise
Once you smile and twice you cry
Isn't that what it is to be alive
IllythiaRose Sep 2013
They say pain is beauty,
but beauty is pain.
You give up so much
until you're frozen to the touch
The right answer to the wrong question
haunts my mind like infestation.
I handed you the knife that cut me open
the salt burns, hurts the worst
but I pretend I'm copin'
IllythiaRose Sep 2013
Stop using me
for whatever you want me for
You make me feel like no one else can
then again, I am your *****
Stop making me believe
that somewhere there's hope for us
After all, do I even know you?
Not even your words I can trust
Stop leading me on,
you know how to do it so well
then I feel worthless and alone
I always wondered why you couldn't tell
Stop blinding me
this blazing smoke to my eyes
You set my spirit on fire
I still think I love you, is that a surprise?
IllythiaRose Sep 2013
Today I talked to a man
who didn't know his own name
he looked me in the eyes, I heard him laugh
it was all just the same
I had to leave him, I had to catch the bus
but I told him I loved him and we'd see each other again
even when we're all nothing but dust
IllythiaRose Sep 2013
Fireworks in the sky
       ****** lie, ****** lie
forget the screams,
       terror, depravation, and dead baby's cry
for it's the Fourth of July!
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